Minutes for Sept. 28, 2011

  1. Call to Order at 9:02
  2. Roll Call/Prayer
  3. Approval of Minutes- Hannah Schrock motioned to approve minutes, Brandon second. Unanimously approved.
  4. Announcements
    1. Constitution
    2.      Everyone was given constitutions and asked to read through them in free time.
    3. Committee Clear-up
      1.   Several committees still need people to sign up
    4. T-shirt design
      1.   Katie presented t-shirt ideas: purple shirts were approved.
    5. Thank-you to Bruce
      1.    Card for Bruce sent around as a thanks for providing breakfast for us at the SGA retreat (and Sam also sent around a card for Ken N.)
  5. Old Business
    1. Spirit Week
      1.   A reminder for the spirit week committee to meet up after tonight’s meeting to touch base. Nels asked that they come to next week’s meeting with any ideas.
    2. Idea Drive
      1. Since Mariah is gone, the others who volunteered to help out should meet to discuss idea drive.
  6. New Business
    1. Clothing Swap Room- Hannah Patterson
      1.     Hannah Patterson met with Eric Codding about this idea and brainstormed—Res Life is very open to clothing swap room. They suggested opening room in Roselawn and having room open on weekends and/or after dinners. Talked about clothing tags to organize how long clothes are there and having volunteers (enlist non-SGA members to volunteer?). Hannah is open to ideas and suggestions about other organizing strategies. Other potential room locations were suggested- Maplewood basement, for example. The idea was affirmed by senators. SGA can advertise. James suggested having other items there too, such as household items. Katie suggested specifying drop-off times so that people can’t just drop off random trash. People would not necessarily have to bring something to swap if they want to take something.
    2. OCP Meeting
      1.   Jacob and Kat attended. OCP plans to have a 10k walk/run on Oct. 29 and will provide breakfast/lunch, snacks at stops. They want each person in the event to try to raise $100 (but people will not be turned away if they cannot raise that much). There will be a costume contest. Last year they had 200 people and want to expand this year. Money will go to OCP to keep programs running. People would need to fill out forms and register in order to participate. Hannah S. suggested having the phys. Ed dept. or cross country team send out all-student email to advertise to students. Brittney Wenger suggested having OCP make posters, but having SGA hang them. SWIP will try to sponsor one person to do it. SGA would be able to sponsor the event if they so choose.
    3. Library Task Force Brandon Habron signed up for this committee.
  7. Open Floor
    1. Hannah Schrock announced that Res Life approved the activation of all swipe cards for all dorm main lounges 24/day. She moved to disband (not disseminate, Nels) the “Open Doors After Open Hours” Committee and Brittney W. seconded (at 9:30). Motion approved unanimously.
    2. Sam announced that there is a new committee called the “Encouragement Committee.” Encouragement cards will be written for senators and there will be an “encouragement station” set up across from the post office in the campus center so that people can write nice notes to each other and put them in campus mail.
  8. Adjournment
    1. Motion to adjourn @ 9:42 by Hannah Schrock
    2. Second- Hannah Patterson
    3. Approved unanimously


Next Meeting: 5 October 2011 at 9 pm in UC 211/212