Changing Lenses: A New Focus for Crime and Justice, initially published in 1990, is often viewed as a foundational work in the restorative justice field. It has gone through several editions, and now the publishers plan to release an “anniversary edition” next year, the 25th year since its first release. I need your help. I would....
Restorative justice and the arts
Don’t miss our webinar next week! How can artistic practices and approaches be applied in restorative justice? In what ways might restorative approaches and principles inform artistic practices? In this webinar, the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Restorative Justice Program will provide a case study in the intersection of socially-engaged art and restorative justice. The....
Restorative justice as a social movement: upcoming webinar
Our next webinar, entitled “Possibility or pipedream: A restorative justice movement,” is coming up March 19, 2014. Join us for a frank conversation between Dr. Dana Greene and Dr. Carl Stauffer exploring the unrealized revolutionary promise of restorative justice. They will examine the current direction of restorative justice in particular highlighting missteps all too reminiscent....
Critical conversation with “The New Jim Crow” – next webinar
Real World Restorative Justice Webinar: Tuesday, Feb. 18, 4:30-6:00 p.m. EST Michelle Alexander’s book, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness,” has gained widespread attention for its compelling analysis of the relationship between mass incarceration and racism in the U.S. Join us as guests Jacqueline Roebuck Sahko, Shiv Desai and....
Where are the gaps? We need your help.
In the early days of the restorative justice field, from the late 1970s into the early 1990s, I was in a unique position to resource this emerging field. As Director of the Office on Crime and Justice of Mennonite Central Committee U.S (MCC), my mandate was to do what needed to be done. Although the....
Reflections on Mandela
“Have you heard that Mandela died?” The staggering impact of this question took my breath away as I stepped into the office after teaching a full day of classes at Eastern Mennonite University on Thursday, December 5th. I texted my daughter who had grown up in South Africa, with these simple words, “Wow – this....
Restorative justice and the Gandhian tradition
I recently had occasion to reflect on some of the points of resonance between restorative justice and the Gandhian tradition. I am particularly grateful for the help of my friend Sujatha Baliga in this. As a Mennonite, I grew up in a family and a tradition of nonviolence and peacemaking, and knew something of Gandhi. ....
Next webinar: RJ, public policy and compassion
Our next webinar is coming up on October 23, with Chris Marshall from New Zealand as guest Chris is both a restorative justice practitioner and a biblical scholar. He is probably the world’s leading scholar bringing together restorative justice and the Christian tradition, and in a way that has immediate relevance to overall society. In....
Fall restorative justice webinar series
Our fall webinar series begins Sept. 18. Click here for more information. Although there is a small charge for participating live on these webinars, scholarships are available. Please join us! Real World Restorative Justice Webinars A Project of the Zehr Institute Fall 2013 Schedule September 18: Seeking Justice in Societies Transitioning from Violence with....
Justice for Trayvon Martin – Adjudication or community? (Part III)
(Last of the three-part series by David Anderson Hooker) I take issue with three groups of comments that I’ve heard since the Zimmerman trial. I know that I am in disagreement with several individuals and institutional voices that I respect deeply. Yet I think our approach must change to get the life we want: a....