Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association Senate
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
- Call to Order
- Becca L. calls to order at 8:08 p.m.
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes
- Minutes approved
- Announcements
- Ryan F.: Art Wall
- Someone needs to be in contact with Ryan about the art wall.
- Old Business
- USO Budget: money transfer
- There was $800 in the account for the entire year with $2,000 roll over. Right now we are $800 short.
- Kate motions to transfer $800 from general budget to the USO. Mario seconds.
- In favor: 14
- oppose: 0
- Abstaining: 1
- motion passed.
- Increase student fees
- Mario: would it be a better option to do a yearly thing instead of every few years.
- New Business
- Amy Springer: student feedback
- Funding request: Healthy Sexuality
- Campus Health Educators, EMSWA and Coalition Against Sexual Violence are hosting an event on April 13th and are asking $100.
- Emma motions to give Campus Health Educators and EMSWA to give $100 for the April 13th event. Sarah seconds.
- In favor: 15
- Opposed:0
- Abstaining: 0
- Motion Passed
- Open Floor
- Spirit Week
- Professionalism
- Leaving Early
- Board of Trustees
- T-shirts
- Exec Nominees
- Adjournment
- Mario motions to adjourn. Hans seconds. Meeting adjourned at 9:06