I. Call to Order (9:03) Benjamin Bergey
II. Roll Call/Prayer Sarah Beck
Present: Benjamin Bergey, Janelle Freed, Sarah Beck, Brent Beachy, William Morris, Drew Kirk, Karissa Sauder, Katie Landis, Brendon Derstine, Heidi Bauman, Gabe Brunk, Sara, Giles Eanes, Peyton Erb, Darian Harnish, Hans Weaver, Larisa Zehr, Vi Dutcher, Ken L. Nafziger
Absent: Amy Springer
III. Committee Reporting
Larisa shared with us about the Mural Painting committee. The art students have already been introduced to the idea of painting various surfaces around campus such as the bike shed by Cedarwood. Cost and a time frame will soon be established and reported back. Janelle suggested also a possible surface: the VERY dreary cement wall outside the basement windows in Hillside.
IV. Approval of Minutes
Motion 1-20090930 to approve the minutes: Karissa Sauder
Second: Drew Kirk
Motion passed unanimously.
V. Announcements
a. Feedback on the retreat
SGA senators shared what they got back from the retreat. We all felt that the retreat went very well and were happy with the results.
VI. Old Business
a. Retreat Committee Reports
Ben passed around a summary of the committee reports so we all could see what each committee talked about. Next on our list are the action items: those who are chairs or co-chairs should continue to motivate their group to keep moving forward and working towards the goals of the committee. When things are accomplished, make sure to come back to SGA and share with us at the next meeting! Keep that energy going!
VII. New Business
a. New club—MRI
We received a proposal for a new club: Students for Morally Responsible Investment in Israel and Palestine. Ben explained that when a new club comes with an approval to be made an official EMU club, we all must read the proposed constitution and see if we have any possible suggestions. A few suggestions for their constitution were mentioned, such as more clear membership guidelines, making sure only EMU students are members, leadership clarifications, clearing up the word “consensus,” finances and a possible treasurer role, and what happens in the event of a tie in an election.
Motion 20090930 to approve the constitution of MRI provided they make the suggested changes and then recommend them as a new club to the President’s Cabinet: Will Morris
Second: Giles Eanes
Motion passed unanimously.
b. Spirit week, chapel announcement
Janelle shared about Spirit Week, which takes place next week. She asked for volunteers to help out with Friday announcements and got everyone involved. Get creative and spirited people!
VIII. Open Floor
* Katie shared that she was asked to design a logo for SGA and was asking for possible ideas for the logo idea. Just a reminder that it can’t include a picture logo! Karissa suggested a “stamp” logo and that was met with general consensus. Katie will be working on that.
* Karissa brought up the faculty forum and asked for possible suggestions of faculty members that might be willing to be a part of it. Peter Dula, Roman Miller, Ge Baas, Cindy Gusler were all suggested as possibilities.
IX. Adjournment
Motion 3-20090930 to adjourn: Will Morris
Second: Drew Kirk
Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:55.