SGA minutes from October 24, 2012

Student Government Association

Senate Agenda

24th of October 2012

1. Call to Order – at 8:33 pm

2. Roll Call/Prayer

3. Approval of Minutes – Part C had an unfinished sentence. Jenna made a motion to add “were made in the US.” John seconded. Motion and minutes passed.

4. Announcements

a. EMU received a reward for being one of the few “bike friendly” schools announced today in chapel.

5. Committee Reporting

a. Fall Fest – Chipotle is $1700 dollars including tax for 200-250 people, not including the money we will get back. They will also probably throw in some extra burritos for us. We would not need catering or transportation. Looking at 100 steak, 100 chicken, 50 veggie. Students will pay $3 per burrito. We will do it 1-5pm because of basketball game. Brainstorming is taking place of what to do in case of bad weather. Ken asked about coordinating with concessions. Becca M. believes that Chipotle should only be for students. Ken believes we should still try to coordinate with concessions for space so they at least know what is going on. General consensus is that community members can pay full price as long as there are enough for students. Students will be encouraged to bring their own mugs for cider. All senators will need to be present on the Saturday to help out.

b. Healthy Caf – Brad met with Bruce who was open to coming in for a meeting. Matt M. and Brad asked Bruce where we get our food. Bruce talked about difficulties of trying to get local food. He tries to get some from Farmer’s Market, but even they have other customers and are unwilling to sell everything. He feels pressure from EMU because of budget (he doesn’t get much so he needs to go as cheap as possible). Bruce also mentioned that the number of students on the meal plan also determines what type of food and budget he has. Bruce also mentioned the importance of comment cards. Pioneer is not the issue of buying local food, but rather the small budget EMU gives. To change to local food, we would have to get the budget to be enlarged. He also wanted SFI to have a couple of work-study positions to have more consistency and expand gardens here on campus. In the past, there had been 2-4 students working (probably under Earth Keepers). Music in the caf was also mentioned, which could be a really easy to change. Matt M. thought maybe we should play student groups. Brad is trying to get a document from Bruce of where the food actually comes from. Ken brought up that for a budget increase, students would have to propose how much more they would be willing to pay.

6. Old Business

a. T-shirt Design – Molly passed around a book of t-shirt colors so senators could vote for the color. She wants to get them printed before Fall Fest so we can all wear them.

b. Idea Drive – Becca L. brought up for discussion how SGA should respond to Idea Drive. Ideas included putting up answers on the opinion board, using facebook, sending an all-campus email, or a coffeehouse. Andrew brought up that he wants to form a committee to get lights for the sand volleyball courts. This will get SGA’s name out there by doing something more permanent. Andrew has some preliminary investigations as to costs. Becca M. brought up that this could also be a good senior gift. Andrew believes that having SGA install the lights would be good to show students that SGA has power and works for student interests. We could put up a plaque saying “donated by SGA 2012.” Lights would also have a power outlet to plug in music creating a great environment for students. Jenna brought up the idea to list some of the ideas in the WeatherVane box. Becca believes that we could also send out campus email and post on facebook. Senators agreed that an actual event would not be well-attended.

7. New Business – none

8. Open Floor

a. Becca L. made the announcement that SGA made $200 helping with catering over Homecoming Weekend. This money will go to the Student Endowment Fund. Bruce was pleased and would like SGA to help again. Becca asked if Senators who did not volunteer if they would be willing to help at another event. She will be sending out a email for further discussion.

b. Becca L. brought up meeting etiquette and how we need to have more organization during meetings and less side conversations.

9. Adjournment

a. Jake B.S. made motion

b. John seconded

c. Motion passed at 9:15 pm