Minutes 10/15

Eastern Mennonite University

Student Government Association Senate


15th of October, 2014



Call to Order

Becca M calls the meeting to order at 8:03pm

Roll Call

Sarah Marie Longenecker x
Taylor Esau x
Kaltuma Noorow x
Jasmine Miller abs
Matej Gligorevic abs
Kate Weaver x
Kat Lehman x
Mario Valladares x
Emma King x
Hans Bontrager Singer x
Roberto Wingfield x
Isaiah Williams x
Ryan Swartz x
Charlie Good x
Becca Jo Longenecker x
Becca Martin x
Erin Nafziger x
Kyle Storc x
Ken Nafziger x
Amy Springer abs
Jane Wenger-Clemens x


Approval of Minutes

Minutes passed



Introduction: Andrea Wenger, director of Marketing.


Old Business

No old business to address.


New Business

Discussion group regarding EMU’s brand ID facilitated by Andrea Wenger, director of marketing and communications.

We have been using the same brand ID for the past 20 years. At this point, we are considering whether we want to use the same brand ID, asking if this logo still correctly conveys how we want to express ourselves.

The logo includes the text, Eastern Mennonite University spelled out, and the graphic. Logos tell a story in one brief moment. Does the EMU logo tell the story we want to tell, or is it doing something else?

Andrea asks the following questions:

What words or phrases come to mind when you see the EMU logo?

  1. Kyle says its not very attention seeking
  2. Kat says its very traditional
  3. Becca M and Roberto agree that it looks recognizable
  4. Hans says it looks like a postage stamp
  5. Becca Jo says it looks unfinished
  6. Emma says it looks unfinished
  7. Multiple people say the gap and position of letters bothers them


As you think about your EMU experience and what you know EMU to be, what do you think the logo should bring?

  1. Becca Jo says warmth and community
  2. Becca M likes organic lines and softer looks
  3. Mario says innovation
  4. Matej says he likes the torch
  5. Kat likes the lowercase, continuous letters
  6. Kaltuma likes the circular logo better


If you had the opportunity to change the logo, what would you like to see?

  1. Isaiah would like to add in the lion
  2. Charlie wants the font to change


What is a word or phrase that describes the logo?

  1. Ryan: Not dynamic
  2. Matej: Mainstream
  3. Mario: Traditional, square
  4. Emma: outdated
  5. Kat: Boxy
  6. Isaiah: Enlightenment
  7. Roberto: Linear, churchy
  8. Kaltuma: boring
  9. Hans: Indifferent
  10. Sarah: Unprofessional
  11. Kate: Structured
  12. Kyle: Basic
  13. Erin: Sun over the mountains
  14. Becca M: Familiar, stagnant
  15. Becca Jo: Flat, unfinished


What should the logo communicate?

  1. Charlie: Quirky, weird
  2. Matej: Standout, #likenoother
  3. Mario: Moving forward
  4. Kat: Organic, Mountain-esque
  5. Roberto: Worldly
  6. Kaltuma: Holistic
  7. Hans: Mountains, unique
  8. Taylor: Blue
  9. Erin: Earthy, Organic
  10. Becca Jo: Soft

There is now a survey on the EMU webpage, inviting people to answer these same questions.

Funding Requests

Engineers for a Sustainable World

Jordan Leaman is representing Engineers for a Sustainable World. This is a new club on campus including five or six people. Last year they built a green house on the south side of the science center; they took this project to a conference and won an award.

One idea on campus is to introduce solar energy alternatives to the golf carts.

They are requesting $400 to repair some things on the greenhouse, and then to fund a few other problems.

Ken clarifies that SGA requires a constitution for clubs on campus to start the two year curb for funding.

Emma asks if the club is only open to Math majors, and Jordan says that it is open to anyone. They have about 10-11 members right now.

The largest project is the solar innovations, which has a lot of costs. The $850 is for supplies for these innovations and some to repair the greenhouse.

The greenhouse is used for SFI and food for the cafeteria. Jordan shares that it’s also a good educational opportunity for students; they get a hands-on approach to engineering.

Matej asks why they chose the golf carts. Others contribute that golf carts are used very regularly on campus year-round.

Kat expresses that this is Earth Stewardship, which is something that our school stands for.

Taylor expresses hesitation that because they don’t have the other funding. Ryan shares that there are other sources.

Ryan shares that they do a lot of applicable, real substantial projects.

Becca Jo shares that maybe the club should come back later when they have more specifics about their project.

Becca M suggests that we give the amount to fix the greenhouse, and then ask them to come back with more concrete plans for the other projects, while expressing their support.

Mario motions to give the full amount. Kat seconds.

In favor: 14

Abstaining: 0

Opposed: 2

Motion passed

Restorative Justice Initiatives

Rachel Bowman and Bethany Chupp are here to talk about an RJ opportunity. There has been a lot of talk about RJ on campus; both Rachel and Bethany have been involved in these discussions. Deanna Durham invited them to a conference at Skidmore College with big names in RJ. Both are CA’s on campus, and have been working with Res Life on how to incorporate RJ. Personally, RJ has a lot of implications in Bethany’s future career.

They will be presenting in CA class, write a weathervane article, and do some sort of all-campus event.

They need a total of $1050 for the event and they are asking for 500

They will be traveling by plane with the leaders.

Erin asks what specific idea do they have for bringing an all-campus event? Right now they are thinking of presenting with Deanna and Jon in a coffeehouse, but also leaving it open to whatever will work best with the material they gather at the conference.

They will be paying close to 200 out of pocket.

Emma asked how many people were going and why they are flying? Rachel responds that her and Bethany are the only students going and are flying per request of Deanna.

Kyle brings up the point that he recalls three people needing to go to a conference in order to receive funding. Ken responds by saying that if prof encourage students to go to conferences that will benefit a lot of EMU instead of just a select few, two or more people can receive funds.

The specific subject in the conference is how to bring RJ to campuses.

Becca M points out that students going to a specific request that are not a part of a club are allowed to have funding if their event will benefit a large portion of campus.

Mario asked if they are going to be CA’s next year. Bethany responds that she hasn’t made that decision, but is interested in implementing RJ into Res Life. Becca asks if they are going to be here next semester, and neither of them will be.

Hans thinks that this is really helpful to address student discipline. This would be very pertinent to the safety committee.

Becca Jo points out that she, Kyle, and Jon Swartz are interested in holding a Listening Process for Res Life, and inviting students to share their experiences with Res Life

Ryan says that they have $6,000 left in the account, which is more than half, and we are approaching the halfway point in the semester.

Charlie shares that both Bethany and Rachel will not be around next semester, which is concerning.

Kaltuma shares that there are a lot of students involved in RJ that would be interested in carrying this on.

Mario suggests putting a stipulation on giving SGA feedback.

Becca M suggests asking both Bethany and Rachel to tap people on the shoulder to fill their shoes during next semester.

Emma shares hesitation on them flying. She doesn’t believe it makes sense. Hans points out that it is out of our control.

Ken shares that they are saving a lot in lodging by staying on Skidmore campus.

Kyle clarifies that they are participating in the conference, not contributing to the conference itself.

Erin Nafziger shares that this does make a public statement.

Kat motions to fund the full amount. Hans seconds

In favor: 9

Abstaining: 4

Opposed: 2

Motion Passed

Dr. Abuelaish visit: Kaltuma

Kaltuma had a meeting with the committee bringing dr. He is hoping to start a scholarship fund to bring students from Gaza to EMU. There will be dinner conversations, book-signings, presentations to community at large and specific departments, and lectures. The four major events that they want SGA to advertise is the dinner with the students, community wide lecture, Suter science center series lecture, and the center for interfaith engagement luncheon.

Jane points out a conflict with TBTN event, but proposes to change the time for TBTN event if need be.

Becca Jo shares that we will advertise on Facebook, posters, and all-campus email.

TDAP name change

Teaching, developing, advising peers would like to change their name to Campus Health Educators.

Roberto makes a motion to change their name. Kat Seconds

In favor: 16

Motion passed unanimously.


Open Floor

Becca Jo says that Marketing put up the feedback for the logo on the SGA website. Becca Jo asked if anyone has any frustrations.

The listening process talk back is coming up soon, specific questions about the process?

Charlie suggests that people bring questions to the next meeting.

Becca Jo asks if anyone would like to be a facilitator.

Jasmine Miller is up on automatic dismissal for missing three meetings consecutively, and has requested to resign from her position as senator on SGA.

Kyle makes a motion to pass her resignation. Charlie seconds. Motion passed unanimously.


Emma had her office hour today, and she comments on several ideas to get more art on campus. Emma suggests having an art week, including introductory classes, presentations, etc.


Matej met with the Safety Committtee this week. The meeting talked about technology safety.



Kaltuma motions to end the meeting, and Mario seconds the motion.