I. Call to Order Michael (9:09)
II. Role Call/Prayer Karissa prayed
Present: Michael Spory, Karissa Sauder, Sarah Beck, Brent Beachy, Gabe Brunk, Brendan Derstine, Peyton Erb, Alli Eanes, Brandon Habron, James Souder, Katie Landis, Vi Dutcher, Amy Springer, Ken L. Nafziger
Absent: Heidi Bauman, Hans Weaver, Brook Mussleman, Darian Harnish
III. Approval of Minutes
Motion 24032010-1 to approve the minutes: Giles
Second: Brendon
Motion passed unanimously
IV. Announcements
a. SPC Meeting-Michael and Karissa: Karissa shared that the committee looked at the academic plan, which included a lot of interdisciplinary options. Michael shared that there was also a presentation on distance (or online) learning and the future of this at EMU. This may be geared more toward the grad program. There was also an update on the solar project being worked on and snags that have already come up.
b. Exec elections coming up: Karissa will be handling this because Michael is running again. Petitions are due on Friday and elections will be on Tuesday so spread the word!
c. Earthkeepers development-hand dryers: Michael shared that Josh Kanagey talked with Ken that Earthkeepers is trying to develop a project with implementing more hand dryers around campus. These will probably be placed on campus within the next few years.
V. Old Business
a.None to report
VI. New Business
a. JMU possibilities: Michael was contacted by James Richardson, the head of the SGA at JMU, who is interested in looking at possible ways our SGAs could collaborate. He wants to get a better idea of what other universities do for SGA and would like to have dialogue with us. We could also have a video conference, attend a JMU SGA meeting, etc. There was general feeling amongst the senators that this could be a really beneficial relationship. It would also help EMU and JMU become a little closer, since we are pretty disconnected from them. Karissa and Brandon offered to help Michael with this.
b. Lunch with Pam-April 8: Pam Comer has invited a few members from the SGA to a lunch to discuss new programs in the counseling department. She’d like to know different ways student government could be involved in this program on depression. Brandon and Katie volunteered to attend this lunch and discuss the new program with Pam.
VII. Open Floor
VIII. Adjournment: (9:27)
Motion 24032010-2 to adjourn: Katie
Second: Giles
Motion passed
smb 03/24/10