I. Call to Order 8:06 pm
II. Roll Call/Prayer
a. Present: Lindsey Grosh, Karra Black, Anny Smucker, Bess Moser, Lauren Watson, Rebecca Stouffer, Nick Meyer, Jackson Maust, Nathan Kauffman, Kate Nussbaum, Kim Hawks, Andrew Gascho, Steven Stauffer, Ken Nafziger, Amy Springer, Terry Jantzi
b. Absent: Sarah Roth, Maria Bowman, Tyler Grove, Michael Harnish, Tezzia Ndandula
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Motion: Steven Stauffer
i. Second: Andrew Gascho
ii. Action I: Approved unanimously
IV. Announcements
a. T-shirts are ordered
b. Weather Vane – A reminder to the senate that we can’t use Weather Vane to push our agenda to the student body.
V. New Business
a. MCC UN Seminar funding request – Larisa Zehr and Emma Stahl-Wert would like to attend this Seminar, and are asking SGA to fund their registration costs – $80 each. They have their transportation and lodging costs covered. Suggestion for SGA to cover half of each student’s registration costs. The students need to make sure to hold a forum when they return to inform the student body.
i. Motion to allocate $40 to each club for each student: Nathan Kauffman
ii. Second: Kate Nussbaum
iii. Action II: Approved unanimously
b. CAC funding request
i. Asking SGA to help sponsor a dance on-campus to get students to stay on-campus over the weekend. The total cost of this dance is $600 – they’re asking SGA for half. Andrew suggested asking BSU or LSA to help sponsor the dance as well. Nick suggested having a costume party so students can feel safe dancing behind a mask, instead of alcohol.
1. Motion to give $200: Andrew Gascho
2. Second: Nick Meyer
3. Action III: Approved unanimously
c. Constitution Approval: Weather Vane
i. Motion to have Weather Vane resubmit their constitution after they make changes to their job descriptions, fix grammatical error: Nathan Kauffman
ii. Lauren Watson
iii. Action IV: Approved unanimously
VI. Open Floor
a. Last year’s SGA retreat was covered by the Lily Grant, and since we don’t have the Lily Grant this year our budget is down to $60 because we paid of our retreat. The senators would like it known that they forgive last year’s and the present Exec for this mistake.
i. Motion to transfer $500 to the SGA budget: Nathan Kauffman
ii. Second: Kim Hawks
iii. Action V: Approved unanimously
b. Karra Black and Tyler Grove attended a Cross Cultural meeting today – talked about the problems with Summer CC. There is an International Education Week coming up.
c. Scott Beckler is willing to play saxophone at the Den. Nathan brought up a concern about whether these last hours are affecting CG. The Den isn’t bringing in enough money to make up for their longer hours…as of now. Discussion: Christmas lights, a Christmas tree, more plants, getting a student to paint a mural, display student art work, make the Den more comfortable.
d. Anny asked about how the planning for the debate in CG is going. Two students dropped out which is frustrating.
VII. Adjournment 8:56 pm
a. Motion: Anny Smucker
b. Second: Lauren Watson
c. Action VI: Approved unanimously