Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association Senate
21th of January, 2015
I. Call to Order
- Becca M. calls meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes (including last December meeting minutes)
- Minutes from December passed
- Minutes from 1/7 passed
IV. Announcements
- Becca M. Elections end next week or beginning of next week.
- Becca L. Next week photos after the meeting.
V. Old Business
- Reflections on our conversation with Jon Swartz
i. Becca L.: does anyone have comments about last week or new thoughts they would passed along to Jon?
VI. New Business
- Funding Request: ISO
i. Zoey: ISO is hosting a fundraiser for fighting ebola. Serving deserts for an evening in common grounds. There are other fundraisers happening on campus. ISO is requesting $350.00.
ii. Becca M: In the handbook it says that SGA can not give student funds to outside organizations as donations. This is an issue for the $250 going towards lowering student admission.
iii. Mario: I motion to give ISO $100 to for supplies. Ryan Seconds.
iv. Favor: 9
v. Abstaining: 1
vi. Opposed: 0
vii. Motion Passed
- Brainstorming
i. Becca L.: We need to work on small groups.
ii. Sarah booked common grounds for an open mic night.
iii. Becca L: “Did you know” weekly post on Facebook.
iv. Hans: I think it would be cool to use the money for some small events for students on campus, such as open mic night.
v. Becca L: Spirit week.
vi. Kat: I’ve got the dogs for the week before spring break. I just need to figure out a few small details.
vii. Sarah: I really like the idea of art week.
viii. Ideas include, chalk murals, painting buildings, throwing pottery, and displaying student works.
ix. Becca L: Are there any topics on campus that we should be facilitating.
x. Kat: Bring awareness to the amount of food thrown away in the cafeteria.
VII. Open Floor
- Becca M: We are in the middle of budgets. If anyone is asking about budgets and you guys want to know more let us know.
VIII. Adjournment
- Hans motions to motion to end the meeting. Sarah seconds. Meeting adjourned at 8:55.