Dr. Nancy Heisey
Dr. Nancy Heisey, professor of Bible and religion at EMU, will begin a three-year term in a new role as vice president and undergraduate academic dean on July 1, 2010.
The appointment was announced by EMU President Loren Swartzendruber and EMU Provost Fred Kniss. Dr. Vernon Jantzi, professor emeritus of sociology, has been serving as interim undergraduate academic dean this academic year.
“The search committee identified four primary characteristics that the next academic dean should embody – an ‘inductive visionary,’ a leader who could make good decisions expeditiously, communicate them clearly and implement them effectively; an advocate for the faculty and the resources they need for personal and professional development and a scholar committed to a holistic approach to student learning,” Dr. Kniss said. “We believe that Nancy Heisey has the experience, motivation and disposition to meet these high standards.”
Heisey joined the EMU faculty in 1999 following a distinguished career of administrative leadership with the Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pa. She completed a six-year term as president of Mennonite World Conference in 2009. She has been a prolific writer and speaker throughout her career.
She received a BA degree from Messiah College, Grantham, Pa.; an MDiv degree from Eastern Mennonite Seminary; and MA and PhD degree from Temple University.
She is married to Paul Longacre, who volunteers in community and family organizations in Virgina and Pennsylvania, and is a member of Community Mennonite Church, Harrisonburg.