Tag Archives: featured

Guatemala: Threads of Connection

9 February 2024

As part of our intercultural experience, we are taking Spanish classes for about four hours every morning through CASAS, or Central America Study and Service cultural immersion program. We are in small groups and paired up with a teacher. So far, we have learned through cooking, singing Guatemalan songs, acting out skits, reading Central American literature, and even a trip to the zoo, of course in addition to traditional classroom learning. I like the immersive atmosphere of learning in this way, but I also deeply appreciate how we are in classes small enough that we can ask our teachers questions about life in Guatemala and get real answers.

The more we study Spanish, the more I, an English Education major, come to appreciate English and the study of language. Let me explain.

My whole life I have loved language. I love writing, reading, and communicating my point clearly. I love to read a well-written book, compose a perfectly flowing essay, or eloquently tell others what I want them to know. I appreciate language. I started appreciating language more when I took Introduction to Linguistics (shoutout Wendell Shank) last spring. It was a wonderful class that taught me the importance of parts of speech and just how differently languages communicate the same idea. Being in Guatemala has only grown that appreciation more. For example, I love that the sentence in Spanish “yo se quiero darle” doesn’t translate perfectly to English. If we translated it word for word, we would hear: “I you want to give it.” The idea is the same — “I want to give it to you” — but we can’t say it exactly the same way in both languages. I think that is fascinating. In English, you just follow right along with the idea from point A to point B. In Spanish you almost have to listen to the whole sentence before you can fully understand what the person is trying to say. If you’re not getting the whole sentence, you’re grasping at straws (words) trying to figure out what is going on.

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Guatemala: Everyone Is Affected by Migration

5 February 2024

Last Saturday through Wednesday, our group had the opportunity to visit Huehuetenango and Jacaltenango, both located in the Western highlands of Guatemala. The five to six-hour drive to Huehuetenango was rough for those who get carsick easily, but beautiful as we observed tree-laden mountains and stunning volcanoes along the way. In Huehuetenango, we stopped to visit the archeological site Zaculeu, which had ancient Mayan temples we

Zaculeu  Photo – N. Kratzer

could climb. Unfortunately, the original temples were covered in concrete, turning them into a playground for tourists. The beauty of the original structures will now always be hidden under a “modern” shell. I wonder what other historical and cultural sites have been “fixed” to accommodate tourist interest. After lunch, we drove about four more hours to Jacaltenango, a beautiful area full of trees and with small streets that our bus struggled to fit in. While we were in Jacaltenango, we visited Rio Azul, swam in a pool, and ate street food at the Féria there.

I think that for many, the beginning of the trip represented a break from the full schedule of classes and a chance to explore more of Guatemala. However, the overall purpose of the trip was much more important than seeing more breathtaking scenery. On Monday we visited Pop No’j, an organization that empowers Mayan

Group at Rio Azul Photo – CASAS

communities by encouraging their participation in advocating for their rights and accompanying them in their journey to have a better life. They also walk alongside children and adolescents who have been deported or returned voluntarily from the United States. To start our activities with them, they invited us to participate in a Mayan practice, where six candles of different colors are lit to recognize the energy that the day carries.

Mayan ceremonial candles  Photo – M. Beidler

After learning about their various programs, we met with Robby and Ari, a family they have worked with. Robby is a twelve-year-old boy who migrated to the United States with his mom but had to take care of himself there, because his mom had to work. Because of this lack of support, he along with an older cousin, journeyed back to Guatemala together. His older sister, Ari, who is now his guardian, shared that he had a lot of trauma when he returned. When asked about the migration process, she said that the migration journey is not worth it because it affects everyone and only creates more trauma for families. She believes that there needs to be more investment in communities here, because otherwise, people will continue migrating for any possible chance of a better life. I am grateful for the family’s willingness to share, and I think it was an important reminder of the impact migration has on kids and young adults. We have to remember that they are one story of many and that many children do not have support from organizations like Pop No’j or family members once they return. 

The next day we were going to visit one of the borders between Guatemala and Mexico. However, because narcotraffickers had taken over the highway it was recommended that we not go. Our group was privileged to have connections that warned us of the narco takeover, but many migrants do not have that opportunity. Regardless, many people in transit would continue even if there was danger to their safety or a huge risk of extortion and physical violence. While we were leaving Jacaltenango, our bus was stopped by the police to check our driver’s papers. We learned that police routinely stop bigger vehicles, because they are checking for any migrants who might be aboard. I cannot imagine the fear that people must face every time a bus they are on is stopped. If they are caught, they will be returned to the country they left.  Continue reading


Guatemala: City of Contrasts

21 January 2024

La Terminal

On Wednesday, January 19 our

La Terminal Market street – Photo: E. Ours

Guatemala-Cuba Intercultural group had the opportunity to visit a place called “La Terminal,” a market in Guatemala City. There
ply are not words to describe the poverty we saw there. I have seen and interacted with poverty in the US in both rural and urban settings, and it simply does not come close to what we saw in La Terminal. Everything everywhere reeked of garbage and gasoline. Fruits, vegetables,

Flower market, La Terminal Photo: S. Armato

and worse rotted in the streets. There were families of eight to twelve living in spaces that seemed smaller than a dorm room. These people, these human beings with hopes and dreams and dignity must pay 10 Quetzal (roughly $1.30) to shower and 2Q to use the toilet. 10Q is nearly 10% of the minimum wage here in Guatemala and roughly 50% of the average daily wages of those who are self-employed or living in rural areas.



The next day,   Thursday, January 20, we went to a place called Cayalá. Cayalá is owned by one family and sits on roughly 350 acres of previously forested land. The streets are cobblestone, the buildings white with clean terracotta roofs, and there is no trash in sight. The bathrooms are fancy – and free. If you dropped me in La Terminal, and then dropped me in Cayalá, never in a million years would I guess that they are just over 3 miles apart. 3 miles! That is all that separates some of the richest in this country from some of the poorest. The paradox of Cayalá, the gross irony, is that “cayalá” means “paradise” in an indigenous Mayan language spoken by people who certainly do not live there. The wealth, the amount of space taken up, and the inherent arrogance it takes for those living there to simply ignore the poverty sitting at their feet was nauseating.

Perhaps even more nauseating is how close to home this situation is. We all know the parts of town we want to avoid, the ones we aspire to live in. We all sit at the intersection with the window up, pretending not to see the person begging. We all, all too often, choose ignorance and judgment over acceptance and curiosity. If we want to live into the life that Christ calls us to, that Mennonite values prescribe, and that our humanity demands, we must do something to combat the gross inequalities in the world. And so my question going out of these experiences was this: how do we reconcile the way we live with the way those in La Terminal live, and how do we change how we live going out of that experience?

First, I must say that to not change anything about the way you live after such an experience is to kill your humanity. Second, there are so many things we can change about the way we live after an experience like that, but it will look different for everyone. We must change the way we live in a way that is humbling and beneficial to those from whose poverty many of us benefit. Here are some ideas our group came up with:

  • Waste no food. Clear the plate or save the leftovers.
  • Hang-dry clothes.
  • Live below your means and donate as much as you can. Consumerism perpetuates inequality.
  • Think twice before judging people, especially based on socioeconomic status. Curiosity is a much better choice.
  • Tell others about the experience. To learn someone’s story and tell no one is to silence them.

This is a short, infant list, but it’s a start. And a start is far better than the sacrifice of our humanity.

-Joshua Stucky



Europe: Service projects


Service Projects in Vienna

During our stay in Vienna, we were each assigned a service project to go to. This took place about every other week for a couple of hours at a time. I was assigned a position at an elementary school along with three of my peers. On each visit we were expected to prepare and carry out activities for fourth graders. As an elementary education major, this service project was a really exciting opportunity for me. Before each visit, I and the other three students would meet to prepare art projects, games, and music to do with the children, and send our plan to the supervising teacher to have it approved. On the day of our visits, we would do what we had planned with the classes which was always a super fun time! For one project we did with the class we had the students cut out their hand prints, decorate them, and put them up to create a tree.

Another time we made the tallest towers possible using just spaghetti and marshmallows. The class also loved playing games such as Hangman, Pictionary, and Simon Says. The students did not have much experience with English yet, so our time with them gave them practice. It was also more fun for them than their typical English lessons! This time also helped me learn a few more words in German and learn more about Viennese culture and their school system. Being able to spend some time in a classroom while studying abroad was a super beneficial experience for me. I was able to get some practice with teaching while also learning so much. I also was able to have a super fun time playing games, doing projects, and singing and dancing with an awesome class of fourth-grade students!

-Daphne Kropf

Horse with operahaus

Europe: Disneyland Paris

6 Dec. 2023

In Paris, we squeezed in a bunch of museums and sights, but my favorite thing was a trip to Disneyland. As we could only spend a day there, a careful plan was crafted to make the most of it. We hit all the major rides and enjoyed lunch at Captain Jack’s, a themed pirate restaurant. My favorite ride was Hyperspace Mountain, a speedy Star Wars ride. For dinner, we ate at Annette’s Diner— a place that transports you to the 80s. The waiters broke out into dance with the kids and there happened to be two birthday celebrations! A couple of us had holes in our left shoes which was unfortunate because it rained all day. Even so, it was a magical experience.
-Lydia Longacre
Horse with operahaus

Europe: Terezín


During our stay in Prague, the group visited Terezín, which was a fortress turned extermination camp during the Nazi Regime. We started off by seeing the museums on the property that had things like artwork from the children, music and poetry that had been written, and other products of having the Jewish people be forced there. One thing that really surprised me was the propaganda that was put out to portray Terezín as a cute small town. After seeing the propaganda, we walked into the extermination camps to the reality of living there. It was heartbreaking. We spent several weeks in Austria learning about Jewish treatment, but being in the actual place where many of these terrible acts occurred was a much more touching experience. The beds they slept on, the bathrooms they used, seeing the small portions of food, and the places they were given to eat. As a group of 23, we were walking into rooms and complaining about being cramped, but then the tour guide explained that 3-4 times our amount of people would have been in this room at one time. One story that the tour guide shared was about the famine and diseases that would cause death. When a prisoner would die in their sleep, others would try to hide the body from the guards, so they could have the rations that person was supposed to have because they were so hungry. We also walked around the execution grounds where hundreds of people lost their lives to no fault of their own. It was an experience that I will keep with me for the rest of my life. Being in the actual places, hearing more personal stories, seeing the artwork of people who didn’t get to grow up and share their work, seeing the way the children and adults were expressing their feelings in music, art, writing, and any other way they could was very touching. It was hard to tell at times if they had any idea of the horrors that were happening all around them, or if they were choosing to not believe it as a way to cope.

This experience brought an entirely new understanding and emotion towards the holocaust. It made it seem more recent and showed the devastating facts on an entirely new level. I think it’s hard to understand the magnitude of what these people did and went through, but being there brought our group a little closer to understanding the horrible effects of the Nazi party.

-Gracie Conner

Horse with operahaus

Europe: Exploring Vienna


Week one in Vienna felt like a whirlwind. From the three-hour drive from Salzburg to meeting host families, there were very few moments that weren’t filled with exciting things. Whether it be the first opera of the trip, Daphne, or seeing Leopoldstadt, or even just finding out which stand in the Naschmarkt has the best kebabs, there were plenty of very enjoyable moments within our first week. There’s even been some time to find some pretty amazing graffiti around town. Top all of that off with learning German and touring the city, and it’s already been quite an adventure for everyone.

-Alexis Lewis

Horse with operahaus

Europe 2023: Salzburg

The first week of the EMU Europe Intercultural was spent in Salzburg, Austria. The group spent the time getting adjusted, learning the culture, and exploring the new area. For me, it was full of emotions. Excitement and Sadness are the most present. I was super excited to have this new adventure, but leaving behind my family and the EMU community was a much more difficult task than I had expected. In such a short time, I have realized that the self-growth I will gain from this trip will be significant and I’m excited to continue learning about the new area and myself.

Some of the things we did in Salzburg were climb the Untesberg, a highlight for most of the group, explore the Salt Mines in Germany, see the Grossglockner High Alpine Highway and Glacier, take a boat ride through the Königssee, and explore the history of the city of Salzburg. My favorite part was the boat ride and hike through the Königssee. The mountains and the river were so vibrant that it didn’t even seem real. At one point, the guide played a trumpet and we could hear the echo spreading throughout the entire area.
As we leave Salzburg, we have become so much closer as a group, and are continuing to learn new things about ourselves and each other. It is a very exciting time and I am very excited for the future experiences the group will share together.
-Gracie Conner

Lithuania: Closing Thoughts

After 6 weeks in Lithuania, all 17 of us EMU students have gone our separate ways for the rest of the summer. It’s been strange to go from seeing each other every day to not at all. One of the phrases that Jerry Holsopple, our leader, repeated throughout the trip was “History is complicated.” We saw that over and over again throughout our trip – especially when we looked at it from multiple different perspectives. Learning about the history of Lithuania and the impact of the Holocaust and the Soviet Occupation on the country was very humbling. While we learned a lot of difficult history, we also had a lot of fun getting to know each other. I think one of the coolest things about intercultural trips at EMU is the fact that they are composed of people who probably wouldn’t have met each other otherwise. I’m sure that the stories we learned and the relationships we created will stay with us long after our time at EMU is over. 

-Megan Miller 

Spending six weeks in Lithuania has been one of the greatest opportunities of my life so far. While being immersed in a new culture came with a multitude of emotions, it was eye-opening and an overall wonderful experience. From our time in Lithuania, we learned the culture by wandering the cities of the different Baltic countries, trying authentic foods, participating in religious services, and experiencing celebrations such as the St. John’s Day festival. Additionally, we had the chance to learn and understand the culture on a deeper level by listening to locals share their stories, learning about the Soviet occupation and the Baltic Way Movement, exploring Holocaust sites, and witnessing the current support of Ukraine.

While I am beyond grateful to have gotten to learn the history and culture of Lithuania and the other Baltic countries, I am most grateful for the bonds and friendships I have created during these six weeks. Spending time walking around Klaipeda, going to coffee shops, shopping at Akropolis, walking to Iki, lying on the pier in Nida, hanging out in the lounges at LCC, eating at Katpėdėlė, singing at our weekly group dinners, and spending every waking hour with each other on the 9-day Baltic tour are some of my favorite memories because it gave us the chance to know each other and form bonds that we did not have before, as well as strengthening pre-existing bonds. As the bonds formed, it allowed us to confide in one another during emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually difficult times, which was definitely needed during this time. Not only am I grateful for meeting and spending time with a great group of people from EMU, but I am also glad that I had the opportunity to meet international students from LCC and learn about their cultures that differ from Lithuanian culture.

photo: Cassidy Walker

This trip has taught me an immense amount about Lithuanian culture and some Latvian and Estonian culture, but it has also taught me about my own culture. I learned more about myself, who I am as a person, and why I have the personal beliefs I have. Some of my spiritual and political beliefs were tested at one point or another during these six weeks, but it ultimately made me stronger and a more confident person. If it wasn’t for Jerry choosing me for this trip, I would never have had the opportunities to see new countries, learn new cultures, meet new friends, and become a stronger person, and for that, I am truly grateful!

-Becky Geiser

A memorable experience is when Lauren and I were walking around iki (grocery store) in Latvia, I think, and we started messing with the volleyballs that were in a big bin in one of the aisle and an old man came up to us who didn’t understand English and told us to toss the ball to him, so we did, and that went on for a good minute with us passing the volleyball (poorly) to each other and he said we were fantastic. 

-Christina Louk

Our time in Lithuania has been a very formative part of my college experience. Although I had just finished my first year, and this would normally be a little early to do intercultural, I really wanted to go on this one with Jerry, especially because it was his last trip. We got to see parts of the world that I had never been to before, and I got to improve my photography skills, which was an enjoyable although sometimes difficult process. I am glad to have had the chance to spend this time in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, and to have made so many great memories with this group.

-Daisy Buller

I first saw the cross-cultural requirement as a cool but inconvenient aspect of attending EMU, one that I couldn’t figure out when was the best time to embark on. I eventually decided to check its box off after I walked the stage at graduation and labeled it a “vacation.”

The time spent in Lithuania was worth the preceding four years of anticipation and I savored every tiny moment. Diving into another culture for an extended time was an amazing stepping stone for a greater sense of the scale of the world as well as our place in it. To a place so similar to home yet vastly different and one that will receive a look of confusion because it is not a well-known tourist attraction. The 2023 Lithuania intercultural will be archived as an integral experience and I am ever so grateful to have waited for the perfect time to make the trip and with those who traveled with me. I only wish more students had the same opportunity to travel and experience some of the same things we did this past summer.

-Zach Muñoz


Vlad in Tallinn

Puerto Rico 2023

Old San Juan
On the second day of the trip, we toured Old San Juan. We were able to explore a lot of different historical sites and learn more about the origins of the architecture and wildlife of Puerto Rico. The streets of Puerto Rico are filled with vibrant colors and heavily decorated. This is due to the law requiring that the buildings be painted colorfully not only due to it making the buildings more appealing but also ensuring that Old San Juan will be a large tourist attraction.

San Juan
Arriving in San Juan was our longest time staying in one place. Our host families were unable to take us due to COVID but luckily we were able to stay at a convent. Well this was exciting and our group was grateful we were introduced to a new challenge that we would have to face…no AC in the Puerto Rico humidity. We managed to survive by ensuring that our room doors were open and all the fans in the building were turned on. Cold showers also became a blessing to us, and most often that would be the last thing each night before bed!
San Juan is full of colorful street art to allow for self-expression as well as to show resistance to certain aspects of society. Their art is meant to express stories of resistance as well as showcase history and the significant individuals of Puerto Rico.
The group got to explore the campus of the University of Puerto Rico. There are giant murals all over the campus as well as enormous sculptures. The art around the campus is used as a way of self-expression and to tell the story of Puerto Rico’s history. After wandering around campus and enjoying the sites, we traveled to the farmers market near the campus called Plaza del Mercado de Río Piedras. Later we were back on the campus to take a tour of the University of Puerto Rico Museum.

El Yunque

We hiked in El Yunque National Forest on the third day of our trip. Getting up early we boarded a bus and headed up the mountain. During this tour we had a guide named Edwin who told us about Puerto Rico’s culture and the long history of its relationship with the states.

Halfway through our drive we switched guides and were then met by Ricardo, our forest guide who was the ripe young age of 78. He informed us of why the rainforest is so important to Puerto Rico. It acts as a buffering wall during hurricane season as it is located in the NE and the winds come from the SE. Another addition to the rainforest’s power is that it is 3,500 feet above sea level and truly acts as a wall. The mountain is also a rainforest due to the fact that straight winds hit the mountain and the rain begins to evaporate. Once it evaporates it condenses in the air, then this condensation eventually becomes precipitation, leading to 200 inches of rain per year.

After learning all of this, Edwin prepared us for our hike to the top of the mountain. This hike was an invigorating activity full of all types of plant life. Interestingly much of the plant life in the forest is invasive and originally grows in places such as Europe, Asia, Africa, India, etc.


Luquillo was the next stop after the rainforest. Sitting right by the ocean it has wonderful views and the humid air is graced with light winds that come off the ocean. We explored a row of 80-plus kiosks along the beach that were family-owned businesses, including open-air restaurants, souvenir shops, and bars. After spending the afternoon there we went to our beachfront hotel with amazing views and the sound of waves to lull us to sleep. The next day was a free day for us and we were able to stay at the beach ALL DAY, lounging in the sun and swimming in the clear waters. The tree with red flowers shown here is the flamboyant tree. This tree is very symbolic to Puerto Ricans and they hold it close to their hearts. The tree to them represents pride, hope, and unity. Interestingly, this tree is not native to Puerto Rico but instead invasive. The seeds are carried from Africa in hurricane winds and land in Puerto Rico where they are able to flourish in the humid environment.

Our lodging in San Juan was at a convent (the nunnery) for the week we attended classes at ISLA Language School. Each morning we would get up, eat breakfast, and then get on the train to ISLA. Once there we had 3-hour-long Spanish classes to learn basic language skills, with the hope of holding longer conversations. Some of us learned it is okay to make mistakes because that’s the best way to learn.

Our Spanish classes were mostly structured learning but on the last day, the group was able to have karaoke and learn the salsa, a traditional Puerto Rican dance.

Volunteer Projects

Another exciting day of the trip consisted of after Spanish classes being able to attend a service project. The service project had two different parts set in two different locations. 

One group was able to help clean up a school and move items to better places. Very much so a housekeeping type of situation to try and improve the cleanliness of the area. 

The other group also went to help clean up a small building that will be used for childcare. This group split into two parts, one to do the more housekeeping type of scene and the other to help paint a beautiful mural. The mural crew was able to fill in all the colors of the mural following the outline created by the artist. Learning how to mix colors and paint on non-smooth surfaces to achieve the best effect.

Castillo “El Morro”

Castillo San Felipe del Morro (also known as “El Morro”), is an iconic fortification built by the Spanish, started in the 16th century. It covers a promontory at the entrance to the Bay of San Juan.









Perhaps one of the most exciting days of the trip was learning how to do the bomba, another traditional Puerto Rican dance with a few key rhythms and interesting factors that make the dance what it is. There are two drummers who play music for the dancer of the bomba. The first is the Buleador, who marks the beat during the entire dance.

The next drummer is the Primo, and they follow the sounds and movements of the dancer. Their rhythm will change based on the steps and the way that the dancer moves her skirt.


Snorkeling and Bio-Bay

Yet another day of being able to explore the beautiful waters of Puerto Rico! Our group was able to go on a snorkeling trip in which we could see the coral reefs of Puerto Rico up close. Our snorkeling guides were amazing and showed us many sea creatures,  allowing us to hold a white sea urchin, conch, sea star, and sea cucumbers. This adventure went by too quickly, but we were able to remain on the boat for more water-filled adventures.

The group had lunch on the boat and then turned back to the sea to watch the sunset on the ocean waters. Once the sky was dark we traveled further into the sea to reach a bioluminescent bay. This bay is filled with small microscopic creatures invisible to the human eye, but there is a way that their appearance is made known to us. They are able to glow in the water so when we jumped in and moved our hands, the water would just come to life with small blue glowing lights. It was almost as if there were millions of fireflies with blue lights filling the water.

Unbeknownst to our group this would be our last day in Puerto Rico, with our trip ending about a week early. Our group had to return home due to an approaching Hurricane that was headed toward Puerto Rico. Wanting to ensure the safety of everyone we returned home the next day with a love for Puerto Rico in our hearts forever.

Colorful street