Minutes from October 26, 2011

Eastern Mennonite University

Student Government Association Senate


26th of October 2011


You’re only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.

-Walter C. Hagen


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call/Prayer
  3. Approval of Minutes passed unanimously
  4. Announcements
  5. Old Business
    1. Suicide Awareness Walk
      1. Susie Hostetler came to speak to us on behalf of CoachLink. She gave us more details about the Suicide Awareness Walk. The event will be collaborative with both JMU and Bridgewater. There will be a meeting on Friday (Oct. 31) and they are hoping to have several EMU students involved in the planning/meetings, mainly so that the word is spread around campus to other students. There are several events being planned before the walk to create extra awareness of suicide prevention on EMU’s campus (such as a chapel and a workshop). They are hoping for the support of SGA, perhaps a rep to attend meetings, if possible. They are happy to have SGA cosponsor the event, if there is interest. Kat Georing said that she will go to the meeting on Friday, but she cannot continue to go in the spring since she will be gone.
    2. Idea Drive
      1. Brandon wrote out a list of all the ideas presented by students. He encouraged senators who are already on committees related to any of these ideas to bring them up at meetings.
  6. New Business
    1. Funding Request- EarthKeepers
      1. Katie Janzen, copresident of Earthkeepers, presented—they are requesting funds for a weekend event about mountain top removal. They need funding to cover the minimum for registration (which includes meals and activities/workshops) and transportation (the total amount requested is $730). People may have to contribute some funds if necessary, but some of the people going have said that it will be very difficult for them to attend if they have to pay anything. When they come back they will put together an event, presenting what they learned during the weekend and how it affects EMU. Discussion ensued: some senators were concerned about the large amount requested. Katie Landis pointed out that if every person going contributes $20, SGA could provide $550 and the entire cost would be covered. James explained that part of the reason why they are requesting so much is because they are being forced to use an EMU vehicle (no one could drive). Brandon asked if EarthKeepers could use some of their own funds and Hannah and James pointed out that their budget is pretty tight this year. Katie Landis moved to approve the funding request at a decreased amount, $550. Joel Choi seconded the motion. Motion #1 passed.
    2. Funding Request- Third Culture Kids Club
      1. Melody and Tim came back and presented a little more about what a TCK is. Melody shared that the purpose for the club is to be a resource for TCK’s on campus and students going overseas (and transitions between cultures) and they have meals each month to share with each other. They are having a smaller event/meal this Saturday (Oct. 30), but afterwards will be writing a Weather Vane article, inviting other EMU students to join them for future events. Tim broke down the costs that will be needed for a typical meal. Meal costs will vary, but a typical meal may cost around $46-$48, but they are requesting a total of $65 for each meal to reimburse drivers for gas and to buy drinks, desserts and to compensate for any additional students (outside of the club) who may come. One of their future goals is to update the TCK website (on the EMU website) to add to the publicity. Senators felt that their presentation was very well thought out and well-explained. Alli Eanes made a motion to approve the full amount requested, which is $200. Brandon Habron seconded. Motion #2 passed unanimously.
    3. Dining Hall Improvement Committee tabled
  7. Open Floor
    1. Alli Eanes reported about meeting with Eric Codding, regarding more housing options for upperclassmen and more intentional communities. Conversations are becoming more active within Res Life about this and more information will become available over the next weeks and months.
  8. Adjournment Dan Sigmans motioned to adjourn. Hannah Shrock seconded.


Next Meeting: 2 November 2011 at 9 pm in UC 211/212