4/1/2015 Minutes

Eastern Mennonite University

Student Government Association Senate


1st of April, 2015



I.     Call to Order

  1. Becca L calls to order at 8:01 p.m.

II.     Roll Call

III.     Approval of Minutes

  1. Minutes Approved

IV.     Announcements

  1. Bookstore Committee conversation


V.     Old Business

  1. Hans is here to plea to stay for the remainder of the semester. He really wants to stay on for the remainder of the semester. Mario motions to reinstate Hans. Matej seconds.

i.     In Favor: 9

ii.     Abstaining: 1

iii.     Opposed:3

iv.     Hans has been reinstated.

  1. Isaiah is here to plea to stay for the remainder of the semester. Mario motions to reinstate Isaiah. Matej seconds.

i.     In Favor: 13

ii.     Abstaining: 0

iii.     Opposed:0

iv.     Isaiah has been reinstates.

VI.     New Business

  1. Fred Kniss: Mission/Vision Statement

i.     Wants feedback on the draft of the new mission statement.

  1. Common Grounds: Point of Sales System

i.     Discussing new POS system

  1. #Stand4Freedom: Rachel Shrock and Rebekah York

i.     Requesting $200 for the stand for freedom that will be happening on EMU.

ii.     Rachel motions to give Stand4Freedom$200. Mario seconds.

iii.     In favor: 13

iv.     Abstaining:0

v.     Opposed:0

vi.     Motion Passed

  1. Safe Space: Convention funding request

i.     Asking for $1,000 to send members to the Mennonite Convention this summer.

ii.     Emma motions to grant Safe Space $1000 with the stipulation that they bring something back to campus before fall break of 2015, if they fail to bring it back to campus in, SGA will with drawl the $1000. Kate seconds.

iii.     In Favor: 8

iv.     Abstaining:1

v.     Opposed: 4

vi.     Motion passed

  1. Safe Space:

i.     Marion motions to not grant $800 to Safe Space from their 2014-2015 funding request because of failure to provide a presentation on campus for the fierce fabulous and sacred conference as was stipulated by the original funding request. Isaiah seconds.

ii.     In Favor: 12

iii.     Abstaining: 1

iv.     Opposed:0


  1. Mary Strickler: Shen Opt-Out feedback

VII.     Open Floor

  1. Spirit Week

VIII.     Adjournment

  1. Mario motions to adjourn at 9:55 p.m. Kate seconds. Meeting adjourned.