Student Government Association
Senate Agenda
18th of September 2013
1. Call to Order-Andrew calls to order 8:42
2. Roll Call/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes – Because this was the first meeting, no approval was necessary.
4. Announcements
a. Hand out Senate Binders
b. Review binder contents
Parliamentary procedure
Important People (not currently in binders)
c. Role of Senator
Office hour sign ups
Snack sign up
SGA contact sheet
d. SGA Mission/Vision
Accomplishments from last Spring
e. Senate retreat
5. Committee Reporting
a. Committee Sign ups
6. Old Business
7. New Business
a. Ultimate Frisbee: Funding request. (Preceded with explanation of the nature of funding requests) Sarah Sutter requests money ($300) for UVA Ultimate tournament on the 5th of October. Sales of t-shirts will supplement the $300. About 7 first-years will be involved in the tournament. If the students stay in hotels, they will have to pitch in. Good opportunity for first-years, and they’re an involved, dedicated club. Whoever wants to go to this tournament is invited to go. Mariah motions to approve; Jacob seconds. Motion: 12 yes; 3 abstaining; 0 opposed. Motion passes.
b. Peace with Creation (QEP): Funding request Carnival de Resistance is a sustainability tour, EMU has provided transportation through campus vehicles and drivers, and asks SGA to reimburse this from QEP ($500—any extra will be given to the Carnival). Asks an additional $250 for NGOs that the has support from within the Carnival. There is a lot of EMU involvement already. QEP’s budget is not meant to sustain this level of activity, and would have to give up other scheduled events to balance. Chantelle motions to give full amount, Kate seconds. 3 in favor, 10 opposed, 1 abstaining. Motion opposed. Curtis makes a motion for $500, specifically for reimbursing gas money, Mariah seconds. 10 in favor, 3 abstaining, 0 opposed. Motion passes.
7. Open Floor
8. Adjournment
a. Mariah made motion.
b. Jacob seconded.
c. Motion passed.