Eastern Mennonite University at Lancaster and HACC sign nursing program articulation agreement

Eastern Mennonite University at Lancaster and Harrisburg Area Community College signed an articulation agreement that offers a seamless transition from HACC’s nursing program into Eastern Mennonite University’s Bachelor of Science
... read more about Eastern Mennonite University at Lancaster and HACC sign nursing program articulation agreement

‘An Experiment Like No Other’: Centennial historian Donald B. Kraybill reflects on six years of research

In 2011, esteemed author Donald B. Kraybill ’67 was commissioned to write a fresh history of Eastern Mennonite University. “We couldn’t imagine a better person to undertake this project,” said
... read more about ‘An Experiment Like No Other’: Centennial historian Donald B. Kraybill reflects on six years of research

Twenty years later, photographer and author Howard Zehr revisits people serving life sentences

Twenty years ago, Howard Zehr published "Doing Life," a book of photos and interviews of nearly 60 lifers in Pennsylvania prisons. He’s been revisiting about two dozen of those men and women in preparation for a follow-up, which he’s calling “Coping with Life.” ... read more about Twenty years later, photographer and author Howard Zehr revisits people serving life sentences from WMRA/NPR