November 7 Minutes

I. Call to Order 8:03 pm

II. Roll Call/Prayer

a. Present: Lindsey Grosh, Sarah Roth, Anny Smucker, Karra Black, Bess Moser, Maria Bowman, Tyler Grove, Jackson Maust, Andrew Gascho, Kim Hawks, Michael Harnish, Rebecca Stouffer, Lauren Watson, Nick Meyer, Amy Springer, Tezzia Ndandula, Ken Nafziger, Terry Jantzi

b. Absent: Nathan Kauffman, Stephen Stauffer

III. Approval of Minutes

a. Motion: Tezzia Ndandula

i. Second: Jackson Maust

ii. Action I: Approved unanimously

IV. Announcements

a. Food Service Report – Pioneer was there to evaluate Bruce, and most opinions were very, very affirming of Bruce. Two options: every student has the same meal plan and the have unlimited visits, or keep same meal plan and have the cafeteria open from7 am- 7 pm. Lindsey and Sarah shared the affirmations and concerns that the senate had. *Reminder to senators to attend the luncheon at noon on Friday with the Board of Trustees. Or come to the big meeting at 8 am.*

b. Academic Integrity Committee – Faculty would like student representation. The group won’t start meeting until next semester, but encouraged senators to consider sitting on that committee.

c. Res Judicata Debate – on Healthcare: Anny Smucker and Lisa King will be moderator and Tyler Grove will be a debater. Tuesday 20th, 2007.

d. Meeting Time – Suggestion to push the time back to 9 pm this semester, or change the day and/or time for next semester.

e. T-shirts – We will all wear our t-shirts next Wednesday. J Take group picture next week as well.

V. New Business

a. Campus Ministries Council Update –Revamping a blueprint for Campus Ministries. Chapel Attendance is actually up this semester. There was a lot of discussion and debriefing about Spiritual Life Week.

b. Constitution Approvals: International Student Organization

i. Motion: To approve the constitution with the following changes – change certain grammatical and spelling errors – Andrew Gascho.

ii. Second: Maria Bowman

iii. Action II: Approved unanimously

c. Constitution Approvals: Young People’s Christian Association

i. Motion: To approve the constitution with the following changes – change a few grammatical errors, title of organization (Christina and remove Inc.), and general updated-ness – Nick Meyer.

ii. Second: Jackson Maust

iii. Action III: Approved unanimously

d. Constitution Approval: Celebration

i. Motion: To approve the constitution with the following changes – specify how the President is elected or appointed – Tyler Grove.

ii. Second: Lauren Watson

iii. Action IV: Approved unanimously

e. Constitution Approval: Res Judicata

i. Motion: To approve the constitution with the following changes – to specify when elections are, change meeting time to weekly, not biweekly – Kate Nussbaum.

ii. Second: Andrew Gascho

VI. Open Floor

a. COPE is asking SGA to help them publicize a day where smokers quite smoking for a day (The Great American Smoke-Out).

b. Anny passed around pictures of the Sudanese kids and their letters. They will also be in the SGA office for senators to read.

c. Francis Collins, the man who worked on the Human Genome Project, is coming to campus on November 17th, 2007. Spread the word!

d. Fitness Center Hours – senators have been hearing concerns about the hours. Michael brought these concerns up in the most recent Commons Council. Letting it slide until next semester.

e. For students who live off-campus it would be nice to have at least one day where meal prices would be discounted. Maria said she would mention this to Bruce.

f. There was an incident involving the Tunnel of Oppression in which a student was offended by one of the sections of it. Some students would like to have more of a de-briefing session after they walk through it.

g. Suggestion from a student to have the Senior Seminar courses be geared towards career or “what to do after college” options.

VII. Adjournment 8:59 pm

a. Motion: Tyler Grove

b. Second: Maria Bowman

c. Action V: Approved unanimously