EMU Intercultural Learning

Trusting God in Guatemala

Guatemala/Mexico 4During my time in Guatemala, I certainly have felt the presence of God. I feel so vulnerable living in a large city where I don’t know the language,  and living in a country that has more violence and danger than I knew before coming. Yet God has given me a sense of peace and protection, and as I ride the public bus daily, I am able to relax and pray. The 2 buses I ride are old US school buses- sometimes they even have the old license plate mounted inside. Why were these buses not good enough for US schoolchildren anymore, but they’re fine for the Guatemalan public bus system? I’m glad the buses are being used, but maybe we’re used to things too nice in the United States.

Another reason I need God’s presence so much here is the confusion the language barrier creates. I feel like a stupid child when I speak to my host family, and I just wish they knew that I was the valedictorian in high school and I’m a gifted writer. The experience really gives you an identity crisis, and you get used to feeling awkward and not knowing “why” when something happens.

-Anna Engle

Tourism – Consumerism

Guatemala/Mexico 3Chichicastenango: a tourist trap, but a necessary trap.  On Friday night a group of us, Brent, Allison, Stacy, and me, just to name a few were walking down the streets of Chichi when an indigenous woman, Manuela, and her daughter, Elena, invited us to her house.  So being the ignorant people we were we went to their house assuming that they wanted to talk to us and just establish a relationship type thing.  It turns out she wanted us to buy from her, but despite the insistence that we buy from her, we got to play with a few of her nine kids.  My favorite moment was when we were leaving and the smallest kid, 2 yrs. old?, ran after me trying to hug my legs good bye.  I picked him up and he clung to me.  I was amazed with how much trust, how much joy this kid had in me, a stranger, an alien who he had only known for a few minutes.

On Saturday we went to the women’s co-op and we passed shack after shack after shack.  Our tourist bus was probably bigger than a shack or two put together.  Who was I to roll down the pot-holed dirt road in a bright blue bus with comfortable cushioned seats and air-conditioning?  At the women’s co-op I was amazed at this particularly older woman.  Her face was wrinkled and creased with painful stories, resilient solutions, and proud heritage.  She reminded me of my grandma, a hard-working widow who stood strong still.

Yesterday, Sunday, we went to mass that combined Mayan rituals and Catholicism.  A group of blatant tourists came in; they wore their cameras, khaki shorts, and safari hats.  They took pictures, despite the no taking pictures sign.  They interrupted the Mayan prayers and candle lighting. One of the woman tourists even came up and starting talking to an indigenous man who was trying to worship!  I was a little ashamed at that moment about being a tourist. It was also hard to say no to the little dirty kids who came up to you pleading for you to buy some trinket or some stuffed animal.  To live they needed to sell.  To live I needed to be a tourist and buy, but in the US I try living more simply and less consumerism like.  Tourism.  A little bit of consumerism.  Is it necessary?

-Sara Beachy

Chichicastenango Market--Jackie Bohanan and Hannah Artz I have been on foreign soil now for a little over two weeks, and it seems as just yesterday I was stepping off the plane diving into a new experience full of unknowns.  For the little time I’ve been here, Guatemala makes me appreciate all God has blessed me with back home.

Living in this amazing country has made me realize the diversity of individuals in the United States.  It is not uncommon for you to see someone of a different race walking past you in a supermarket.  But here in Guatemala it’s the total opposite.  Whenever you walk down the street there is always a pair of eyes watching every move you make.  It’s not an uncomfortable feeling, it just puts into perspective what minorities go through not just in the United States, but all around the world.

Already Guatemala has taught me things about the language, its people, my group, and even myself.  I have learned and grown so much already, and I will only continue to see the world from a different viewpoint.

-Jackie Bohannon

First reports from Egypt and Jordan

Middle East 1It’s not too often that in the span of 12 hours one is blessed with the opportunity to watch the sunrise and sunset on top of the roofs at Anafora Retreat Center in Egypt! Meals lit by candle light, learning sessions lead by a Bishop of the Coptic Church, evening prayer illuminated by candle light, and the voices of those from across the globe are all memories that will remind me of the peace that is Anafora.

Aside from the free time that was spent playing cards, dancing across the roofs of our bedroom, shopping, and of course, the many times eating fantastic food, the group was able to have three separate sessions with Bishop Thomas. One session focused on humbling oneself before the Lord, the next on shedding the mask(s) that incorrectly defines oneself, and thirdly, he talked about the foundational teachings of the three Abrahamic faiths and how they relate to the conflict over Jerusalem today. Although this conversation was informative, what remained most shocking was the way in which he defined Christianity. As Christians many of us excel to model Jesus. What is often forgotten within my own faith and those from other faiths is that above all physical possessions (land, money, food, water) is the sacredness of human beings.

With this said, many of us on the trip have already begun to question our role as Christians in the conflict between Israel and Palestine. Should we take sides? How are we to help resolve this conflict? Is simply listening enough? What Bishop Thomas helped me realize is that if we share with others the value of the human soul that Christ teaches we can open the door for the Holy Spirit to take control. My prayer for this conflict is that those on the battlefield and those in the board room will recognize the humanity they are fighting against. Control over one of the Holiest (if not THE Holiest) piece of land is not worth destroying the sacredness of human lives.

I’m richer from Bishop Thomas’ wisdom and faith. As we go from this peaceful place may we be peacemakers to those we meet along this journey. May the whole world be reminded that many conflicts are being fought over the claim to land, yet Jesus taught us that love and peace have no borders! (Read 1 John 3: 11-24 or 23-24)

Well, today we head back to Cairo by train. On a lighter note, now seems like an appropriate time to discuss crossing the streets in Cairo. As David said at orientation ‘crossing the streets in Cairo is an adventure in itself and our first class assignment’. Although I passed, it did not come without fear of losing my life. There are no crosswalks or lighted signs informing you that it’s safe to cross. Rather, before one steps out they have to be determined and firm about reaching their destination safely! Making eye-contact and keeping an even keel pace is important, and when necessary RUN! In a matter of five to ten seconds one is safely walking on the other side of the street…and if you are anything like me you’re heading towards the nearest coffee shop!

Janelle Freed

I find Egypt like many other countries to be like the body of a…. of its parts that couldn’t function with only a small part. Egypt needs all its people, the rich and the poor, the Egyptians and the tourist. It needs the Nile and the Sahara, the cities and the countryside, Muslims and Coptics. All of these things make up a strong Egyptian culture unlike any place I have ever experienced.

As we traveled around the Egyptian cities of Cairo and Luxor, and the countryside of Anafora and the Sinai, we experienced the different area based on their religions. Cairo and Luxor are filled with the Muslim religion and culture; every morning, five times a day, we could hear the Call to Prayer wailing in the echoes across the city and in the streets. Women with their colorful hejab and men do not interact with each other. As a large group of white Americans we found ourselves under constant scrutiny no matter how much we tried to conceal ourselves. But as we came to the Coptic (Egyptian Christian) monasteries and communities of Anafora and the Sinai, we still stood out and yet were treated the same as any other visitor.

The Egyptians greatly value their history as it relates to the development of the current culture and religion. Because Biblical studies are a large part of our time here we went through the earliest Egyptian archeology and historical events in relation to the early Biblical stories. We went to Coptic Cairo where Joseph would have come to Egypt and where the Holy Family stayed for three years after leaving Bethlehem. We then followed the Israelites’ travels with Moses in the Sinai and crossing the Red Sea. I was able to see the Israelites’ position differently after spending a great deal of time in the desert. Their complaining in the wilderness seems much more justified when you’re experiencing the dryness, heat, and emptiness first hand. As unpleasant as the desert is at times, I looked out at the sunset from the summit of Mt. Sinai and saw the awesomeness of God in the beautiful rugged mountains. I truly appreciate everything about the desert, even seeing it from the perspective of a traveler.

Ruth-Ellen Dandurand

Two of the highlights for me since leaving Egypt have been visiting Mount Sinai and Petra. We can’t say with certainty that it is the exact same Mount Sinai that Moses climbed for the Ten Commandments, but it is at least close. After a lunch of pita and cheese, we started out behind our 64 year old guide along a wide gently sloped dirt path. On almost every side large, rocky mountains loomed over us. The sun was starting to set and the climb was estimated to take about 1.5 to 2 hours. A group of about six to ten of us set the pace. It didn’t take long for the trail to narrow, become more rocky and steep. Once it started to have switchbacks, Bedouin huts became a more common occurrence. For the first half hour or so there were camels along the path with owners that were quick to offer rides up the mountain. Other than that, we had the trail mostly to ourselves. On the first part of the trail we would stop frequently for the group to rejoin, but after a while we were given the go ahead to charge up the mountain at our own pace. About two thirds of the way up, the dirt path disappeared and steep, uneven steps made of rocks wound around the mountain. As a person that processes best on my feet, it felt simply wonderful to be active in the barren yet beautiful landscape. The path was deceiving as it fooled me into thinking that the end was in sight or just around the corner. The urgency to reach the top only increased as the sun quickly dropped in the sky. Upon gazing out on the surrounding mountains of rock, everything touched by the dying sun appeared golden. My muscles burned from scrambling up the treacherous rocky stairs, but I held the promise of the experience at the top. A small church came into view and before long about seven of us shared congratulations with each other on the summit. Words fall short when attempting to express the beauty of the panoramic view of the mountains and wilderness under the brilliant colors that proceeded to develop from the setting sun.

Slowly the rest of the group appeared in groups of two or more, cheered on by everyone else. Cameras were everywhere as we tried to capture the awesomeness of the moment. A song arose from the expert singers in the group and all joined in to produce beautiful music that expressed the feelings better than words. Linford gathered everyone and shared a reflection on the Ten Commandments before everyone escaped from the group picture pose. Darkness crept in rapidly so it became important to hurry down. I choose to head down a little bit ahead of the group so that I could reflect and process all that has been on my mind. Even if it wasn’t the Mount Sinai of the Bible, the mountain top experience and the struggles that come between the valley and mountain gave new insights into the Bible and how God has interacted with me in my life.

Like its shadow, memories of Mount Sinai followed us as we left Egypt and traveled into Jordan. While I have seen many pictures of the famous treasury at Petra, the sheer grandeur of the ancient Nabatian city was unbelievable. Our tour guide never ceased to have some tidbit of information or a joke to share as we found our way through the most well known area. The rocks that surrounded us came in all colors including red, green, white, and black. Much of the stone displayed Nabatian or Roman influence in the form of carvings or design. After singing in a church from 447 AD that had been carved in the rock and seeing a few other sites, we were turned loose to explore on our own or in small groups. My favorite part came after a forty minute hike up another mountain to a monastery with other group members. After recovering from the shock of finding the grand building carved in rock we spotted a lookout up another peak and set out. It was a perfect place to rest and gain an appreciation for the vast wilderness that so many different people groups have traveled through and lived on. Once we realized the limited time that was left until we were supposed to be back on the bus, we eagerly returned to the monastery to explore. After about ten of us crawled over the five foot high stone entrance and recognized the incredible acoustics, Ben lead us in a few songs that caused the music to vibrate through my body. These times of group singing have quickly become one of my favorite parts of the experiences and often express what words and pictures alone can not accomplish. Even though much of the land is barren and rocky upon first appearance; beauty, identity and strength have a way of developing from these unexpected places. The mountain experiences of each location has been a good reminder of the superiority of God’s wisdom and power in challenging times and places throughout the course of history.

Chrissy Kreider

Guatemala – an amazing experience

Guatemala/Mexico 2

It’s crazy to think that I have been in Guatemala for a week. For it seems like just yesterday I was saying goodbye to all my friends and family, boarding the bus and getting on the plane to spend my semester in Guatemala and Mexico. My time here has definitely been a different experience, but an amazing one.

I live with a family that is extremely extroverted, they love to sing, dance, and do so many different things. I tend to be more shy and an introvert, so at times it can be overwhelming, but I wouldn’t change it in a heartbeat!

This week we had a guest speaker who came to talk to us about Guatemala’s history. It was really interesting to learn about. We learned that 10% of the population owns 86% of the land, and that they only ended their civil war in 1996. We also visited the National Cemetery and the landfill. Learning about the landfill was really something. I could picture the landfill in my mind but to actually see it in person was truly amazing.  And to think that people actually pay to go into the landfill so they can look for material to make money.  After seeing people in the landfill looking for things, it really made me appreciate what I have at home.

On Wednesday this week was my birthday, so I’m not going to lie, I was a little homesick.  It was hard not being able to call and talk to my family but my family here definitely made up for that.  They didn’t even know me for a week and they had a party for me.  I was truly blessed and touched to have them.  I am really looking forward to the rest of my time here. Learning about this culture and actually being a part of it is going to be a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Hannah Artz

First report from Guatemala

Guatemala/Mexico 1Oh my goodness, I’m in Guatemala.  CRAZY.  I don’t know where to begin.  Get a hold of yourself, Brent.  Okay, here we go.

We spent our first night in Guatemala at CASAS, the school where we’ll be studying. The next day (Friday the 15th) we met our host families.  It was probably one of the scariest moments of my life.  I was extremely anxious all day.  I was about to pass out when they called my name and introduced me to my host father.  Let me tell you a little about my family!  My parents are Luis Roberto and Elsa Recinos Illescas.  I have three siblings: Andrea (20), Pablo (18), and Ilse (15).  And they’re all really nice!  Andrea works at CASAS, so I go with her to school every morning — we have to take three buses to get there. Pablo and I share a room, and we’ve talked about everything from driving to movies to Guatemalan history to our plans for the future.  Ilse has been pretty shy but she’s a Glee fan like me, so what’s not to love?

Here are some random thoughts about my time with my family so far: There is no hot water, so cold showers are quickly becoming my friends.  I have eggs for breakfast every morning, sometime with beans, always with bread.  My suitcase takes up half of the floor space in my brother’s bedroom.  I have about a zillion aunts, uncles, and cousins, and all of my little cousins are adorable (one tried to talk to me in German, which is not the same as English).  I feel like an idiot every time I speak — I say “si” and “bueno” all the time. We went to church and I may have lost my hearing but it was the best church service I’ve ever been to — so exciting and passionate even though I didn’t catch many of the words.

On Saturday, we took a group trip to La Plaza Central with Don, Esther, and two women from CASAS.  We had to go on a scavenger hunt of sorts that required us to read a map (not one of my strong points) and ask questions to Guatemalans (also not one of my strong points).  But it was actually a really good experience!  Most of the people we talked to were incredibly friendly, and we didn’t even get lost all that badly.  The market is intense and slightly terrifying.  I tried to barter but this little girl shot me down and made me pay the full price.  Fail number one in Guatemala.  I’m sure there are many more fails to come.

So far I’m exhausted but exhilarated.  I’m not homesick in the least, which kind of surprises me.  There’s so much to do and see and learn!  I feel extremely out of my element, more so than I ever have before.  But in a way it’s a good thing.  It’s incredible.

-Brent Anders

Safe arrival in Guatemala

Yesterday we arrived safely in Guatemala. We are tired, but in great spirits.

We are enjoying the warm weather!

Reports from Cape Town, South Africa

South Africa 7The excitement and array of things to do in Cape Town has kept the 27 of us busy exploring and enjoying every minute of these past few weeks in South Africa. We’ve ventured out into open air markets, traveled along the coastal peninsula to beaches and a penguin colony, hiked the overlooking Table Mountain, met Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and much more. The local rail line has been a great resource for us to explore so a few friends and I spent one of our days off soaking up the local beach in the town of Fishoek.

This past Friday morning our group traveled into downtown Cape Town to St. George’s Cathedral for a 7:15 am service where Archbishop Desmond Tutu presided over the service. It was an amazing opportunity to meet a man who took part in speaking out against apartheid and who is also a Nobel Peace Prize recipient. A few students and I had heard him speak at James Madison University 2 years ago but I think it is safe to say we have so much more interest and appreciation for his efforts now that we have our hearts in the country of South Africa.

The ladies hiking up Table Mountain Saturday morning a group of 15 of us students were led on a hike up Table Mountain by my host parents. We began our climb at 6 am to get a head start from the heat and appreciated those few hours when the sun began beating down. When we reached the top and captured the whole city of Cape Town, the 9 hour day of hiking was worth it. After a good night of rest, we had another fun filled day on Sunday. We spent the morning at our host family’s church service and followed with the South African tradition of a braai. It was a great time for us to spend outside in the beautiful weather and connect with our host family. In the evening we ventured out to the gardens of Kirstenbosch for an outdoor concert with a performance by South African native, Johnny Clegg. The amazing music and beautiful outdoor atmosphere put a great close to a fun filled weekend here in Cape Town.

-Kelsey Yoder

University of Cape Town Since arriving in Cape Town, we have had the privilege of taking lectures at the University of Cape Town. The lectures occur every Monday and Wednesday morning from about 10:00 until noon. So far, we have been taught on the topics of Apartheid, the history of Islam in the Western Cape, cape slavery, and the history and settlement of the cape by Shahid Mathee, Nigel Worden, and Zwelethu Jolobe. All of these speakers are professors at the university, but are also very involved in book writing and political speaking. In fact, earlier in the trip we studied a book written by Nigel Worden. As a result, we have found the lectures to be very detailed and quite informative. Personally, the most valuable part of these classes has been the question and answer periods that follow the lectures. The professors are very willing to take on any and all the questions that we have in order to clarify and give context to what they have just spoken about. It is also a good way to better grasp the complex issues and difficulties that South Africa has struggled with throughout its history. Believe it or not, it has been nice getting back into the classroom setting! After the lectures, our group stays to discuss the book we are studying, a bible passage that has been assigned by Harlan, or simply our schedule for the days ahead.  Around 2:00 we hop on trains, buses, taxis, and cars and make our way back to our homes in the suburbs.

– Justin Reesor

Meeting Desmond Tutu We had to get up early this past Friday, that was if we were to take advantage of an opportunity to meet Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who played an important part in the ending of Apartheid.  So we got up early finding our way to the Cathedral downtown in any way we could.  Those of us who were lucky were given rides from our host parents while others took the trains and taxis.  Now, we knew there was going to be a service of some kind and were pretty sure that he would be presiding over it, but nobody knew quite what to expect.

We filed into the cathedral arriving in small groups.  The church appeared empty at first. Then we noticed some activity in the front and to the side in a smaller sanctuary.  We learned that this was where the service would be held.  There were only 20-30 people there besides our group of 27, but we didn’t see Desmond Tutu anywhere and began to wonder if we were in the right place after all.  All these thoughts subsided when the service began at 7:15 and the man we were waiting for came striding to the front.  It was a beautiful service, simple and intimate.  Afterwards, he shook everyone’s hand and let people take pictures.  Then, he changed his clothes and headed down the street to have coffee with his friends.

– Philip Tieszen

The jump, free travel, and Cape Town

South Africa 6Moving into our final homestay in Cape Town has been quite an experience. We have now gone from having no electricity, running water and connection to the rest of the world to having absolutely all of that and more than we possibly need. It has without a doubt been a cultural shock for us. We are now living with middle class colored and white families and taking lecture courses at the University of Cape Town.

Reflecting back on this journey up to this point I’ve come to learn how divided the nation of South Africa really is. I find myself feeling guilty living in the comfort of my nice home while just across town, thousands are living in townships, jobless. I feel broken here in Cape Town; it’s hard to not wonder why God provides for some and not for others, but then I remember life in Lesotho and how much joy I found from living simply and from the little things in life. I know that God was providing for me then too. It has truly been a life changing experience living and learning from the families and everyday people we meet on the streets.

-Bia Stoltzfus
Nov. 11, 2009

Resting on a hike - Jason Ropp We bungee jumped at a place called Bloukrans Bridge. At 216 meters it is the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. I was very nervous on the bus ride to the bridge; just ask Rachel Yoder who was sitting next to me. After signing away all my rights in the case that something bad happened, I walked out to the middle of the bridge. They were playing mind-numbing, adrenaline-laced music, and there were 20 of us from our group pumping each other up. The atmosphere was perfect. One by one we would get hooked up and walk to the edge with our guide. Finally my turn came. He counted down from five and I just jumped without hesitation. The first half second was quite peaceful. For all my body knew it may have just left a six foot ledge and was about to return safely to the earth. Then came the point were I realized that I had just done something very foolish. I was falling very quickly with only one cord to save me from plummeting to my instantaneous death. I immediately proceeded to panic, but to no avail, I was going to die. (I think the panic is supposed to kick in earlier and prevent one from throwing oneself off of a bridge.) It took about four seconds to convince myself that I would live and that may have been my amazing courage and mental strength, or it may have been the subtle tug of the cord that I was feeling around my ankles. I transitioned from a terrifying free-fall into a state of complete silence and no movement and then I sprung back into the air again. At this point I was thoroughly enjoying myself. After three or four bounces I was pulled back to safety on the bridge. It felt good to stand on something solid again. I don’t regret anything about the experience, but I am not likely to attempt anything similar for quite some time.

-Darrel Miller
Nov. 9, 2009

Watching a traditional dance Free travel week was a nice break from the bigger group and a great opportunity to travel along South Africa’s Garden Route, which is a region along the southern coast that follows the N2 highway and makes stops at several beaches, inland villages, and tourist destinations along the way. We stayed in backpackers (like hostels) and traveled from town to town on the BazBus, a transportation system specifically for backpackers like us. My group of five stopped first in Outdshoorn, where ostriches abound (they actually outnumber people). Highlights include ostrich egg and steak, and riding 12 kilometers on bikes to an ostrich farm, where most of us were able to actually ride one.

Other free travel groups stayed closer to the coast, lodging in towns such as Wilderness, Mossel Bay, and Hermanus. My group finished our week in Hermanus, which is world famous for whale watching. We walked and hiked the cliff paths, saw many whales from the rocks, and on our last day, walked an hour and a half to spend the day on the beach.

Even though some groups encountered odd characters, transportation frustrations, and slight mishaps, we all had fun times and stories to share which will never be forgotten.

-Charlotte Wenger
Nov. 9, 2009

The mountains The last leg of our three month journey has begun. We arrived in Cape Town on Thursday, November 5, and ever since that day we’ve enjoyed the breathtaking sites of Table Mountain that mystically looms over the city. Our first few days were spent at Ashanti Lodge, located near the heart of downtown Cape Town, where we had the freedom to explore the city’s vast array of opportunities. The majority of us were drawn to the open-air markets, where our education in bargaining increased tenfold as we cajoled vendors into lowering their prices on everything from mahogany bowls to decorative earrings.

On Sunday, the group’s anticipation increased as we prepared to meet our new host families. Needless to say, our worries and fears were quickly erased as we embraced our new parents and siblings at the welcoming center that afternoon.

The following day we had our first lecture at the University of Cape Town, where professor Mohammad Shaeed Mati spoke to our group about the prevalent Muslim community in the surrounding area. Learning everything from when the first Muslims arrived from Malaysia in 1658 to the prejudice and second class status they acquired during apartheid, I became increasingly aware of the complex structural segregation embedded within South African history. Throughout the lecture, I could not help but feel privileged and extremely grateful for the opportunity to study abroad in such a culturally rich and diverse context.

-Elizabeth Barge
Nov. 11, 2009

Elephants on the road We arrived at Addo Elephant National Park pretty excited about our opportunity to finally see masses of African wildlife. We threw all of our inhibitions to the wind and did the most “touristy” thing you could think of…we went on a safari. Armed with our cameras, we set out on a khaki-colored truck and saw some pretty amazing creatures. We came within a few feet of monstrous elephants; we saw kudu, eland, ostriches, cape buffalo, warthogs, tortoises, and a few lucky souls caught a glimpse of the park’s six lions! Afterward, we grabbed a not-so-quick meal at the local restaurant before retiring to our “forest huts” for the night. And let’s not forget the most comfortable beds yet this trip, before waking up the next morning with free travel right around the corner.

-Jesse Springer
November 12, 2009

Reports from South Africa

South Africa 5Our first church experience in Lesotho was probably the most memorable. We were to be sitting through 1.5 hours of a four hour service. We all met together and walked through town to the outskirts of the village to a small rectangular hut on the side of the mountain. All 24 students and 3 leaders piled into a room with about 10-15 congregation members. There was a small candle burning in the middle of the floor while we all lined up against the walls. The small room was dark and muggy and there were two small windows. We clapped along with the lively music of the congregation while someone beat a drum as four people ran around the candle in the middle of the room singing and clapping, raising their arms in the air praising and worshipping the Lord. On several occasions a few of us were coaxed into the middle of the floor to run about and clap with the members.

The pastor delivered a kind and passionate message in seSotho while Harlan translated the key points for us. He then asked us if two or three people would step forward and share their brief testimonies. As Darrel and Nils spoke I looked around and noticed the looks of intrigue that all members of the congregation were showing. Everyone was so interested in knowing about us and why we had come to their small, primitive village for two and a half weeks and what we thought of them and their country. When each testimony had finished everyone smiled and clapped. We sang some of our songs for them and then entered prayer time. Three people could come and kneel on the floor while the pastor and his associates would lay a bible or a small metal cross on the backs of the people while praying fervently, eyes shut, heads tilted back, voices raised. Almost all of us knelt down and experienced one of these powerful moments.

Churches like this believe that through worship, prayer, singing, and dancing, that one can open up their soul to be cleansed by God. There is so much passion here in the services in Lesotho, and everyone feels free to let loose during the service, doing whatever it takes to rid themselves of stresses and burdens. I left that day feeling refreshed by the passion and love of the people of Lesotho. By praising with such vigor and abandon, one feels closer to God.

– Curtis Reesor

Blending right in - Allison Byler Building Relationships with my host family was one of my favorite aspects of our homestay in Lesotho. My family was fairly small. My ‘me (mother) Malekau has three children: Lekau(19), Mpho(9), and Mamococho(21). She also has a helper named Nopi (21) who was around the house. My family lives in an extremely small, two room house, and they own very few material possessions; however, they are rich in so many other ways. They taught me to take joy and happiness from the simple things in life. We spent hours in the evening over candlelight playing cards, dancing, singing, talking, and laughing until we cried. We used ate papa (cooked white maize meal) and cooked spinach, occasionally having eggs or chicken. They also made many kinds of bread for us.

My family does not have it easy; the father died in 2001 from a mining accident, and our mother has raised the family since then, while teaching first grade full time. She gets paid very little and teaches 40 students, but I have never heard her complain. They took us in and loved us like family, and it was definitely hard for Denay and me to leave.

– Maria Yoder

Showing off some impressive dance moves - Justin Reesor and Jason Ropp Richard Mohale, age 19, is a very talented young man. As his host brother, I was able to get to know him very well. By the time the two and a half weeks were through, I felt like we were truly brothers. Richard showed us what village life was about. He is captain of Malealea Lilala FC, the village soccer team, and his goal is to sometime try out for the Bloemfontein Celtics, a team in the South African premier league. Because of his goal, he has changed his lifestyle. He has stopped smoking and drinking altogether, and knows that Malealea village has nothing to offer him in the years to come, so soccer is his way out.

Not only is he the best player in the village, he is also one of the best dancers. In 2003 at the age of 13, Richard was able to experience another part of the world as a member of the Malealea Band, traveling to England and Australia to perform. The band plays with homemade guitars, violins, and drums. These instruments, combined with singing and traditional Basotho dance, create a one of a kind sight and sound. With plenty of free time, Richard was able to teach Justin and me the basic steps. We would practice two times a day, sometimes having an audience who mostly just laughed at us.

Another role Richard has in life is to be the male influence on his three year old nephew. His brother left for Capetown one and a half years ago in search of a job and has not been able to visit since then. Richard may only be nineteen, but village life has forced him to grow up faster. His own father died three and a half years ago because he was under the control of a witch. Disbelief is still evident in the Mohale house. There are small sticks placed in the rafters to prevent a witch from taking control. The beds in the house are also raised to prevent the Tokolosi, small people sent by the witch, from being able to reach you in your sleep. It is believed that Richard’s father was killed by a witch because the clinic could not figure out his sickness and none of the modern medication worked. The belief in witches is still a part of everyday life in Basotho culture.

– Jason Ropp

Pulling weeds in a village garden Since we left the “kingdom in the sky” a week and a half ago, we have embarked upon an exciting new phase in our trip. After a refreshingly delicious meal of steak, beans, and chocolate cake at the lodge, our group traveled to the small, rural town of Bethulie, with a population of 500 whites and 5000 blacks, most of whom still live in the “location” just outside of town. We reveled in the conveniences of running water, hot showers, electricity, and the ability to contact home for the first time in a month. We studied the town’s local history, especially the Afrikaner side of things, by visiting the prison, the local schools, nursing home, police station, and the memorial for the Afrikaner women and children killed in the concentration camps.

After this, we stayed with families for two nights, immersing ourselves over the weekend in what it felt like to live in a rural, largely agricultural community which was still changing from apartheid into modern South Africa. Then we traveled to Addo Elephant Park, where we were able to tour on a safari for the afternoon. The elephants came so close we could have touched them (although we were strongly encouraged not to), and we also saw kudu, lions, jackels, eland, warthog, and many other fantastic sights.

Since then, we have been staying in the beach town of Plettenberg Bay, a beautiful place right on the “Sunshine Coast.” And yesterday, over half our group took the plunge…and bungee jumped off of the highest bridge in the world, almost 220 m. Thankfully, everyone made it back to firm ground safely. Some of us are leaving for a week of free travel today, while the others will leave tomorrow for such places as Wilderness Bay, Buffel Bay, and Stellenbosch.

– Michael Spory and Katie Rodriguez

River hike - Jason Ropp, Darrel Miller, Jesse Springer, Harlan, Mike Erb, Darren Stauffer Lesotho has some amazing landscape. Everywhere you look there are mountains, valleys and rivers. Thanks to this incredible landscape, we were never short of hiking options. Whether it was hiking down the river to work on our tan or hiking two hours to a waterfall, it was always an adventure.

Some of our hikes included hiking an hour down hill to a swimming hole, only to hike back uphill twenty minutes later. Hiking an hour and a half up the only road to the “Gates of Paradise,” along the way passing a sign that said ‘13,335 kms to New York.’ I don’t know if it counts as a hike, but riding a horse on a two hour pony trek, which sure felt like a hike after we got off the horses!

But my favorite hike was a hike that Harlan referred to as the “All Wet Hike.” This hike included hiking down a gorge, then walking in the river to a waterfall, then jumping in the water and climbing up the waterfall, and then coming back down the same way you went up. The hike ended with a straight up scramble to the top of the mountain.

Every time we got to the top of a hill or mountain, I felt like I should break out in “the hills are alive with the sound of music…” But instead I found myself doubled over gasping for air. (I don’t know how Julie Andrews does it). Every challenging hike had its reward… a spectacular view of some of God’s amazing world.

– Michael Erb

Reflections after visiting the Apartheid Museum

South Africa 4Learning about South Africa’s devastating history while living in Soweto, a township where blacks were forced to move into during the apartheid, has been an enriching and powerful experience. A few days ago, we visited the apartheid museum in Johannesburg. While the museum experience was a painful one, it was necessary in order to understand what the blacks, coloureds, and the Indians went through just a few decades ago. My heart aches for the innocent people that were robbed of their humanity, respect, and dignity. I cannot begin to understand how a group of human beings could impose such intense brutality, hatred, and oppression on another group of human beings. We are all the same in our flesh and blood. I found myself purely hating the Afrikaners, who after the negotiations between the black and white parties began, tear gassed and shot down hundreds of school children. How can people do such harsh things? Why on earth did the oppressive and inhumane apartheid laws last 46 years without the rest of the world stepping in?

As horrible as apartheid was, only a small handful of white South Africans actually stood up against it, with the vast majority of whites in full support of it. Thinking about this, I have to wonder what side I would have taken had I been a white South African during the apartheid years. I would like to believe that I would have been among the handful who stood up against the injustice and oppression, but I cannot be sure. Going against the grain is always a difficult thing to do. Chances are, if I would have been present at Jesus’ trial, I would have shouted along with the crowd to crucify him. So who am I, really, to point fingers? At the apartheid museum, I realized that evil lives in all of us, including me, and therefore, I am capable of all the brutal crimes the whites committed against the non-whites in South Africa. By acknowledging the evil inside me, I am able to choose good over evil, justice over injustice, and peace over violence. This does not make me in any way less angry at the Afrikaners, but it does help me to see the plank in my own eye and remove it before taking out the specks from my sisters’ and brothers’ eyes. We all need God’s mercy and forgiveness.

-Heidi Hershberger

Heritage celebration at Progress High School - Elizabeth Barge, Dieo, Bia Stoltzfus, Ouma, Dimekatso On Tuesday we had an interesting experience at the local high school. South Africa is celebrating Heritage Day this week, so the students put on a bit of a show for us, complete with traditional costumes and dancing. When our turn came to share parts of our heritage, we sang a few songs for them. Everyone was clapping and trying to sing along. It impresses me how proud they seem to be of their own culture, and how much appreciation they show for our culture as well. The most memorable part of the day, however, was the taste testing that followed. The teachers had prepared a feast, which consisted of a number of traditional dishes that made their mouths water and our stomachs churn. I tasted chicken feet, mopani (fried worms), mohodu (cow intestines), and a few other things that I found barely tolerable.  I can only remember a few times in my life that I have actually gagged on something I was eating, but the worms definitely increased that tally by one more. Most of the time, though, we eat pretty well. My host mom Ester is a wonderful cook. She feeds us lots of meat and papa, a thick carbohydrate paste made of white maize meal that we eat with our hands. Sometimes we get beans, beets, potato salad, or mashed pumpkin on the side, and every once in a long while, she cooks a little spinach or some mixed vegetables. I have been missing my veggies, so by the time I get home, I might be willing to eat only greens for an entire week straight. We do get enough fruit, though, almost every “tuck shop” and roadside stand sells apples and oranges. Several times in the past two weeks, I have wished we had a little more variety, but after tasting some of their strange South African delicacies on Tuesday, I am no longer taking for granted their simple staple foods that I have come to enjoy.

-Briana Eshleman