Student Government Association
Senate Agenda
26th of September 2012
1. Call to Order – 8:37pm
2. Roll Call/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes – Sent out wrong minutes, will approve next week.
4. Announcements
a. Tableware left behind at retreat
b. Molly: pictures
5. Committee Reporting
a. Remind people to contact Committee Advisor
6. Old Business
a. Beehive Collective (formal funding request and vote) Taylor Weidman was present to present the formal funding request. The total cost is $1100 and they are requesting $800. SFI, Earthkeepers, and Peace Fellowship are co-sponsoring the event. Jacob B.S. asked about the unofficial request of $500 last week. Taylor clarified that that was a rough estimate based on underpaying the group. They are now going to pay the regular price. A discussion took place of where the money from SGA should come from (which account). It was determined that SGA has $7,000 to use not counting rollover. We also have $800 to spend on clubs working together (the Union of Student Organizations, USO). Taylor explained a little more about the organization and where the money is going to, which includes transportation, general salary, etc. Clarification was made that clubs have limited funds and the ones supporting are giving a large chunk of their budgets. The Senate began to discuss how much campus is going to be involved. Jacob B.S. gave his opinion is that not much of the campus can be included because of the size of Common Grounds. Jacob M-B. countered that Common Grounds has always been the place for such gatherings. Many express the opinion that $800 seems pretty pricey. Suggestion that we give money with string that Weathervane article or talkback will be given to include the wider student body. Jacob B.S. makes official motion to use $500 from general account and $200 from USO. Motion passed.
b. Subcommittee Sharing (to inform those who were not at retreat)
1. November Event- Becca Martin presented about big event with cider press, Chipotle catering, live student music, and homemade ice cream. Conversation has been started with CAC. A separate meeting is happening after SGA Senate meeting.
2. Royals Cub- Kyle presented that SGA want to get more campus to more activities and thus give out tokens at featured events and keep track of points between dorm buildings and a celebration for winning building at end of each semester. Next meeting is Thursday Sept. 27 at 7:30 at Julia’s apartment.
3. Healthy Cafeteria – Brad talked about finding out about contract with Pioneer and an event learning more about food and starting student initiative to try to change the way the caf works. Can start researching other school cafeterias and having conversation with Bruce.
4. Administrative Transparency- Zach brought up rising tuition as a source of tension and addressing this
5. Encouragement Committee – Jenna talked about continuing encouragement corner by post office, having electronic bulletin board outside SGA office, having a powerpoint at the beginning of chapel.
c. Homecoming Weekend Fundraiser Sign-up was sent around for Senators to sign up for times to volunteer
d. Leadership Conference – Senators were encouraged to apply
7. New Business
a. Take Back the Night Funding Request: Laura Glick- Social Work is People (SWIP) presenting Take Back the Night to raise awareness for sexual violence. Gives people the space and opportunity for sharing and information and to come together to share and listen to experiences. They have received $400 grant from the Orie Miller, The week will be the one before Fall Break. Monday night starts with a film TBA $50 for refreshments, Tuesday night they want to bring in a speaker from the Collins Center TBA with a four faculty panel $ for small gifts ($10 per person) and ($100-$150 for representative from Collins Center) plus $ for refreshments, Wednesday is chapel and coffeehouse so need $100-$150 for decorations and etc. The theme is Reaching towards the Light and thus they want candles to use for Thursday night’s Prayer Walk. They hope to buy nice ones that can be used in future years. On Friday there will be debriefing. The Orie Miller fund money is being used for printing and more t-shirts. They are also selling t-shirts, which cover just cost, usually around $10 per shirt. They also rent out t-shirts and then give that money to the Collins Center. The official request is $400-$500. Senate seems to be in agreement that this is a great event that attracts a lot people and is well advertised and should be supported. Matt M. made motion to give them $450. Becca Martin seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
b. Spirit Week (October 8-12; 12th = cross cultural day for 30th anniversary of cross cultural program) Becca L. talked about last year’s events and suggesting that we start planning events. There has been a suggestion to have a cross-cultural event in honor of anniversary.
c. Idea Drive Becca L. talked about putting out boxes for idea drive and asked for suggestions for where to put boxes. Inside the caf was suggested, as well as den, Common Grounds, resident halls, library, fitness center, computer lab, and social media.
d. Writing a Constitution Becca L. asked everyone to look over sheet about writing a Constitution.
8. Open Floor
a. Becca Martin asked if SGA is doing anything for election. Julia addressed that Res Judicata, Common Grounds, and Campus Ministries are working on events.
b. Becca L. brought that the Shen is looking for more support.
c. Molly brought up that SGA now has a box in the WeatherVane every week.
9. Adjournment
a. Jacob B.S. made motion
b. Becca Martin seconded
c. Motion passed at 9:43pm