Student Government Association
Senate Agenda
March 19, 2014 Start Time: 9:00
“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.”
-Pablo Neruda
i. Call to Order 9:04pm
ii. Roll Call/Prayer
Alicia Ygarza | H |
Andrew Yoder | A |
Amy Springer | H |
Becca Longenecker | H |
Caleb Hinga | H |
Carissa Harnish | H |
Carol Song | H |
Chantelle Garber | A |
Charlie Good | H |
Christine Baer | H |
Curtis Handy | A |
Erin Nafziger | H |
Jacob Lester | H |
Jane Wenger Clemens | H |
Ken Nafziger | A |
Krista Nyce | H |
Kyle Storc | Birthday |
Makora Nyagwegwe | A |
Mariah Elliott | H |
Ryan Swartzentruber | H |
Sonja Anderson | H |
Tyler Denlinger | H |
iii. Approval of Minutes
Motion: Go ahead with the change to remove names from last week’s minutes.
Voted Down (11 opposed, 1 obstaining)
Motion: To change last week’s minutes because of controversial topics and the names attached to content within.
Motion passed unanimously
Minutes passed
iv. Announcements
- Executive Elections
By noon to Christine or Carissa via campus mail
v. New Business
- Late Night Pancakes
When is CAC coffeehouse? Schedule around that.
- Faculty/Staff Appreciation
Second week of April
Ideas: Dress like a Professor Day, Student Panel with stories from students about Professors on TGIW (vignette thank you stories), Flowers/Smarties in public places for students to take and give to professors, Thank You Posters for each department
vi. Old Business
- Campaign and Auction update
Items include: Bricks from old Oakwood, Margaret Gehman original artwork, old dorm furniture, Lodging from two nights at tranquility suite, two pianos, elephant carvings from India, etc.
Student craft contributions: baked goods, textiles?
Becca as head clerk for auction on April 5th.
Food update: Chili cook-off
Bruce to donate two pans of cornbread to go along with the chili and possibly paper products.
Trophy for chili winner?
SGA brought in $20 from donations from the Kick-Off Ice Cream Event
In development: an update system where SGA can see all of its monetary contributions for the campaign.
The campaign has raised over $1000 so far
vii. Committee Reporting
viii. Open Floor
ISO Banquet April 5th – Funding Request coming next week
YPCA’s budget received by Christine and Carissa
Deadline for club binders is Friday March 21st
ix. Adjournment
Motion: Adjourn the meeting
Motion Passed
Meeting Adjourned at 9:47