Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association Senate
7th of January, 2015
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
Amy Springer | |
Becca Martin | |
Emma King | x |
Hans B. Singer | x |
Isaiah Williams | x |
Kaltuma Noorow | x |
Kat Lehman | x |
Kate Weaver | x |
Ken L. | |
Kyle Storc | |
Lizbeth Robles | |
Mario Valladares | x |
Matej Gligorevic | x |
Ryan Swartzentruber | x |
Sarah Longenecker | x |
Taylor Esau | x |
Vi Dutcher |
III. Announcements
- Encourage your friends to run for senate!
i. We need to fill 3 senator positions
- Snack Schedule
i. Passing sign up sheet around
- Office Hour Sign-up
i. Passsing sign up around
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
- Funding Request: USO MLK Day
i. Thursday through Monday celebration for MLK day
ii. Why Serve, BSU, and ISO(?)
iii. Food drive at Women and Men’s Basketball games, and Men’s Volleyball game (Jan. 13 –
iv. To Kill a Mockingbird (Jan. 16)
v. Jan. 17 Barbershop visit 10:00 – Noon or Noon-2:00 (a place for conversation) Sign up via email to Y-Serve or BSU
vi. Jan. 18 Community Church Service @ 11am
vii. Community Lunch @ 1pm (catered)
viii. SGA would help with transportation from EMU to the church service
ix. Funding from SGA helps with food and plates, etc. for meal
x. There will be a solidarity march on Jan. 19 with LSA
xi. Asking that SGA spread the word for these events
xii. Mix-It Up Lunch on Jan. 16, paying for students who don’t have a meal plan
xiii. Jan. 16 Reading circles of MLK, Jr. Sermons and Speeches
xiv. $800 for Speaker’s transportation
xv. $600 Community Meal
xvi. $100 Solidarity March
xvii. $200 Mix-It Up Lunch
xviii. Total request = $1700
xix. Becca Jo asks if money for transportation to the church service was already factored into the above breakdown of funding
xx. Christian says that it is included
xxi. Becca Jo asks about advertising and posters to spread the word about the events
xxii. Christian responds and says that posters have been made and posted
xxiii. Vi asks if this information will be sent out via email
- Suggests that we get teachers to announce it in class
xxiv. Mario asks if we could get the money back that is not used at the Mix-It Up Lunch
xxv. Hans says he likes the idea of the Mix-It Up Lunch
xxvi. Becca says we need to advertise more
xxvii. Isaiah asks about advertising in the Weathervane
xxviii. Mario motions to give the full amount of money
xxix. Matej seconds the motion
xxx. 10 Yes, 0 abstaining, 0 opposed
VI. Open Floor
- Open Mic Night?
i. Kultuma suggests making it a competition with prizes
- Kat has an update about getting therapy dogs on campus
i. Would midterms be a good time to have the dogs on campus?
ii. Can we have them indoors?
iii. Becca Jo says they had them inside in the library in the past
VII. Adjournment
i. Hans motions to adjourn the meeting
ii. Mario seconds the motion
iii. 10 Yes, 0 abstaining, 0 opposed