Minutes for November 6, 2013

Student Government Association

Senate Agenda

6th of November 2013

“Perhaps it’s impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.”

? Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game

i. Call to Order Called to order 8:35 pm

ii. Roll Call/Prayer

iii. Approval of Minutes Minutes passed.

iv. Announcements

v. Committee Reporting

Institutional Effectiveness met to discuss the planning document based on a recent survey. Discussed the new academic and non-academic development aspects of the programs.

vi. New Business

  1. Development office question. Christine and Andrew met with the Science Center development team and the development office wants to know how to market student involvement/the campaign for funding the Science Center. Marketing would take the technology and work with it, but they’re more interested to take it to the development side. Bulletin boards still seem to work really well; individual letters also work through campus mail. Emails or texting would work better to actually get the students onto the website. Will send out an email, but many emails will be lost in the mass of impersonalized emails.
  2. More development office: Development office has really liked all of SGA’s development questions; someone is interested in a matching grant for student generated funds, without a deadline of December. Possibly have activities with funding slants (marketing, etc.), advertise with selling t-shirts, etc.
  3. CJP Restorative Justice question: Jonathan Swartz is part of a CJP project that is interested in meeting with SGA senators to have a conversation about the perception of restorative justice on campus to understand what students think and feel about it and what the concept means to EMU. This could be fit into our agenda time (with nothing else) to keep the time reasonable. This has been an on-going conversation especially in Res Life, and a lot of students have very strong opinions about restorative vs. punitive justice. EMU is a leader in the restorative justice field but many students don’t know a lot about it, and when it is utilized here, it seems like it is done sporadically or not well. A meeting will be set up and minutes will be taken for transparency’s sake.

vii. Old Business

viii. Open Floor

Vi reports back about Turnitin; apparently EMU already has its own repository. Faculty can choose which repository to store submissions in. All EMU-submitted papers are checked against the larger database but do not become a part of that database.

Litza is apart of the MLK Community day, and the committee is wondering if SGA would like to be more involved in the planning and participation of the day. Last year, SGA was involved. As of right now, the MCC Relief Kits are planned to be the MLK day event. Caleb and Curtis will be a SGA representative.

Hospitality committee wants to use clear water-resistant paint to use on campus; designs could be on sidewalks when it rains, but normally it will be clear. Eldon from Phys Plant ok-s the idea, so we should submit ideas (to SGA or Chantelle) if we have them.

ix. Adjournment

            Jacob Moves to adjourn the meeting.

         Kyle seconds the motion.

         Motion is passed.



Christine Baer Here
Andrew Penner Here
Kate Swartz Here
Ryan Swartzentruber Here
Tyler Denlinger Here
Erin Nafziger Here
Mariah Elliott Absent
Kyle Storc Here
Charlie Good Here
Caleb Hinga Here
Alicia Ygarza Here
Curtis Handy Here
Jacob Lester Here
Sonja Anderson Absent
Litza Laboriel Here
Krista Nyce Here
Chantelle Garber Here
Camille Williams Here
Vi Dutcher Here
Amy Springer Absent
Ken Nafziger Here
Carol Song Here