Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association Senate
23rd of September, 2015
- Call to Order
- Rachel calls meeting to order at 8:03pm.
- Roll Call
- Announcements
- Office Hour sign-up
- Committee sign-up
- Ken, Vi, and Amy explain what the university committees are in charge of.
- Snack schedule
- Basic information sign-up
- Old Business
- Introductions
- Committee Proposal Review
- Each group breaks off to discuss their groups.
- Finance committee (Ministry of Money Management)
- They want to invest the roll over funds.
- Ken: generally the funds are used to directly support the students. There’s a student initiated endowment fund. It provides funds to students who may not be able to return.”
- Tyler: the money wouldn’t be just sitting. Possibly give some to investment club, so it would still be going towards students.
- Ken: the money must be in the public minutes, which could lead to concerns as play money. The role of the roll over money is there incase the budge comes in short due to less students. It can also be used in funding through out the year.
- Vi: you have to think about what students would think about their money being invested.
- Mario: last year we had to go into roll over.
- Robert: we recognize that we would not use all of it in investment
- Campus and community connections
- Engage in Harrisonburg service day. Also participate in organizations such s Big Brother Big Sister or Adopt a Grandparent. Trying to provide more transportation. There is also logistics for screening and the organization policies.
- Events and school spirit
- Wants to increase engagement in the student body. Wants to have a tailgate before a weekend soccer game.
- Ken: talk to Dave King about when would be a good time to do it. Also be aware that other groups do plan various type of events like this.
- Inclusion and diversity council
- Desire to facilitate racism and diversity. Also to reflect on the hiring policy. #IAmEMU selfies and put them around campus. Ideas on campus communities and what makes us unique.
- New Business
- Club Constitutional Amendment Request: YPCA (Young People’s Christian Association)
- Co-presidents of YPCA are here to present on constitution amendment. Proposing changing the name to Y-Serve so students can better understand the name but still integrating parts of the old. They’ve been using Y-Serve in parenthesis for three years now. Most freshmen have only heard of Y-Serve not YPCA.
- Mario motions to change YPCA to Y-Serve. Tyler seconds
- In favor: 12
- Abstaining:1
- Opposed:0
- Motion passed
- Mario motions to change YPCA to Y-Serve. Tyler seconds
- Co-presidents of YPCA are here to present on constitution amendment. Proposing changing the name to Y-Serve so students can better understand the name but still integrating parts of the old. They’ve been using Y-Serve in parenthesis for three years now. Most freshmen have only heard of Y-Serve not YPCA.
- Club Constitutional Amendement Request: SFI (Sustainable food initiative)
- SFI restructured the organization to provide in different ways as well as the duties of president and executive roles.
- SGA has to see the actual changes to the constitution. We recommend that they return with a crossed-out version of the old constitution with new changes.
- Funding Request: SFI
- They had a meal on Monday with SFI, campus ministries, earth keepers, and engineers for sustainable food to help welcome new students and transfer students. They used the main ingredients from things grown on campus. Requesting $2oo from USO.
- Mario motions to give SFI $200, with the contingency that they give receipts to Tyler and also that the money is distributed among the groups involved with proof. Robert seconds
- In favor: 9
- Opposed:0
- Abstaining: 4
- Motion passed.
- Club Constitutional Amendment Request: YPCA (Young People’s Christian Association)
- Open Floor
- Rachel Roth-Swatzky is going to attend the meetings to help the communication with the clubs on campus.
- Adjournment
- Tyler motions to adjourn the meeting. Mario seconds. Meeting adjourned at 9:28pm.