Eastern Mennonite University
Student Government Association Senate
28th of January, 2015
I. Call to Order
- Becca M. calls to order 8:02
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
- Minutes approved
IV. Announcements
- Introductions
V. Old Business
VI. New Business
- Funding Request: USO
i. Sustainable Food Initiative, EarthKeepers, Free Thought Coallation, and Campus Health Educators Hosting Origins. Wellness committee is also involved. Free thought collation is hosting talk back after the showing of the Origins. Asking for $78 for out-of-hours Common Grounds fee and catering costs.
ii. Hans motions to give Sustainable Food Initiative, EarthKeepers, Free Thought Coallation, and Campus Health Educators $78, Mario seconds.
- Favor: 14
- Abstaining: 1
- Against: 0
- Motion Passed
VII. Open Floor
- Art Week
i. Ryan wants to open a graffiti project on the wall by the volleyball courts representing peace and diversity. Also connecting it to SPI.
ii. Becca; incorporating safe space into art week to incorporate them for the funding request last semester.
iii. Lizbeth wants to head this project up. Isaiah will also help.
iv. Sidewalk chalk
- Spirit Week
i. Trash fashion
ii. Have it leading up to an event on campus. (Spring fest?)
iii. Profs vs. students games.
- Kultuma: Help replace a light Hillside.
i. Lizbeth: Lights by the library.
- Kat: I need someone for Friday announcements.
Going to talk to Brian.
VIII. Adjournment
- Isaac motions to adjourned, Mario seconds.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.