Guest Speaker: Ann Schaeffer
On February 24, Ann Schaeffer came to our class as a guest speaker to discuss women’s health issues and client/provider relationships. She is an assistant professor in EMU’s nursing program, as well as a certified nurse midwife in current practice in Harrisonburg. Schaeffer goes into detail about her background and scope as a....
Guest Speaker: Jack Broaddus
Jack Broaddus came to our class on February 1 to discuss some of the current issues pertaining to caring for the aging population in the United States. While there are many important matters that are plaguing the United States’ healthcare system, the issues concerning how to handle the ever-increasing elderly population are far from being....
School Applications
The work truly never ends does it? Most of us in this program have goals of eventually entering medical school, PA school, DO school, optometry school, etc. Unfortunately, rocking this program academically does not guarantee automatic acceptance into any of these schools (although it should…we work hard!). I, too, am currently in the process of....
A Student’s Perspective of EMU’s MA in Biomedicine Program
I think I speak for many of my fellow peers when I say that being apart of the MA in Biomedicine program at EMU has been a rewarding experience thus far. Being apart of a program that really aims at helping us prepare for our futures holistically has been extremely gratifying. A little while ago,....
Suter Science Seminar-Dr. Diek Wheeler
Below is a summary of the Suter Science Seminar with Dr. Diek Wheeler, who spoke about how he and his team have begun creating a comprehensive knowledge-base of the hippocampus. Enjoy! (By the way, I have really been meaning to write more interesting blog posts, but I have been so SWAMPED this semester. Fortunately,....
Thesis research at EMU – what’s it all about?
by Dr. Julia Halterman One of the unique aspects of earning a MA in Biomedicine degree is that our students complete original, hypothesis-driven thesis research. This truly sets our students apart from other applicants to professional schools, since the majority of applicants have not conducted thesis research. What does thesis research look like at EMU?....
Suter Science Seminar by Dr. Kevin Clark
I found this seminar by Dr. Kevin Clark both fascinating and inspiring. Check the summary of it below and enjoy! Dr. Kevin Clark begins this seminar by presenting a model of the “cone of learning”, which highlights the percentage of information that is retained by using passive forms of acquiring information (i.e. reading, hearing....
Suter Science Seminar Lecture by Dr. Longnecker
I recently watched the Suter Science Seminar with guest lecturer Dr. Chris Longenecker. This seminar focused on inflammation and heart disease in patients with HIV. I found this seminar particularly interesting because this was the first time I had heard about a relationship between those two different aspects. Below is a summary of the seminar,....
Its That Time Again…
…and exam time is here. It feels like they’re always right around the corner right? One minute, you have all the free time in the world to binge watch Catfish and Law and Order: SVU, and the next minute, it’s 36 hours before your first [insert difficult science course here] test and you have not reviewed those....
Cross Culture Journey: Nicaragua 2016
by Milan Sheth My classmates and I traveled to Nicaragua via International Service Learning Organization (ISL). We provided an array of medical services to the native people in both urban and rural areas. Upon arrival, I was swept away by Nicaragua’s natural beauty and the warm welcome we received from the residents. Our group leader,....