Practice at CJP

Bouela Lehbib
Learning Through Doing: Lehbib petitioned the UN Special Political and Decolonization Committee about the occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco.

Theo Sitther
Learning Through Doing: Sitther is a lobbyist for the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the largest pro-peace lobbying group in Washington, D.C.

Graduate Student Research
Learning Through Doing: CJP degree candidates experience practicums in peace education, historical memory, restorative justice and more

Youngji Jang
Learning Through Doing: Jang completed her practicum at the Restorative Justice Clinic at Campbell Law School in Raleigh, North Carolina. There she participated in victim-offender dialogue in a felony case, and facilitated both restorative circles in Butner prison and restorative dialogue in school settings.

8 Graduate Students
Learning Through Doing: Eight graduate students collaborated to plan and lead an arts-based peacebuilding workshop for more than 30 local refugee and immigrant students from Harrisonburg High School’s Peer Leaders club.