Natalie Bonilla Romero, a 2009 graduate of the nursing program, is a Family Nurse Practitioner in a Georgia practice serving the local Hispanic community. She received a Master of Science in Nursing in 2016 from the University of South Alabama.
Describe your studies at the University of South Alabama.
I studied a dual degree in family and acute care. We did several informal studies on current chronic disease process such management of hypertension, diabetes, renal failure, etc.
How did your academic studies and professors at EMU prepare you for your graduate studies and current work?
Each of my professors at EMU embodied the importance of having a holistic approach when approaching any career in life.
What do you think made your application to graduate school stand out among others?
A: I think perhaps the fact that I have always enjoyed serving others in particularly the Hispanic community.
What attracted you to attend EMU as an undergraduate?
I was definitely attracted to the one-on-one approach and I felt that the EMU admissions team took the time to meet all my expectations as a possible candidate.
What are some favorite memories of your time at EMU?
Getting coffee in Common Grounds, chapel, Latino Student Alliance activities.
What do you think makes EMU graduates distinctive?
I think EMU has a special way of bringing people together from all over the globe. Professors and staff have a one-on-one approach on making the student feel important. I feel like when you leave as an EMU graduate, you are ready on to take on the world!