I. Call to Order 8:10 pm
II. Roll Call/Prayer
a. Present: Lindsey Grosh, Sarah Roth, Anny Smucker, Karra Black, Bess Moser, Maria Bowman, Andrew Gascho, Tyler Grove, Michael Harnish, Kim Hawks, Nathan Kauffman, Jackson Maust, Nick Meyer, Tezzia Ndandula, Kate Nussbaum, Steven Stauffer, Rebecca Stouffer, Lauren Watson, Ken Nafziger, Terry Jantzi
b. Absent: Amy Springer
III. Approval of Minutes
a. Motion: Tezzia Ndandula
i. Second: Tyler Grove
ii. Action I: Approved unanimously
IV. Announcements
a. Retreat Notes and Action Groups – Each action group needs to have a point person. Point persons need to contact everyone in their group to set up meetings and steps for action.
b. Bags in Office – We will hang these in the SGA office, reminded senators to write notes during their office hours.
V. Old Business
a. T-shirts – Logo is not finished yet. Rust Red with white lettering. Wow…that was fast. Nick suggested that we have “Wear your SGA t-shirt” days, so we are more noticeable around campus. Discussion about what to put on the back and front of the t-shirts: small logos on bottom or sleeve of shirt, names on back. Finalize and act on design next week.
VI. New Business
a. Pictures – Group picture after meeting
b. Celebration Funding Request
i. Asking for $300 to purchase a drum set and drumming paraphernalia.
ii. Discussion: Asked about previous budgets and if they went over, quality of drum set purchased, half of the drum set has already been purchased, confusion about asking for additional funds over and above their $200 budget. A question about where the money for this funding request comes from – talked about the SGA budget. Tell future Celebration leaders not purchase items over and above their budget before approaching SGA for funding.
iii. Motion: Jackson Maust
1. Second: Andrew Gascho
2. Action II: Approved unanimously
c. Equestrian Club Request
i. Discussion: Riding is an expensive hobby – during their two year period who will be picking up the tab? SGA funds or member dues? Our job is to help organize them as a group of interested riders, not their riding fees. How will this student club make them available to the EMU campus or benefit the campus?
ii. Motion: Michael Harnish
1. Second: Nathan Kauffman
2. Action III: Approved unanimously
d. Blue Like Jazz – Jason Hildebrand is coming to EMU to perform his Blue Like Jazz//Live performance. Campus Ministries is asking SGA to help with funding – nothing more than $1,000.
i. Discussion: Possibly make it a stipulation for FYS students to be required to attend this event if we approve the funding request? If we want to start bringing in big-name artists for concerts, where does fulfilling this funding request leave us? Lots of concerns about whom else will help to fund this event, and can we afford to give them $1,000. Concern about making this a required event for FYS. Senators think that a lot of students will be interested in attending this event. Denying this funding request and making other clubs pick up the slack seems like a cheep thing for SGA.
ii. Motion: Tyler Grove
1. Second: Nick Meyers
2. Action III: Approved with one opposed
VII. Open Floor
a. Fill up spots for Spirit Week
b. SGA has been getting lots of complaints about the smoking location outside of Oakwood.
c. Anny talked to Dave King about using noisemakers for games for Homecoming weekend. Possibility of getting rally towels and having students pay for them or increase tuition. 😉
VIII. Adjournment 9:15 pm
a. Motion: Tezzia Ndandula
b. Second: Tyler Grove
c. Action IV: Approved unanimously