Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association Senate
11th of March, 2015
I. Call to Order
- Becca M. calls to order at 8:02p.m.
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
- Minutes Approved
IV. Announcements
V. Old Business
- Intellectual Life Speaker
i. Mario motions to give $1,000 to Intellectual life to bring Emily to campus. Sarah seconds.
ii. In Favor: 11
iii. Abstaining:1
iv. Apposed:0
v. Motion passed
VI. New Business
- Funding Request: Weather Vane
i. Asking for $2,000 for temp pay for Co-Editors and software updates. Mario motions to give the $850. Matej seconds.
- Motion declined
- Rachel motions to $1,500. Isaiah seconds.
ii. In Favor: 11
iii. Abstaining: 1
iv. Apposed:0
v. Motion accepted.
- USO money transfer
i. Isaac motions to allocate $100 to USO fund from the general fund. Makora seconds.
ii. In favor: 12
iii. Abstaining: 0
iv. Apposed: 0
v. Motion Passed
- Isaiah: Sexual Assault Committee
VII. Open Floor
- Art Week
VIII. Adjournment