Student Government Association
Senate Agenda
28th of November 2012
1. Call to Order – at 8:33 pm
2. Roll Call/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes – Minutes passed.
4. Announcements
a. Who’s here next semester? –Becca L. talked about procedure for resigning.
5. Committee Reporting
6. Old Business
a. Fall Fest: Reflections: Senators agreed event went well and want to keep material if future Senate wants to replicate event.
b. CFCI Resolution – Matt M. proposes a motion for SGA to back resolution. Tyler seconded motion. Motion passed.
7. New Business
a. Safe Space – Six members of Safe Space came to present to SGA a letter. SGA’s purpose is to discuss student concerns and bring concerns to the EMU administration. One member, Evan Knappenberger said that the issue of homosexuality is not going to go away and as future leaders of the Mennonite Church we need to face the issue now. For him it is an oppression issue, especially since current research (the Kinsey Scale) says people are not strictly one way or another. Chris Parks then talked about Mennonite Church USA’s policy, along with Mennonite Education Agency and how Safe Space is not looking to go up against them. However, Safe Space does believe that EMU should be looking for an LGBTQ faculty member who would commit themselves to EMU’s CLC (Community Lifestyle Commitment). Goshen College is already working on this issue. And by EMU and Goshen working together, Mennonite Education will have to face the issue, and then MCUSA. Safe Space members then read letter aloud asking SGA to bring the issue of hiring an LGBTQ-identified person to the administration. Safe Space does not a specific request, but to invite SGA to Safe Space’s event in Common Grounds on November 29. They would also like at some point for SGA to endorse a similar letter to take to the board. A SGA subcommittee was suggested as a way to move forward by Safe Space members. Vi brought up the issue of having a “token” professor and how that can be daunting, and saying professors would strengthen the letter. Ken brought up that the President’s cabinet looks to hire much diversity. He says he has hired gay or lesbian staff members, but they have not been willing to come out. The cabinet has been looking for all types of diversity within EMU’s CLC. He also brought up the point that the Mennonite Church has avoided discussions around the issue because of fear of splitting.
b. Funding Request– Joshua Kanagy came to ask for $100 for an all-campus Christmas bash that is hosted by several of the clubs on campus. Clubs include Earthkeepers, SFI, ISO, EMSWA, Peace Fellowship, and YPCA. Activities include card-making, cookie decorating, and other holiday fun activities. Tyler made a motion to give $125 from the USO account. Matt seconded. Motion passed.
8. Open Floor
a. Matt M. brought up the idea for SGA to sponsor the finals coffeepot at the library.
b. Becca L. brought up that December 11 is the SGA-sponsored pancake dinners.
c. Becca L. also brought up the idea of having a SGA Christmas party next week at 8pm. Senators seem to be in agreement. Vi suggests meeting in the President’s room.
9. Adjournment
a. Matt M. made motion
b. Tyler seconded
c. Motion passed at 9:35.