Eastern Mennonite University

Student Government Association Senate


October 5, 2011


  1.   Call to Order
  2.   Roll Call/Prayer
    1.  There was discussion about whether or not to waive Mariah Elliot’s absences since she’s missed three meetings in a row, which according to the constitution means she could be automatically dismissed. Jacob Mack-Boll made a motion to excuse Mariah’s past three absences. Sam Kauffman seconded the motion. In favor: 12/Opposed: 2/Abstaining: 3. Motion did not achieve a 3/4th vote of the Senate.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. Brandon Habron motioned to approve the minutes. Hannah Patterson seconded. Passed unanimously.
  4. Announcements
  5. Old Business
    1. Spirit Week
      1.  Days- Monday: Roll out of Bed/Bad Hair Day, Tuesday: Twin Day, Wednesday: Whimsical Wednesday (side walk chalk available, other art supplies available- crayons, etc, Dr. Seuss readings in Common Grounds at 8PM with Loren Swartzendruber or Sam Kauffman?), Thursday: Thrifty Thursday (there will be spots on campus to donate clothes), Friday: Royal Pride Day (bonfire outside Maplewood sponsored by CAC?)
      2. Need people to model each day at chapel on Friday, volunteers are needed to put crayons and paper in caf on Tuesday night
    2. Idea Drive
      1.  There were hundreds of ideas. Brandon Habron typed them all up, will send them out to senators via email and will report again next week. The biggest request was for pool tables on campus.
  6. New Business
    1. Funding Request- Take Back the Night
      1. Laura Bowman, Michelle Ramirez and Mila Litchfield presented the funding request for TBTN. They are requesting money in order to purchase shirts, fund a coffeehouse, fund the advertising and to pay guest speakers. All in all, they are requesting $450.00 from SGA. The amount is $50 more than last year. James motioned to give Take Back the Night the full $450 requested. Brittney Wenger seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
    2. SGA Strategic Plan
      1. Goal A3 (adding a VP for Marketing) was accomplished this year. The original hope was that the Strategic Plan will be continued with subsequent SGA’s and items will continue to be accomplished. Edits can be made each April. Another item that is currently being pursued is to connect with JMU’s SGA. Senators can feel free to bring up items on the Strategic Plan at any point.
    3. Intramural concern TABLED
    4. Senate Expectations
      1.  One person should talk at a time and everyone should be paying attention/no side conversations.
      2. A professional atmosphere should be upheld at SGA.
  7. Open Floor
    1. Elias needs someone to swap committees with him (he is on the Institutional Research Board) since they meet Friday at 12:30 and he has class. Hannah Schrock will switch with him (she was on the QEP committee).
  8. Adjournment Brandon Habron motioned to adjourn/ Joel Choi seconded. Motion approved unanimously.


Next Meeting: 12 October 2011 at 9 pm in UC 211/212