Aaron Erb is a community mediator and restorative justice practitioner committed to transforming conflict through community mediation, restorative dialogue, and trauma resiliency from a racial equity lens. With a Master of Arts in Conflict Transformation from the Center for Justice & Peacebuilding in Harrisonburg, VA, Aaron has nurtured a range of partnerships with community organizations, non-profits, legal system stakeholders, and educational entities. When he moved to Pittsburgh in 2016, he spent five years coordinating restorative justice and victim offender dialogue programs, first with Center for Victims’ in the Allegheny County Juvenile Court system and later through the University of Pittsburgh’s Just Discipline Project in a local middle school. In the Spring of 2020, Aaron co-founded and became Executive Director of Just Mediation Pittsburgh, a community mediation program that is dedicated to helping landlords and tenants find solutions to housing disputes. Aaron is committed to relational peacebuilding and community-driven efforts to promote justice and repair harms.

Aaron Erb
M.A. in Conflict Transformation, 2015
Fields of Practice
Conflict Transformation, Facilitation, Mediation & Facilitation, Restorative Justice
This profile was last updated June 9, 2022