Minutes 1/21

Eastern Mennonite University

Student Government Association Senate


21th of January, 2015



I.     Call to Order

  1. Becca M. calls meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.

II.     Roll Call

III.     Approval of Minutes (including last December meeting minutes)

  1. Minutes from December passed
  2. Minutes from 1/7 passed

IV.     Announcements

  1. Becca M. Elections end next week or beginning of next week.
  2. Becca L. Next week photos after the meeting.

V.     Old Business

  1. Reflections on our conversation with Jon Swartz

i.     Becca L.: does anyone have comments about last week or new thoughts they would passed along to Jon?

VI.     New Business

  1. Funding Request: ISO

i.     Zoey: ISO is hosting a fundraiser for fighting ebola. Serving deserts for an evening in common grounds. There are other fundraisers happening on campus. ISO is requesting $350.00.

ii.     Becca M: In the handbook it says that SGA can not give student funds to outside organizations as donations. This is an issue for the $250 going towards lowering student admission.

iii.     Mario: I motion to give ISO $100 to for supplies. Ryan Seconds.

iv.     Favor: 9

v.     Abstaining: 1

vi.     Opposed: 0

                                                   vii.     Motion Passed

  1. Brainstorming

i.     Becca L.: We need to work on small groups.

ii.     Sarah booked common grounds for an open mic night.

iii.     Becca L: “Did you know” weekly post on Facebook.

iv.     Hans: I think it would be cool to use the money for some small events for students on campus, such as open mic night.

v.     Becca L: Spirit week.

vi.     Kat: I’ve got the dogs for the week before spring break. I just need to figure out a few small details.

vii.     Sarah: I really like the idea of art week.

viii.     Ideas include, chalk murals, painting buildings, throwing pottery, and displaying student works.

ix.     Becca L: Are there any topics on campus that we should be facilitating.

x.     Kat: Bring awareness to the amount of food thrown away in the cafeteria.

VII.     Open Floor

  1. Becca M: We are in the middle of budgets. If anyone is asking about budgets and you guys want to know more let us know.

VIII.     Adjournment

  1. Hans motions to motion to end the meeting. Sarah seconds. Meeting adjourned at 8:55.