March 03 Minutes

I. Call to Order Michael (9:06)

II. Roll Call/Prayer Michael prayed

Present: Michael Spory, Karissa Sauder, Brent Beachy, Sarah Beck, Giles Eanes, Heidi Bauman, Hans Weaver, Katie Landis, Gabe Brunk, Darian Harnish, Peyton Erb, Sara Derstine, Brook Mussleman, Alli Eanes, Brandon Habron, James Souder, Vi Dutcher, Amy Springer, Ken L. Nafziger

Absent: Brendon Derstine

III. Approval of Minutes

Alli added a slight change that she forgot to mention Guatemala as a Spring 2013 cross-cultural in her report last week.

Motion 03032010-1 to approve the minutes with said change:Darian

Second: Peyton

Motion passed unanimously

IV. Announcements

a. The “Spirit Bus” or lack therof . . . Michael shared that there were very few student sign-

ups for the Spirit Bus last week so those who signed up ended up taking a “mini-van” which

only cost the SGA $37 instead of $300.  There was a good showing of people watching the

games in Common Grounds and the Campus Center though!

b. SACS visiting committee Michael shared that the committee is now here.  The members

have been traveling through different departments at EMU and have talked to many faculty

members and students.  They will still be here through tomorrow so be prepared to answer


c. Committee Reporting

1-Undergraduate Council-Brandon: Brandon shared that he met with the

Undergraduate Council.  He shared that there was a lengthy discussion about the WCSC

program and potential changes to the coursework; however they decided that the

program will continue.  The committee also discussed possibilities for potential make-

up days due to the snow days.

2- QEP- Brandon: Brandon shared that the QEP meeting discussed the SACS committee

coming this week and approved a powerpoint to show to all the members of the SACS

committee during their visit this week.

V. Old Business

a. STARS Constitution Review: Michael shared that STARS made changes to their

constitution; however, a question still remains regarding the article about amendments

because the wording is unclear about the process.  We will need to ask for a little more

clarification on this point.

Motion 03032010-3 to approve the constitution with said changes: Darian

Second: Alli

Motion passed unanimously

VI. New Business

a. EBIT Constitution review- Matt Ropp: Matt came to share with the SGA a proposed

constitution for a new club EBIT (Economics and Business Innovators of Tomorrow) that

would bring together the students in the business major.  He shared that many people have

expressed interest in this club, but people are hesitant to take on leadership roles.  Because

of this, he designed the constitution to be more fluid rather than follow the traditional

“president, vice-president” formula.  The club is looking to team up with MEDA

(Mennonite Economic Development Associates).  The club already has some events

scheduled for the end of the year and has generated a lot of support because the business

major is one of the largest ones on campus and there’s currently no club specifically for

this major.  Elections will occur as more of a “board” with a President, Treasurer and

Secretary that are elected board members.  While the club will be geared more towards

economic and business topics, it will be open to students with any major.  A few minor

clarifications were suggested and grammatical mistakes addressed.

Motion 03032010-2 to approve the constitution with said changes: Katie

Second: Gabe

Motion passed unanimously

b. The Shen-Andrew Jenner: The Shen representatives talked about how they will have

around $10,000 left over after this year and are unsure about whether or not those funds will

be rolled over to their account next year or where the money will go.  As far as which option

previously discussed will work better, Michael asked Andrew what the Shen staff is

recommending.  The staff felt the opt-out option will most likely include the most students

and they feel this is the best option for the Shen at this point.  Andrew shared that since then

the business office has talked about the logistics of this and this may be a major headache for

them.  This method may also decrease the amount of money that SGA would need to allocate

to the Shen.  *Clarification: This is a discussion to help the Shen staff know what to request

when it comes time to put in budget requests at the end of March.  There was general

discussion between Shen representatives and senators talking about various models and

possibilities.  The question from the Shen is if the allocation has to change from SGA because

the easiest scenario is for SGA to allocate about $15,000 which could give every senior a free

yearbook and subsidize each book purchased by other students by about $10.  Once the Shen

reps left, Ken shared that this is ultimately SGA’s decision about how the Shen should work

with this issue.  The senate members discussed the possible options and everyone really

thought that we would get the most response from the “opt-out” model.  We could then have a

booth in the registration line for students to (informed) opt-out.  Some senate suggestions

included possibly moving the photo place to either the registration line or a more central place

than Northlawn (possibly the Campus Center or right outside the Caf).  These proposals were

suggested to help out with the opt-out model.  Michael will meet with Andrew after the

meeting to discuss the SGA’s sentiment for what they should submit for their budget requests

at the end of March.  We have decided for now to agree in principle to the free senior book

within the Shen’s existing budget.  If for some reason there isn’t enough student interest for

the Shen to cover their expenses, the SGA will help them out.

VII. Open Floor

Katie shared that Bruce got back to us on the Den transfer meal hour shift.  After Spring

Break, transfer meals will be available to students from 12-3 everyday! WHOOHOO!

-Hans shared a brief update with the concerts decided last semester.  He followed up on our

potential Christian concert this semester but the idea was pretty much shot down by the CAC

for this year and there was no forward motion with this.  Next year, the ball is kind of in

CAC’s court and they are taking the lead on this one.

-Karissa met with Brian Martin Burkholder about the Friday Announcement guidelines and

he made the proposed change so she will sign the guidelines this week!

VIII. Adjournment

Motion 03032010-4 to adjourn: Sara

Second: Darian

Motion passed unanimously

smb934 03/17/10  🙂