Its That Time Again…

…and exam time is here. It feels like they’re always right around the corner right? One minute, you have all the free time in the world to binge watch Catfish and Law and Order: SVU, and the next minute, it’s 36 hours before your first [insert difficult science course here] test and you have not reviewed those notes since…since…well in a very long time. “Where did the time go?” you ask yourself, “and what was I DOING during that time?” It’s definitely easy to become caught up in other aspects of your life and temporarily neglect some of those looming assignments. But hey guys, don’t you even worry. I have some tips to help you study, both in advance and times of peril. In addition, I’ll give some tips on ways to decompress and relieve academic stress.


  1. Buy a planner. and actually use it. Using a planner will help you figure out how to plan your study time during the week and keep track of upcoming due dates of tests and assignments. Planners are pretty inexpensive (unless you’re like me and like to buy the cute ones from Target), but luckily most of you have smartphones and laptops with apps and software to help you stay organized. and EasilyDo are 2 examples of phone apps to try. Google Docs and Google Sheets are also really helpful for organizing your life.
  2. Start early! This tip comes from Shanae Scott and everyone knows I ALWAYS rave about her time management skills. I personally struggle with this all the time, because this is one of those “mind over matter” skills and 9.2/10 I would much rather take a nap. When I ask Shanae how does she possess such sorcery, she simply says, “I work on it early so that I don’t have to think about it later”. Genius and simple, yet… still…. so… difficult. Lately however, I have been working on my assignments during my gaps at school, in addition to working on them little by little over the course of a few weeks.
  3. Review your notes. This recommendation comes from Milan Sheth and I definitely second this. Skim through your notes on the topics covered 3 hours after your class ends and before going to bed. Reviewing your notes before bed time may help you digest the information better. If you need any clarity, go to your professor or fellow classmates.
  4. Make concepts relatable for comprehension. This tip helps me tremendously when trying to understand larger than life concepts in my science classes. If you need to create a story or a song to help you break down complex concepts, then do so! It may seem nerdy in the beginning, but trust me, you’ll be singing an entirely different tune when you ace an exam.
  5. Utilize your resources! When I was an undergraduate, I had this weird mindset that asking questions would make me look or sound dumb. However, asking questions actually means that your brain is working hard to grow and make connections. Never stunt that growth! If you have any questions about a difficult topic, do not be afraid to pull your professor aside and ask them for clarity. The professors here at EMU are always willing to help and that is what they are there for. Nevertheless, if you do not want to talk to your professor, then reach out to friends or tutors in the library and Suter Science Center. Overall, make sure that you look out for yourself and prevent yourself from falling too far behind. The earlier you seek help, the quicker you can access clarity and move forward.
  6. Take breaks. Make sure that you are studying effectively and without distractions. More importantly, designate periodic study breaks to relax for a few minutes, grab a snack, check Instagram, etc. It is important that the break does not last for more than 10 minutes, because the longer you take a break, the harder it is to get back into studying.


STUDY TIPS FOR CRAMMING (*disclaimer! I am not endorsing cramming. But let’s be honest, sometimes it happens. Here’s what you can do).

  1. Tackle this cram session solo. Isolate yourself at home, in a cubby in the library or in the rutt annex. The less distractions you have, the better. This. Is. Crunch. Time.
  2. Brew a large batch of coffee. Because let’s face it. You’re going to be glued to a chair for quite some time.
  3. Study in chunks. I recommend studying hard for about an hour, and then taking a 10 minute break. Then get back to work buddy.
  4. Try to understand the main underlying concepts. The time came and went to try and comprehend the minuscule details. Knowing the main concepts may help you remember smaller concepts on the test.
  5. Sleep. Avoid pulling an all nighter if you can. Trying to take a test without any sleep is likely to lead to poor performance. If possible, try to get at least six hours of sleep before an exam or big assignment is due
  6. Succumb to fate. Cramming only goes so far. Try and understand what you can, however be realistic. If you were not on top of your studying the way that you should have been, then be realistic about the grade you might receive. Figure out your weaknesses and fix those early on, so as to not fall into a destructive pattern.


  1. Sleep! My all time fave if I say so myself. Try not to nap for longer than 30 minutes though, or else that nap will quickly turn into epic slumber.
  2. Exercise. Going to the gym or embarking on a hike is a good way to stay in shape and temporarily take your mind off of all the sad things in the world, like vectors and enzymatic reactions.
  3. Spend time with your friends. If you’re like me, many of your classmates are also your friends. Which means they understand what you are going through and the need for relaxation. Gather a group and start a round of Spike Ball. Participate in burger Friday. Partake in Bagel Friday (which a bird has told me is tomorrow…stay tuned).
  4. Do things by yourself. Although I love you guys, I also thoroughly love “me” time. It gives me a chance to reflect and figure out my thoughts.
  5. Read a non-academic book. I hear Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is good. I haven’t read it yet (which I am ashamed to say), but if you have any questions, ask my friend and fellow Harry Potter fan Noor about it
  6. Binge watch a new or favorite show. Nothing like getting caught up in someone else’s fictional plot for an afternoon.
  7. Plan future trips out of town. I find that I can work effectively when I know that I have an upcoming trip out of town. Work hard so that you can have fun later!

Good luck on those exams everyone, we got this!


P.S. If you have any ideas of topics for future blog posts, do not hesitate to contact me! I will also be reaching out to fellow students and faculty for features, so stay tuned!