Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association
September 30th, 2015
- Call to Order
- Hanna calls meeting to order at 8:06pm.
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes
- Minutes Approved
- Announcements
- Office-hour sign-up.
- Old Business
- Complete committee sign-up
- Funding regulations review
- New Business
- Resignation Request
- Oksana’s schedule has changed and she is no longer able to fulfill her position as senator.
- Robert motions to move to vote. Kat seconds.
- In favor: 13
- Abstaining: 0
- Opposed: 0
- Motion Passed
- Club Registration: Psychology Club
- They want to move from a club within a department to a club recognized by SGA>
- Kat motions to approve their constitution. Robert seconds.
- In favor: 10
- Abstaining: 4
- Opposed: 0
- Motion Passed
- Funding Request: Psychology Club
- They are a preliminary club there for they cannot apply for annual budget. We advise them to return with individual funding requests through out the year.
- Club Registration: Royal Players
- Want to engage students in becoming part of the world of theater.
- Vi: The ambiguity of “good judgement” in Article IV.
- Bethany: The advisor needs to have the power to veto the productions if the production impacts the university as a whole negatively. If the production is vetoed but the students would still like to perform, it would need to be an independent student production not affiliated with the school.
- Elizabeth: would like more clarity and specificity over all in the constitution.
- Robert motions to return and request changes to the constitution. Karina seconds.
- In favor: 12
- Abstaining: 2
- Opposed: 0
- Motion passed.
- Resignation Request
- Open Floor
- Adjournment
- Kat motions to adjourn the meeting. Bethany seconds. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm.