Student Government Association
Senate Agenda
March 26, 2014
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
-Dumbledore (J.K. Rowling)
i. Call to Order 8:36pm
ii. Roll Call/Prayer
Alicia Ygarza | A |
Andrew Yoder | Late |
Amy Springer | A |
Becca Longenecker | H |
Caleb Hinga | H |
Carissa Harnish | H |
Carol Song | H |
Chantelle Garber | H |
Charlie Good | Late |
Christine Baer | H |
Curtis Handy | H |
Erin Nafziger | H |
Jacob Lester | Late |
Jane Wenger Clemens | H |
Ken Nafziger | H |
Krista Nyce | A |
Kyle Storc | H |
Makora Nyagwegwe | H |
Mariah Elliott | H |
Ryan Swartzentruber | H |
Sonja Anderson | H |
Tyler Denlinger | H |
iii. Approval of Minutes
Minutes Passed
iv. Announcements
Auction Task Sign-Up Sheet was distributed: set up and tear down tasks.
Carissa and Christine are hosting Trivia night in Common Grounds on April 8th!
v. New Business
a. Nominees for Executive Elections
Clarification of Constitution: the senate must be the body that generates the names for nomination of executive elections
In the space on the petition where 25 signatures of endorsement are required, senate nomination will be indicated.
The process of nomination is only to add up to two candidates for the election.
Curtis Handy and Kyle Storc were nominated for the VP position
Erin Nafziger and Chantelle Garber were nominated for the position of secretary
Emma King, Alicia Ygarza, and Claire Frey were nominated for the position of VP for Marketing.
Ryan Swartzendruber was nominated for the position of Treasurer
Executive Elections will be held Monday March 31st.
b. Budget Approval
One importatnt note is that if all of the clubs received the allocations that they asked for, SGA would not have money to distribute throughout the semester.
The executive committee proposed 42,000 for CAC, which is an increase
When club leaders present their proposed budget, a specific plan for the budget is a good way of getting closer to the amount they are asking for.
Weathervane asked for 9,000 and exec allocated 8,500 which is a thousand dollars more than last year.
Safe Space requested 900 but exec allocated 600.
LSA requested 1,925 SGA exec proposed an allocation of 1,100 saying that as events come up, they can come to SGA with funding requests.
Shen asked for 28,850 and exec proposed 20,000
Exec proposed a recommendation to the business office for an opt-out system for the Shen in the 2014-2015 school year. O
Jacob made a motion to make the recommendation to the business office, and Curtis seconded.
Motion passed (2 abstaining)
Kyle made a motion to approve the budget as recommended by the exec.
Mariah seconded.
Motion passed (12 in favor, 1 abstaining)
vi. Old Business
- Look for a press release about the auction in the next couple of days. Invite your parents and friends. Feel free to Event-Drop it 😉
- Faculty Staff Appreciation
On April 8th at Trivia Night, Carissa and Christine will include trivia questions about faculty and staff. Posters will be up in the campus center for students to sign. Candy and flowers will be out probably on Tuesday the 8th. Dress like a professor day is still going to happen. TGIW event with student stories about professors looks like it will work in common grounds.
vii. Committee Reporting
Carissa and Christine went to Strategic Planning Committee meeting. Goals for 2015- 2020 were discussed.
viii. Open Floor
Erin asked a few questions about food for the auction:
Chili will be in the first level of the campus center and Thomas Plaza. In the event of rain, the event will be in the area outside the bookstore and the den.
Chili will start around noon/noon-thirty
What kind of bowls would be like to use? Would we like to buy them from the cafeteria? Small tasting bowls would be free, regular sized bowls which would be a small amount. Bruce said that he would donate some spoons, and Erin will pick up paper bowls from the store.
ix. Adjournment
Becca motioned to adjourn the meeting
Ryan seconded
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm