What is the secret to a superb apple pie, worthy of featuring on “The Rachael Ray Show”? Two tablespoons of French apple brandy, homemade caramel sauce, and a blog enterprise run by two Eastern Mennonite University accounting alumni.
The virtual brainchild of 2010 graduates Kaleb Wyse and Joel Kratzer, “The Gray Boxwood” is an amalgamation of culinary, decorating, building and gardening tutorials. Above all else, the blog strives to portray beautiful and timeless ways to live and entertain – such as an apple pie made by Wyse and showcased, gorgeously, in film by Kratzer.

That 60-second video, created for Rachel Ray’s “Dreamjobbing” competition, earned Wyse a one-day co-hosting gig on “The Rachael Ray Show.” [Watch Ray and cohorts call Wyse to tell him he’s won here.]
Wyse was featured on the Nov. 30 episode, simmering made-from-scratch caramel, cracking jokes with the talk show hostess, and learning trade secrets from Regis Philbin talking about how to be a television host here.]
“The day was a whirlwind,” says Wyse. “The staff and producers were unbelievable, so kind and friendly. It was amazing seeing behind the scenes, what goes into a show and how it is created.”
Winning creativity early on
The Gray Boxwood’s creators have been a high-achieving team since their college days. when they teamed up with another student to present the winning business plan at the Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) annual business simulation competition in 2008.
Both Kratzer and Wyse went on to accounting careers after graduation – Kratzer in Los Angeles and Wyse in Iowa. (Kratzer earned his masters in accounting from James Madison University.) However, neither found the corporate workplace fulfilling.
“While I so appreciated the education I received and value the accounting classes I took, I knew that I was not created to be an accountant,” says Wyse. “Honestly, I think EMU helped me come to that realization. Classes and professors, especially Leah Kratz and Ron Stolzfus, focused not only on core curriculum, but also on being passionate about God and finding the place He created for us in this world.”
Seeking that passion led Wyse back to skills and values of his rural Iowa childhood. “Growing up, I learned to value the land and value food. We always grew most of our food, preserved through canning, freezing and fermenting anything we could and eat the preserved goods throughout the winter.”
Where his parents saw family resources, Wyse saw opportunities for experimentation. He and Kratzer decided to start a blog together – and in the face of distance and an unclear vision, The Gray Boxwood was born in 2012.
‘Creative outlet’

When posts about cheese plates and end-of-summer parties were not “getting across what either of us wanted or hoped to convey,” explains Wyse, “we saw the push for YouTube and felt compelled to make videos.”
Kratzer eventually left Los Angeles for Iowa, where he continues to work as a CPA in addition to being site designer, videographer and editor to Wyse’s home-and-hearth content. He learned cinematography and editing through trial and error.
Several jars of canned green beans, seasoned-themed playlists, Easter centerpieces, and monkey-bread recipes later, and the duo is still “tweaking how we create, format, and design,” says Wyse, who also gets real-time practice in freelancing his interior design, wedding planning, catering and landscape skills to local clients.
“I love the challenge of discovering what works and what doesn’t,” says Kratzer. “I get my energy through our evolution.”
Beyond the modest goal of increasing their audience, the two have “over-the-top dreams” of cookbooks and television programs. For both creators, though, the blog continues to be an exploratory, creative outlet and a reflection of their natural talents.
“Filming our videos, setting the videography settings, and editing our content gives me an opportunity to really delve into the details, which is the space in which I thrive,” Kratzer says.
“I have felt closest to God through my work with The Gray Boxwood, also have felt my largest struggles learning to trust and let things be in His timing. . . I am still learning that!” says Wyse.