October 10 Minutes

I. Call to Order 8:05 pm

II. Roll Call/Prayer

a. Present: Lindsey Grosh, Sarah Roth, Anny Smucker, Karra Black, Bess Moser, Tyler Grove, Michael Harnish, Kim Hawks, Nathan Kauffman, Kate Nussbaum, Rebecca Stouffer, Lauren Watson, Amy Springer, Maria Bowman, Jackson Maust Terry Jantzi, Ken Nafziger, Nick Meyer

b. Absent: Andrew Gascho, Steven Stauffer, Tezzia Ndandula

III. Approval of Minutes

a. Motion: Maria Bowman

i. Second: Nathan Kauffman

ii. Action I: Approved unanimously

IV. Announcements

a. Committees – These committees should be in contact with senators about meeting times and dates. Global Village is committee is not filled as of now. Sarah told senators to tell the executive when they have meetings, so they can report back to the senate.

b. T-shirts – Due to financial reasons, the t-shirts have not been ordered. Yet.

V. New Business

a. Update on Common Grounds – Matt Swartley came to thank us for the support that SGA gives CG. CG strives to create a coffee shop atmosphere. Becoming sustainable is one of their top priorities. Told us about new equipment, new signage, mounted speakers, new furniture.

b. Sophie Beya – She spent the past summer in Southern Sudan (non-profit) and worked as a guidance counseling in a refugee camp. Many children are orphans. One thing these kids are trying to hold onto is their education. They spend one or two years doing hard labor to make money for one year of education, and continue the cycle after that first year. $40 for one student to go to school for the entire year (another $10 for supplies). She is wondering if SGA would be willing to support her in this initiative – publicity and institutional backing. Make this a hall service project; get big groups of people to reach this goal. Numbers are important. Sophie is planning on going back in January in order to personally see that the money goes through the right hands and that supplies are acquired.

c. Constitution Approval – Earthkeepers

i. Motion: Tyler Grove

ii. Second: Jackson Maust

iii. Action II: Approved unanimously

VI. Open Floor

a. Spirit Week is going very well! Nathan moved to nominate Brent Beachey as most spirited Royal. 😉

b. A senator heard that students are concerned with student life searching through Facebook to find incriminating evidence. Ken would like to set the record straight – if inappropriate pictures are reported, then action will be taken. They aren’t randomly going through Facebook to “find” people out. All students, whether they live on or off campus need to sign the CLC. Distinction between signing something that says – I will not do something – I understand that if I break these rules, consequences will follow. Questions about privacy on Facebook and how much and what kind of pages IS can monitor.

c. Another concern is the trees down in the Quad being cut down recently – what is up with that? We all love trees. And oxygen. And leaves turning colors in the fall.

VII. Adjournment 9:07 pm

a. Motion: Tyler Grove

b. Second: Lauren Watson

c. Action III : Approved unanimously