
Today is Sunday June 3, 2018. We all went to church and it was a good service. We just got back from our week-long trip to Vilnius, Riga, and Tallinn. It was very interesting to see the architecture and learn about the history about these cities. There are many monuments and museums that hold tons of information. A lot of photos were taken, and we all enjoyed our time. The cities are beautiful, and it would be a place to visit again. Now we all have a lot of photos to edit for our assignments that are due in the coming weeks. The experiences that we have all encountered during this trip were powerful.

We visited a lot of places that were memorial sites for the people who gave their lives for freedom for their people and country. There were other sites that remembered the people who were executed because of their faith and race. These sites help paint the picture that injustices are all around us, but if we can stick together we can make a change. The people in these times were committed to their goal for unity. These people were selfless and thought about others before themselves. I feel a lot of us learned what it means to sacrifice and fight for what you believe in on this trip. I am glad we all could experience this.

-Isaiah Harris-Winn

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