Minutes 10/1

Eastern Mennonite University

Student Government Association Senate


1st of October 1, 2014


Call to Order

Meeting is called to order at 8:03pm


Roll Call

Sarah Marie Longenecker x
Taylor Esau x
Kaltuma Noorow x
Jasmine Miller abs
Matej Gligorevic x
Kate Weaver x
Kat Lehman x
Mario Valladares x
Emma King x
Hans Bontrager Singer x
Roberto Wingfield x
Isaiah Williams x
Ryan Swartz x
Charlie Good x
Becca Jo Longenecker x
Becca Martin x
Erin Nafziger x
Kyle Storc x
Ken Nafziger x
Amy Springer x
Jane Wenger-Clemens x


Approval of Minutes

Minutes approval passed.



No announcements.


Old Business


Meet outside of weekly meetings to work on subcommittees. During these meetings work on making a more coherent mission.

Talk-Back with Loren

Beeca Jo has set up a date for this Q and A, October 27 at 8 or 8:30pm. This meeting is expected to be an hour or hour and a half. As we get closer to this date, we will talk more about the structure.

Idea Drive

We are leaving these out for an additional week because Emily Shenk is making a video announcement. Feel free to decorate these boxes, making them more appealing for suggestions.


New Business

Take Back the Night Funding Request

McKenzie Sauder and Courtney Jones came as representatives for this event. Take Back the Night is a night to raise awareness for sexual violence and sexual assuault, domestic violence, and child violence. It is a sacred and empowering week for survivors. Historically this is a week-long event including a coffeehouse, chapel service, and workshops. Take Back the Night is important because we do not talk about sexual violence and assault enough; this is practically the only event out of the year.

They are requesting $600. In the past few years, this event has been approximately $800-1000. This event does not receive any previous allocation.

McKenzie describes a coffeehouse for supporting our peers, a workshop for education, and a chapel with a theme yet to be determined. This event is not only for support, but also for education. Kaltuma comments that there is a huge need at EMU for awareness and education.

Becca Jo asks if any speakers come in and if they receive compensation. McKenzie responds by saying each speaker receives either compensation or gift cards.

Becca Martin asks if they are bringing in speakers from other places. McKenzie says that they are looking to bring in speakers affiliated with JMU’s STEP.

Mario comments that he is unclear where all the funding is going. Becca Jo comments that much of the money is going towards t-shirts. Emma comments on the importance of the t-shirts. Becca Jo comments on how the t-shirts can benefit the entire student body.

Kat asks about catering specifics for their event. Emma responds by saying the event will be catered by Common Grounds.

Hans points out that this event is an entire week, as opposed to a single day.

Becca M explains that the common grounds coffee house goes on for about four hours and sparks a lot of conversation.

Campus Ministries is willing to give a chapel time towards this event

Kyle points how well this event is attended; students usually put the coffee house on high priority.

Ken clarifies that SWIP is in charge of this, but does not get allocated money because it is an organization just for social work majors.

Ken points out that this event historically has brought in speakers form the Collins Center. They provide support for anyone who experiences sexual assault.

Emma motions to grant Take Back the Night the requested $600.

Ryan seconds the motion.

In favor: 15

Abstaining: 0

Motion passed.


Open Floor

Kaltuma spoke with Daryl Byler about Dr. A and asked about how we advertise. Charlie responds by saying the biggest way we advertise is through posters, Facebook, and Friday announcements. Emma comments that we could contact marketing and the Weathervane.

Becca Jo reminds senate to speak with Beccas about meeting with their institutional meeting. An overview of the meeting will be shared during the meeting.

Ken shares that certain social media sources, like Yik Yak, can target certain individuals. Some schools address these sources’ toxic affects. Ken asks if the senate has heard from our constituents ways these social media cites has been detrimental to specific students. Other schools are blocking this, as it is harmful to their students. Charlie says that Yik Yak cannot be used by any school up until college. Ken expresses that if there are any complaints, faculty can work to restrict this, but won’t do it if this is unnecessary. Hans suggests making a preemptive statement explaining appropriateness as people form EMU. Charlie asked if there were any other social media experiences like this. Ken explains that there was one student creating something that ended up creating harm until he had to shut down the whole app.



Hans motions to end the meeting. Mario seconds the motion. Motion passed.