Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association Senate
25th of February, 2015
I. Call to Order
- Becca L. calls to order at 8:04
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
- Minutes approved
IV. Announcements
V. Old Business
VI. New Business
- Funding Request: ACM
i. ACM has meetings over lunch once a month. The $120 food at the meetings.
ii. Hans motions to give ACM $120. Mario Seconds
iii. In favor: 10
iv. Opposed:0
v. Abstaining: 1
vi. Motion passed
- BSU, LSA, ISO, CAC dance funding request
i. Asking for $730-234=$446. Sarah motions to give BSU, LSA, ISO, CAC $446 for food for the dance. Isaac second
ii. In favor: 10
iii. Opposed:0
iv. Abstaining: 2
v. Motion passed
- Conversation about Corpus Christi
VII. Open Floor
- Spirit Week/ Art Week
VIII. Adjournment
- Emma motions to adjourn. Taylor seconds. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.