Student Government Association
Senate Agenda
31st of October 2012
1. Call to Order – at 8:32 pm
2. Roll Call/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Announcements
5. Committee Reporting
a. Cross Cultural Committee: Louise Babikow went to a meeting and talked about current cross-cultural and how they are going well. Talked about a Honduras cc that happened a few years ago with the soccer team. They talked about Homecoming and how that was a success. They are thinking about doing less semester programs, maybe one in fall and two in spring because of lack of student interest. They will instead add more summer ones. They are also talking about doing more local trips.
b. IS Committee: Jake B.S. went and learned about IS wanting to do more specialized emails for people, so they are more pertinent. They also talked about getting wi-fi in more places on campus.
6. Old Business
7. New Business
a. Funding request: EMU Ultimate – Roberto Wingfield came on behalf of the club to ask for $125-150 for a tournament they will be playing in. 12-14 will be playing and the entrance fee is $250, so they are asking for half. They went last year, but opened it up to community members. This year they want just a student team. Becca L. asked how it would benefit the entire EMU student body. Robert said how the club and the tournament is open to everyone who wants to join. Becca M. expressed how sports are different because a tournament cannot be “brought back” to campus. Andrew Penner brought up the point that we need to support the students in the Ultimate club and it helps give EMU publicity because they are going off campus. Becca Martin made the motion to give $150 dollars to the Ultimate Frisbee club. Tyler seconded the motion. Motion passed.
b. Funding request: Theater department – Elizabeth Gannaway came talking about her senior project, a play she wrote about human trafficking in India. The theater department does not support her much, and she would like more money. She mentioned how her play is about justice and mercy, two of EMU’s themes, and how this will bring a new issue to campus. The request is for $250. There will be ten students involved in the project. There will be four showings- opening November 30. The money is used for the sets (paints, etc.), props, and costumes. Senate was confused about supporting a senior project, but understood that the show did involve more students. However, people felt uncomfortable about having SGA support the play, then also charging students an entrance fee. Jake B.S. makes the motion to grant them the $250. Tyler seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
8. Open Floor
a. Fall Fest – John said that Chipotle would not be invoicing, so was wondering how to do payment. Ken said that we can request a card from the business office or we can use his card, which is the easiest.
9. Adjournment
a. Jenna L. made motion
b. John seconded
c. Motion passed at 9:13 pm