December 15 Minutes

I. Call to Order Michael (9:04)

II. Roll Call/Prayer Michael prayed

Present: Benjamin Bergey, Michael Spory, Will Morris, Janelle Freed, Hannah Wenger, Dan Sigmans, Heidi Bauman, Matt Dean, Amin Laboriel, Nels Akerson, Gabe Brunk, James Souder, Sarah Beck

Absent: Todd Hooley, Katie Landis, Vi Dutcher, Ken L. Nafziger

III. Approval of Minutes

Minutes approved unanimously

IV. Announcements

-Late Night Breakfast on Wednesday!!!

V. Committee Reporting

a. Information Systems: Darian shared that IS is looking to update the EMU email system in approximately 1 ½ years (by next spring); currently there are concerns with Webmail and the overwhelming number of e-mails students get.

b. SPC: Ben shared that SPC talked about the Lancaster campus and shifts in the Honors Program structure.  The Honors program is looking to broaden the number of students attending Honors weekend, with the new criteria being an SAT score of 1300 or an ACT score of 29.

VI. Old Business

a. M.A.P.S. update: Ben shared that he and Michael shared with Roman Miller to get a little more background on his viewpoint on MAPS and possible merging with PPHS; they have also talked with Braydon Hoover, PPHS leader, about the change.  At this point, there are still a lot of people to talk with and figure out some details now that the club leader has withdrawn from EMU classes.  They will continue to have dialogue with MAPS leaders and we will talk about this issue in January when we come back.

VII. New Business

a. Funding Request – TDAP: C. Johnson came in to present a funding request for Teaching Developing and Advising Peers (TDAP), who would like to plan a Red Flag Campaign for the spring semester to raise awareness and educate students about healthy and unhealthy relationships.  This campaign will specifically address dating violence and promote its prevention.   Campaign plans involve putting red flag posters around campus, red flags in mailboxes, flags on desserts in cafeteria and post-it notes on display boards.  They would like to get the men’s volleyball team to wear red socks during the volleyball game (which they have agreed to) and the coach offered to donate a jersey at halftime.  On the last day of the campaign, they want to coordinate a final event in Common Grounds.  They also want to make t-shirts for people on campus to wear; these shirts may be made available for sale for $5 so some of this money may be made back and could potentially come back to SGA if we choose.  General discussion amongst the senators was that while this is a lot of money, it is a very worthy cause and we support it.  One discussion came up that the huge chunk of the funding request is the t-shirts, which we have concerns about because of how expensive it is.  In addition, Take Back the Night already sells red t-shirts and has been for years and they don’t have super great sales.  We are concerned that no one would be willing to buy a t-shirt for an organization that is relatively new if they wouldn’t buy a red t-shirt for a well-known organization.

Motion 15122010- to give TDAP $350, suggestions for further funding, and our concerns on the t-shirts: Heidi

Second: Mariah

Motion passed 10-0-4

VIII. Open Floor

IX. Adjournment

Motion 15122010- to adjourn:


Meeting adjourned (9:52)

Merry Christmas!