Thesis research at EMU – what’s it all about?

by Dr. Julia Halterman One of the unique aspects of earning a MA in Biomedicine degree is that our students complete original, hypothesis-driven thesis research. This truly sets our students apart from other applicants to professional schools, since the majority of applicants have not conducted thesis research. What does thesis research look like at EMU?....

Suter Science Seminar Lecture by Dr. Longnecker

I recently watched the Suter Science Seminar with guest lecturer Dr. Chris Longenecker. This seminar focused on inflammation and heart disease in patients with HIV. I found this seminar particularly interesting because this was the first time I had heard about a relationship between those two different aspects. Below is a summary of the seminar,....

Its That Time Again…

…and exam time is here. It feels like they’re always right around the corner right? One minute, you have all the free time in the world to binge watch Catfish and Law and Order: SVU, and the next minute, it’s 36 hours before your first [insert difficult science course here] test and you have not reviewed those....

Happy New Year

Most people think of January as the beginning of a new year. But, in academia, the new year often begins in late August/early September when the campus comes back to life with the energy of new and returning students. With the new academic year comes a variety of fresh starts. For incoming students, it is....

Biomedicine Practicum

By Jessica Simms I am a second-year graduate student in the MA in Biomedicine Program at Eastern Mennonite University. My ultimate goal is to attend Physician Assistant school and become a valued health care provider. So far, this program has provided me with numerous opportunities to grow academically, professionally and personally. Some of the courses....

Biomedicine: Definition, Purpose, and Benefits

by Dr. Roman Miller, Professor Emeritus of Biology and Former Program Director What is biomedicine? Responses vary, but a standard one from the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines biomedicine as “medicine based on the application of the principles of the natural sciences and especially biology and biochemistry.” Biomedicine at EMU is much broader than this standard definition.....