Odelya was born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel, where she studied political science, communication and law. She was a Fulbright scholar from 2004-2007 at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University, and earned a Masters in Conflict Transformation with a concentration in trauma healing and the arts. In 2010 she received a Masters from Lesley University in Expressive Therapies and Mental Health Counseling. From September 2010 she worked as a trauma therapist, trainer and facilitator for UNFPA in Lesotho, with victims of gender-based violence. Since Aug 2011, she has worked as a UN stress counselor and a critical incident stress counselor. Odelya holds a PhD in Expressive Therapies at Lesley University. She has fourteen years of experience as a trainer, facilitator and a coach with individuals, couples and groups in the Middle East, Europe, United States and Africa.

Odelya Gertel Kraybill
M.A. in Conflict Transformation, 2006
Fields of Practice
This profile was last updated January 23, 2018