Coming Home

Two years can be seen as a short amount of time to build strong bonds, but that is just what happens in the MA in Biomedicine program.  We welcomed back a number of alumni recently at our Alumni/Student Reception held during EMU’s Centennial Homecoming and Family Weekend Celebration.  It was a wonderful time for our former students and our current students to connect and learn from each other.

Our afternoon together involved conversations about progress in medical school, veterinary school, and physician assistant programs.  Our current students had the opportunity to see how alumni are adjusting and are prepared for their respective programs.   Other alumni are in their gap year and are patiently waiting for secondaries and interviews.  Personal milestones such as marriages and children were celebrated.  Stories were told of alumni visiting each other in various places to catch up and actively be a part of each other’s lives.

Not all of our alumni were able to join us, as they were preparing for exams or in rotations.  Many sent written updates of where they are and how they are doing.  We are excited to read their success and realize our first graduates are just months away from graduating and being practicing health care professionals.

Although our program is entering its sixth year, it is amazing to see how things have changed over the years.  Students come and go, but the imprint they leave on the program is permanent.  When they return as alumni, we are heartened to be a part of their story and celebrate with them as they move forward to becoming doctors, dentists, physician assistants, and veterinarians.  We look forward to hosting another event in a couple of years for alumni to return and reconnect with us and each other.