EMU Intercultural Learning

Hiking the Jesus Trail

Where has the time gone?  We have only two more days left in the Middle East!  Next is Athens, which I am excited about.  However, I will be very sad to leave Israel.  Middle Eastern culture is what I’ve known for almost three months now.  I’ll miss the calls to prayer from the mosques, the small streets of old cities and I’ll miss attempting to use my small Arabic and Hebrew vocabulary.

I won’t dwell on leaving because there are still more adventures to be had before we are back in the states.  Let me tell you what we’ve been doing since arriving in Nazareth.  A week ago, April 1st, we arrived in Nazareth and stayed at the Fauzi Azar Inn.  The next morning, we headed out for four days and three nights on the Jesus Trail, hiking from Nazareth to Capernaum.  Each night, we stayed in a guest house of various kinds designed for these hiking trails. Easter sunrise service on Mount Precipice in Nazareth We hiked through fields of grain, fields of thistles, over rocky hills and it was all beautiful.  When we returned from the trail, we settled back in at the Fauzi.  The weekend has been fairly relaxed.  We’ve had to write our papers as part of our course work.  Saturday we worked in the morning at Nazareth Village, a recreation of 1st century Nazareth.  We got to dress up in 1st century garb, which was fun.  I am writing this on Easter Sunday.  Christ is risen!  We got up at the crack of dawn- literally- and hiked up to the Mount Precipice that looks out over the Jezreel Valley and had a Sunday service.  And we had an Easter egg hunt afterwards as well!  Then we attended an Arabic service at the Church of the Annunciation – the church was filled!

I’m glad we have two more days here.  I’ll take in all I can get!

-Ellen Roth

We just completed the epic four day hike of walking in Jesus’ literal footsteps from Nazareth to Capernaum on the Jesus Trail while learning what it means to walk in His metaphorical footsteps. Day 1 consisted of walking from Jesus’ boyhood home, Nazareth, to where He performed His first miracle in Cana. Linford challenged us each day with something to think about or a phrase to finish. Day 1 was “The Kingdom of God is like…” Hannah Tissue came up with a wonderful analogy. It was along the lines of, “The Kingdom of God is like a well fit Chaco. If the straps are too tight — too legalistic, they will rub the wrong way and be really uncomfortable. If they are too loose, they are no longer good for protection and it is easy to lose your footing and fall.” Many could relate to this as blisters were beginning to form on our feet. She could easily relate to this as by the end of our time on the Jesus Trail, she had 26 blisters. After around 8 miles, we ended up in Cana and were welcomed into a lovely Arab home for the night.

We started off day 2 in Cana, and ended up around 6 miles later at a goat farm. Our meditation for the day was, “Behold!” We were to come up with our own “behold” phrase. This really encouraged us to pay attention to our surroundings — to the natural and unnatural sounds of the world. As the day went on, we talked less and less to each other. I couldn’t tell you if it was because we were starting to get tired, or if we were all thinking hard about our little assignment. We also had beautiful scenery to take in everywhere we walked that day. We walked through a forest, fields of beautiful wildflowers, and everything else in between.

Day 3. Around 13 miles. We walked a long time through fields of wheat. Whenever I think about the size of Israel, I think about it being roughly the size of New Jersey and how small it is for a country. Now I realize just how much land that means. We had a whole new perspective on the land today as we walked through seemingly endless fields of wheat. Somehow, the wheat turned into thistle, and many of us walked for a mile or two with our hands above our heads attempting to avoid the thistle and nettles. We also walked through fields of cows and climbed up the Horns of Hattim to get a wonderful panoramic of where we have been and where we have yet to go.

Today was nearly silent between everyone. Linford talked to us about Jesus’ ministry starting when He was around 30, giving him around 3 years to complete everything He came to earth to do. What would we do with 3 years to do whatever we wanted? I think this question really put life into perspective for a lot of us. We really don’t know how much time we have left on earth. We shouldn’t delay doing what we most want to do in life because we don’t know if we’ll have the time 10 years from now. I know it really encouraged me to live my life completely for Jesus. As I am realizing how hard it is to walk in His physical footsteps in the Holy Land, I’m realizing even more how difficult it is to follow in His Spiritual footsteps. It is definitely something to strive for! We arrived at the end of the day to a lovely little oasis which had a pool that many utilized. They refueled us with delicious food both for dinner and breakfast, setting us out on our final leg of the journey!

The Cliffs of Arbel Day 4. Cliffs of Arbel to Capernaum. Today was supposed to be the easiest of all our days, but it was far from it for most. While the terrain was more or less flat, it was hot and there was very little shade for us. We were supposed to think about the Beatitudes as we were hiking, and to come up with our own. “Blessed are the trailblazers.” “Blessed is the moleskin.” “Blessed are the trees that provide shade.” “Blessed are those who patiently wait for those who lag behind, for they shall have many friends.” “Blessed are the EMU students who hike the Jesus trail to Capernaum and leave Capernaum…walking on the Jesus Trail for the rest of their lives.” “Blessed are those who stay on the marked trail.” “Blessed are those who walk in Jesus’ physical footsteps while walking in Him.” We took a little detour from the Jesus Trail to hike up to the Mount of the Beatitudes and listened to Linford read the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer. We looked over the Sea of Galilee and saw towns that are now remnants of Rome’s Empire, Tiberias specifically, compared to the everlasting Kingdom of God. We ended up on the rocky shore of Capernaum learning more about Jesus calling His disciples. At the end of the talk, we had a little symbolic foot washing in the Sea of Galilee on Maundy Thursday. I would struggle to think of a more appropriate time or place for this to happen!
Overall, this experience was probably pretty high on our list of favorite things we’ve done as a group. We learned a lot about Christ and how He grew up, and we learned a lot about us, our faith, and our determination. We all finished this incredible journey together! This time brought us all closer to each other and taught us to be compassionate and understanding of each other’s struggles. It taught us what a team looks like. It turned us into a little family… Okay. A rather large family.

32 people. 40 miles. 4 days. Nearly 75 blisters. Smiles all around.

-Janelle Dean

Open your heart

Laura Beckler, Rachel Kennel, and Stephanie Rheinheimer at a talavera park March 25

Wow, it is hard to believe that we are now in our final weeks of cross-cultural.  As the excitement of returning home starts settling in, I remind myself that I need to continue to be present in the here and now so that I can continue to learn and be blessed by the experiences we continue to have here.  This past week was our first week here in Puebla Mexico, meaning new host families, a new school, and a new city to get accustomed to.  Our days consist of Spanish classes, two hour long conversation sessions, and free time spent in the Zocalo (the city square) or various other places throughout the city.  Here in Mexico, I live with Rachel and Laura in a house with an older woman, and I am constantly amazed at the hospitality we have received and continue to receive on this trip.

Of course, having the three of us in a house together leads to much mischief.  Between our goofy video making, laughter, and moments of confusion about who the random people are visiting our house, it is surprising we find time to do homework (just kidding!).  As our group reflected on our first week here in Mexico, we all found that we are amazed at just how far we have come in our Spanish speaking and comprehension abilities.  Unlike in Guatemala, I find that I can actually form a coherent response to my family’s and teacher’s questions that consist of more than just “si” or “¿que?”  This is not to say however, that embarrassing and funny Spanish mistakes cease to exist.  My second day in Spanish class I was asked if I had ever broken bones before.  The Spanish word for bone is “hueso” but in my answer I accidentally used the word “huevos,” therefore my answer was, “No, I have never broken ‘eggs’ before.”

To add to the craziness of our first week, we also experienced an earthquake our fourth day here, during which I was on the third floor of a museum with my conversation partner.  It is one thing experiencing panic in a language you can understand, but it is something else when everyone around you in speaking in rapid Spanish.  What an experience.  Needless to say, our first week has been packed full of new people, places and experiences.  Our group appreciates your continued thoughts and prayers and we will see you in three weeks!

-Stephanie Rheinheimer

Greetings from Puebla, Mexico’s Fourth Largest City!

A week and a half ago, we met our host families at the bus station. Michael Allen and I live with our host mom, Bertha, who makes sure that we are well fed and cared for each day. Over the past week, we have shared meals together, and accustomed ourselves to a different, yet similar culture, to Guatemala. I appreciate the hospitality that transcends these places. For example, last night, Bertha gave Michael and I Puebla key chains to remember our time here. The gift touched me because we are guests in her home, and we should be expressing our gratitude to her with gifts and words of thanks.

This past Sunday, the pope came to Mexico as many of you may be aware. The Pope’s visit to Guanajuato impacted Puebla in a major way. Friday, when Pope Benedict XVI arrived, church bells throughout Puebla announced his presence. Then, when the Pope conducted Mass on Sunday, I heard Puebla’s main square, the Zocalo, was bustling as people observed Mass from big screens. Bertha does not like places with lots of people, and I wanted to watch the service with someone that I know from Puebla. Bertha and I watched the Mass from the comfort of our home.

The theme of the service was “Abre tu corazon”, translating to “Open your heart”. This theme struck me for the Lenten-Easter season as well as for our cross-cultural. First, I remind myself to open my heart to the work that Christ is doing amongst us, in Puebla, in our cross-cultural group, and back in Harrisonburg, at EMU. Throughout this trip, Don challenges us to pinpoint where we have seen God each week. This practice has been illuminating, as I have seen God particularly in the relationships built between my host families and I. Second, “Open your heart” primes my cross-cultural eyes. Even though we have less than a month left, and focusing on home is easy, I tell myself to open my heart to where I am. I want to absorb and learn about a new culture, a people I have not known, and a new way of being.

Lastly, if everything goes according to plan, our cross-cultural group will travel to Mexico City for Holy Week, and I am eager to experience these celebrations. I want to learn how the Mexican culture celebrates Christ’s return in comparison to how the US does, absorbing aspects that I have not seen emphasized previously.

In the time before we return, I hope everyone is well.

-Nels Åkerson

The God We Can’t Predict

March 3, 2012

Discovering the unexpectedness of God seems to be a theme these days. We talked in class this morning about God’s “sealing of the covenant” with Abraham. Back in the day, there were little kings and big kings. The little kings would make pacts with the big kings to be loyal to them. To seal their agreement, the little king would split animals in half and line them up across from each other, and then proceed to walk through the middle of them. It was basically saying, “Let this [being cut in half] happen to me if I should break this promise.” Now for the best part: after making his covenant with Abraham, God puts Abraham in a vision where this ritual is repeated – but here’s the kicker. God is the one walking through the middle. He’s the one putting himself in the position of promise maker. He’s saying, “If I break this covenant with you, then I’m the one who’s going to pay for it.”

Seriously? God is saying that? But I thought that was the little guy’s job? My gosh. So you’re telling me that God is the one putting Himself in the little guy’s position? But God wouldn’t do that…or would He? Maybe that’s the awesome love of God being showcased to humans early in their history. Maybe that’s kind of what Jesus is all about. Maybe that’s what we’re supposed to be all about: turning the expectations of the world and its people on their heads and spinning them into something completely and utterly different. But the difference here isn’t the kind that terrifies you. It might scare you a bit, but only because it’s so unlike your expectations. It’s like a hand moving through the air that you expect to slap you, and instead you find it resting on your cheek in a gesture of love.

God does a bunch of crazy things all throughout the Old Testament. I suppose I have always naively assumed that the person of Jesus was the first time that God really “broke the mold” on Himself. But here He is, always breaking the mold, always breaking expectations. Jesus was simply the culmination of all that. He was the crowning jewel on the crown of peculiarity that God has been crafting since before human history began. The best part is, God continues to be unexpected. He’s always surprising us, if only we watch for it, if only we’re open to Him doing strange things in even stranger ways. Jesus – God – is Living Water. He moves and breathes and has a liquid presence. He still takes some of the convictions that we are convinced are a certain way and turns them into something completely different. But He’s not unstable. There’s a big difference between unpredictable and unstable.

So these are the things that I’m chewing on; these are the things I’m ruminating: God in his goodness, so huge and so unpredictable – it can be such a nuisance when we can’t map His next move, when we can’t see where He’s taking us. It can be something that produces genuine anger. But Aaron and I were talking tonight, and I said something that sort of clicked in me. I said, “I wouldn’t want a God I could predict. I wouldn’t want to know everything He was going to do. He wouldn’t be God if I could understand everything about Him.”

A prayer:

To you, oh Mysterious Creator God, I commit this day. Just when I think I have you and your world figured out, you turn around and surprise me. And in the midst of that surprise, I thank you for your stability. Amen.

– Bridgett Brunea


March 31, 2012

This past week has been full of experiences I did not necessarily think that much about at the time they were occurring. When reflecting though I came to the realization that I have learned so very much. I had already heard many really strong opinions about the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict from the Palestinian side. While here at the Kibbutz in the Galilee, ORANIM College and even in our contact with Jewish persons the week before at Ecce Homo lectures in Jerusalem I have seen a completely different side.  I now see that the Holocaust does have an effect on why things are how they are in Israel. It created a collective memory of the past, a fear of being in a position of inferiority again and a stubbornness that comes out in stating what they think no matter if it offends as well as their argumentative nature. The Israelis have fear of the rockets being launched into their land and being “pushed into the sea” just as the Palestinians often have fears of occupation, confiscation and border crossings. Both of their fears are legitimate and deserve respect. Each side has wonderful and normal people who are just trying to live their everyday lives.

This land is not filled with only the radical groups from both sides that I had previously heard of. There are people living here on this land; all humans with needs, fears and hopes.  Israelis and Palestinians alike have good claims to the same land and often both want peace with the other side.  I asked myself what I could do with this as an outsider and found that for me I cannot just chose a side. There is so much more to consider. I cannot ask whose humanity means more to me because I have lived with them both and they are equally human in my sight. One side is not more worthy than the other to live on this land.

I was asked recently in a group event to pick a picture off a table that represented Israel the most to me. I picked one that had a tall, thin pile of rocks stacked on top of each other with Israeli flags sticking out of it and a road going behind it in the distance. This land of Israel is what other people consider to be their rock and they are represented by the flags sticking out of the rock structure that is Israel. Right now I feel like I am on the road behind it passing it by because Israel is not my rock and never will be. It has ancient Biblical sites and stories embedded in this place that I can learn from and try to understand more clearly, but the actual soil and land do not mean much to me as an outsider. My rock is God alone on whom I stand.

As such, I view Israel-Palestine as a place full of beautiful people who all have their hopes and dreams for peace in this land. I believe they can share this hope in some way in the future. So to me Israel is not a land of soil but a land of unique people who all deserve love and respect. As a child of God I can show them love and respect, but can also listen and point to the peace and justice of God, who I believe alone can help them to find peace with each other. I do not feel that actions from me as an outsider will do much good. God, my rock, has helped me understand more about this conflict where love is needed and the hope of the generations can still be born anew.

-Ariel Kiser


From Guatemala to Mexico

March 4

Our time here in Guatemala is almost over. And I honestly am struggling to believe it. It seems as though just yesterday I was nervously anticipating meeting my family, struggling to understand anything anyone said to me, and marveling at the different new world I had found myself a part of. The past 7 weeks have absolutely flown by as we´ve experienced the first part of this incredible cross-cultural experience.

Now we are all preparing for a week of free travel, followed by a month in Puebla, Mexico. With this comes a mixture of both excitement and sadness. We get to travel to another country, learn a new culture, and see even more incredible sites! But at the same time, we are leaving behind so many friends and memories. My host family, with whom I have smiled, laughed, and shared daily life. The CASAS staff, from whom I have learned so much about Guatemala´s beautiful culture and tragic history. My Spanish teacher, from whom I have not only learned grammar, but also how to take life with laughter, even when the challenges one faces seem insurmountable. These are all people who have come to be a part of my life and have taught me so much about myself. Thus the prospect of leaving them behind is difficult to process.

I find myself wondering how Puebla can remotely live up to all the amazing things we saw and learned in the past 7 weeks. But yet the excitement of the unknown leaves me hopeful that we can continue growing and learning and being changed by the new cultures we find ourselves in.

-Taylor Wenger


Reflections on Guatemala

7 March 2012

Summing up eight weeks in Guatemala, learning at CASAS, and investment in the weekend trips, to name a few things from these past eight weeks, is hard. I will try my best to paint a picture that wraps up our time in Guatemala.

This past week has brought together loose ends. My host family continued to surprise me with their generosity and welcoming hospitality. Sunday, my host family, my host dad, mom, two brothers, and my cousin, sat down for lunch. My host mom quickly mentioned after the prayer concluded that this Sunday lunch was special because it was my last Sunday lunch with them. My host parents ordered Pollo Campero. I had not tried this Guatemaltecan fast food during my stay here, and according to my host mom, who said jokingly, I now have visited Guatemala because I ate Pollo Campero. Everyone relished the special meal.

As a parting thank-you and fun activity together, my host mom and I made a granola recipe from Virginia. We set out the ingredients as my host mom asked quantities and wrote down the recipe. When mixing the ingredients together, I stirred some, and then asked if my host mom wanted a turn. She eagerly replied yes. The next morning, we shared a breakfast of granola with milk and plantains. This taste of home was strange, yet comforting. Yet, the enthusiasm my host mom had when learning a piece of my home struck me.

Lastly, the conversation my host mom and I had yesterday afternoon is one worth recounting. We exchanged pleasantries when I returned home, and we talked in the kitchen as she prepared dinner. Her work was the subject. With sincerity, she told me she does not like what she does, which includes preparing meals, cleaning, and mostly, staying at home.  She continues, though, because she wants to see her two sons through college. Her parents did not give her this same support, and she dropped out of college because of it. From her sacrifice, I discovered how important community is because without a surrounding community, one will not make it as far. A community, a family or a group of friends, benefits everyone involved.

From these three stories occurring within the last week, I will take how to celebrate well, an approach to life, and that my education matters. First, my host family ordered the best, Pollo Campero. I want to return with this same attitude of serving the best for each occasion. Second, my host mom eagerly scribbled the recipe and incorporated a piece of my culture into her life. Her step to learn about my culture was like a hug from home. I want to remember that making small gestures to learn about another’s culture goes a long way to bridging divides and building relationships, particularly as our group travels on free travel and into Mexico. Lastly, I cherish my host mom’s sacrifice for her children. Not everyone has the opportunity to attend college, let alone travel to Guatemala & Mexico for fifteen weeks. During this trip, I have crumbled stereotypes, built relationships, and discovered another culture. I want to make the most of this opportunity that all EMU students have, savoring each millisecond.

– Nels Åkerson

Los Ocho Taquitos on free travel in Puerto Barrios We called ourselves “Los Ochos Taquitos” (Eight Little Tacos). We traveled many hours and saw many sights. We were eight U.S.  Americans, on our own, embarking on an adventure of a lifetime.

Our free travel adventure began on Thursday morning at 5:00am. Our group of eight traveled by two separate taxis to the Litegua bus station of Guatemala City.  Our trip started out a little bumpy when one of the taxis didn’t show up on time to the bus station. Four out of the eight persons waited for 45 minutes without hearing a response from the other group. Luckily, about 1 hour later than planned, the rest of the four showed up and we loaded onto the bus. The bus was headed for Puerto Barrios, a small port town located on the eastern coast of Guatemala. The planned bus ride of 5 hours slowly turned into a 9 hour bus ride through traffic. We spent our time on the bus watching two Jackie Chan films and Puss n’ Boots. After a long bus ride, we finally arrived in Puerto Barrios.

Two days were spent relaxing in and getting to know the small town of Puerto Barrios. On Sunday, our group left by ferry to Punta Gorda, Belize. It was the ferry ride of a lifetime with our ferry master, Walter. We all got soaked with sea water and our skin was crusted with salt. Although uncomfortable, it was an amazing experience that I will never forget. We arrived in Punta Gorda after an hour and a half. Once in Punta Gorda we caught a bus to Placencia. We arrived in Placencia as it was starting to get dark. We still had to find a hotel, so we made reservations at the first place we saw, located about 3 miles outside of town. A hotel named SEAKUNGA.  We spent a night in this hotel which was located on the beach. Our plans changed due to the less than desirable conditions and we decided to stay closer to town. The next day we made new reservations at a nicer beach front hotel. We spent four days in Belize and had a wonderful time relaxing, playing spades, meeting new people, and eating traditional Garifuna food.

After Belize we traveled back by ferry, with Walter the ferry master, to a port town in Guatemala named Livingston. Livingston is a very small town located on the mouth of Rio Dulce (Sweet River).  In Livingston, we took a wonderful river tour. On the tour we saw an island of birds, mangroves, and a castle. We also swam in a natural hot spring. We spent some time at an indigenous school and women’s co-op.

We traveled back to Guatemala City and met up with the rest of the group. It was wonderful to hear funny and scary stories about the other trips. We ended the free travel week by setting off fireworks outside of CASAS. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget. I am so glad to have gotten the chance to spend a week with 7 wonderful people who made the trip interesting and fun.

-Emily Wise


Let the good times roll

Our theme for the week was “just roll with it” and at times that was all we could do.  My group consisted of 6 other people besides myself and we were headed for the beautiful beach of Tela, Honduras.  The day before we left for free travel, the internet at the school didn’t work, so we could not look up the final directions we needed to get to our hotel from the bus station.  All I knew was we needed to walk east once we got off the bus.  Needless to say, God was watching over us and we got to our hotel safely and everything worked out!  We spent most of the mornings soaking up the sun and relaxing on the beach.  The water was perfect and the temperatures were very hot!  The afternoons usually consisted of exploring the small town of Tela or hanging out in the hotel.

We took one excursion in kayaks through mangroves to see wildlife, but unfortunately the kids who came with us were too noisy and scared everything away.  We also got to experience the Garifuna culture as we spent a few hours in the village after our kayaking trip.  This was an interesting experience because we saw the traditional dancing of the natives and ate at an authentic restaurant.

Every evening we would make our own dinners because we had a hotel room with a kitchen.  The last full day the five girls went out to the beach in the morning and Alex and John stayed back at the hotel to prepare lunch.  Our expectations for lunch were not high but when we returned four hours later we were delighted to see chicken fajitas on the table and the smell of heaven surrounding us!  What a great way to end the week!  Our bus ride home was another interesting story because we didn’t have a plan once we got back to Guatemala City but when we arrived and walked into the terminal one of the staff members from our school was there to pick someone else up from the same bus and he offered to take us too. Yet again we all felt God’s presence and we know that he was watching over us and protecting us throughout this trip.

-Laura Beckler

On March 17th, our free travel groups made their way back to CASAS in Guatemala City. My group got back around 10 p.m. and celebrated our last moments of free travel with a bang… literally. We set off some firecrackers outside of CASAS since we had some leftover from celebrating Steph’s birthday during free travel. It was difficult coming back to CASAS after a week of free travel, but it was nice to have a free day there for packing and doing our laundry. We met with Don to prepare ourselves for heading to Mexico the next day and also to find out the news we had all been anxiously waiting for: who we would be living with in Mexico. We also had group bonding while watching Bridesmaids.

Bullfighting ring in Tlaxcala The next morning we woke up at the lovely hour of 4 a.m. to head for the airport. We only had one minor problem in the airport when they couldn’t find our reservations, but fortunately it was all figured out and we made it to San Salvador and then to Mexico safely and without any more problems. After leaving the airport, we took a bus to meet our families. I was kind of nervous, but it all went well and Emily Hedrick and I were the first to be called to meet our family. We went to their house where we will be living, and spent that weekend adjusting to life in Puebla, Mexico. It’s been an interesting transition from Guatemala City to Puebla, since there are many differences, like being able to walk around at night and having one-on-one, two-hour walking conversations (all in Spanish) with “guias” (guides) every day.

While some parts of the transitions have been hard, so far I have enjoyed being in Puebla, since it has a lot of history and fun things to do like going horseback riding and to a VIP movie where you get to sit in a recliner and people bring you food. Although I miss CASAS, I think the institute we are at now will really help me with my Spanish, and I am looking forward to all the Wednesday excursions we will make to places like Cholula and Tlaxcala and Holy Week, which we will spend in Mexico City. In a short five weeks we will be back in the US, but during our time here I hope we will have great experiences and learn a lot.

-Sarah Parson


Hannah Tissue, Anna Hershey, Michelle Miller, Taylor Swantz, and Linnea Slabaugh pose with a great view Beauty. If I had one word to describe my time here so far, I would have to choose that one. The energy of the Egyptians, the hospitality of the Bedouins in Jordan, the honor and passion I saw in every Palestinian, and the diverse landscapes of Israel all fall into this one-word description. All of this has been beauty in my eyes; the question is, how do I capture it?

Pictures? Maybe.
Videos? Closer.

My camera can only go so far. I have realized that the lens that I see is different from what everyone else is taking in, and what we take from it will make one big collage of all of our experiences. I wish I could just bottle them all up for a forever keepsake, but I can’t.

I have come to accept that taking in every single moment is impossible. Being able to account for every mountain top I saw or to recite every Arabic word I learned is not going to happen.

This past week was a week of independent travel. During this time I had a lot of time to reflect on my trip so far and to really soak in my experiences. I quickly realized that I don’t want to sit back quite yet, for this journey is not over. I came to the conclusion that I want to wholeheartedly relish every moment, even if it means getting soaked to the bone or climbing 7,000 feet to get there. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will be gone in the blink of an eye, and I want my eyes to be wide open during all of it.

-Michelle Miller

Becoming part of the family

As we approach the end of our time in Guatemala, I have been thinking about my many memories here. Many of these are memories are from the time I’ve spent with my host family. From the first weekend, as they had to listen to me try to speak broken Spanish, to the time when I actually figured out how to say a joke in Spanish and we laughed a lot. Here are some other memories and common occurrences in my house:

  • Laughing with my family while I try and say tongue-twisters in Spanish.
  • Singing with my sister to the radio as loud as we can, whether we know the words or not.
  • Yawning with my mom while my brothers and dad talk for a long time during Sunday dinner.
  • Yelling at the dogs that always run in front of our car.
  • Eating chicken from the Guatemalan restaurant Pollo Campero.
  • Exchanging confused looks with my siblings because I accidentally said something in English without realizing it.
  • Watching movies, Spanish soap operas and always lots of soccer.
  • Smiling when my mother introduces me to their relatives as her daughter.
  • Praying in a small group in church in English and being prayed for in Spanish.

I think the last experience I am going to have will be crying when I have to leave them. However, I am so grateful for this family, my second family, in this little corner of the world. Becoming a part of this family is one of the many things God has blessed me with on this trip. I will always be thankful that they were willing to look past my inability to speak Spanish and love me as one of the family.

-Jessica Goertzen


This past week went by really quickly.  As I talked to the rest of the group, they shared the same feeling.  The first couple days of the week, we were in the Department of Alta Vera Paz.   We visited Coban (the capital of this department) and San Pedro Carcha. I would like to add some of my thoughts about the weekend, since we stayed there until Tuesday.

The trip to Coban and Carcha has been my favorite weekend trip so far.  One of the reasons I enjoyed this trip so much was because I was able to make “Mennonite Connections.”  My mom (in the U.S.) was a MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) missionary in Carcha for 10 years.  She worked as a nurse/health educator from 1975 to 1985.  Because of this, I was able to meet many people who knew my mom.  I was able to see the place where she lived, some areas where she worked, as well as a health book that she wrote in the indigenous language, K’ekchi.   Being able to experience and see some of the history of my mom’s life was wonderful.  I also enjoyed attempting to learn some K’ekchi, and relating to the students at Bezaleel, the school where we stayed.

We arrived back in Guatemala City on Tuesday afternoon and we were all feeling tired from the long weekend trip.  When I went home with my host mom, she informed me that we were going to my sister-in-law’s birthday party later that night.  This was enjoyable, but I was glad to have a two hour siesta before the Taylor Wenger, Heather Tieszen, Kelsey Zook, Alex Wynn, Sarah Parson, John Gullman, and Laura Beckler display their purchases from the coffee finca fiesta. We then had two and half days of classes before we headed to Santiago Atitlan.  Those class days flew by, and we were excited for another weekend trip.  We left Friday morning, and got back Sunday afternoon.  We had opportunities to browse the market, learn about a cooperative, ANADESA, and relax with the group.  I especially enjoyed the boat ride to Panajachel.  It was about a 30-minute ride on Lago Atitlan, and then we had time to shop in the market and eat lunch.  Something I have noticed in our weekend trips is the community dynamic our group has.  It is easy to have fun with our group, and it’s also easy to have time of reflections and discussion.  Even though these things do come easily a lot of the time, I really appreciate both the fun times and the reflective, more serious times.  I praise God for each person in our group, and am glad we can all experience this Cross-cultural together!

-John Gullman



Linford Stutzman with the American-Israeli settler who spoke with the group about land issues from his point of view February 15, 2012

It’s easy to say “tear down the walls!” It’s easy to say “we need peace!” It’s easy to say these things, but do people actually believe them? Do people want them for the correct reasons?

It’s really hard to listen to this man who doesn’t believe in the Palestinians. He isn’t the worst, he isn’t the most brainwashed, but when I live with the Palestinians and hear their stories I just cannot feel right about his words, his claims. He is not an inherently bad man and at least he doesn’t seem vindictive against the Palestinians. He is just for the Jewish people and Israel. It’s like…I can’t quite describe it… Oh I don’t know.

But I have a good feeling he is willing to do ANYTHING for the cause of Israel. And I’m glad to hear him saying that he is willing to live alongside the Palestinians, and I am glad to hear him saying he doesn’t always agree with the Israeli government or their military. But what does that really mean?

The Native Americans didn’t have any “official” claims to the land our families occupied except living there for as long as they can remember. Swimming in the James River. Hunting bison on the plains. Living in peace with nature in the West. Yes, our families hurt thousands, took their land, and left them with a paperclip and rubber band. But that wasn’t [us]. You cannot blame the people who are living now even if it is the face of past persecution.

We must learn from our mistakes instead of just blame each other for generations. We must break this cycle of colonization instead of being complacent within our roles of persecuted and persecutor. This is not much to ask for, but people are unwilling to open their eyes beyond what is in front of them, beyond their daily comfortable life.

We always need someone to blame. Someone to persecute for a scapegoat to get what we want. What would happen when the world becomes listeners instead of shouters?

I say when because I have hope. The world is not inherently bad because that’s calling the one who created us inherently bad. How we view the creation is how we treat the Creator. We don’t know how to see. We don’t know how to listen. We don’t know how to learn.

This may be the musings of a naïve twenty year old woman, but I am not incompetent. I am not uneducated. I have seen a lot during this month abroad. Not everything, but so much shoved into my head, through my eyes that I must know something. I must have some ideas. Something to offer.

I have a hope. A hope for this world. A hope for this society. It may be confusing, upsetting, destructive, crazy, chaotic, but I hope for this Earth. A hope for the humanity of this people. It’s there – it’s there in homeless shelters. It’s there in liberty in North Korea. It’s there in the Jesuit center in Jordan. We just need to open our eyes, or just need to get up off our faces and walk without bumping into our neighbor beside us. Without pushing our neighbor off this tightrope called life.

I really don’t have an answer, and I really do not think anyone does. We live our lives and in these lives we choose to be ignorant or too much in the way of positive production. When we see these injustices done to others, we want to help any way possible, but we do not have any clue how to do so. We have never experienced them ourselves. All we have is the motivation to help, but no knowledge on how to positively or effectively help.

And then we look at the perpetrator and cannot fathom or even begin to relate to that person. We don’t see anything more than a monstrous creature that holds a gun to its chest.

When I think about it…I think our goal as outsiders is to listen. To listen to the oppressed and the oppressors. They are both human and both subject to the same sins and justices we are subject to. It’s hard to do that when all you see are the injustices done to a people who have little effect when resisting the oppressors, who are subject to daily pain and suffering. But one thing we can do is that we have the opportunity to come to the other side not as the oppressed, but as listeners. As observers. As humans A group of students, headed by Andrew Hostetter, cross an ancient aqueduct built by Herod the Great connecting with each other despite difference of opinion.

We need to start spreading hope. Hope to everyone – to the oppressed and the oppressors, who are both deserving of God’s love.

So how are you going to help?

– Morgan Porter


February 25, 2012

After living and building friendships in Palestine for three and a half weeks, it was weird to tell them that I was leaving to go to a place that they can’t travel to.  We may have only driven 15 minutes to get from Beit Sahour to Jerusalem but the landscape and the feeling has changed drastically.  One of the most notable changes is the water issue.  In Beit Sahour and Palestine, people had to be so conservative with their water use and now I walk down the street and see hoses laid under planks to help water plants and grass and it seems like water is in abundance, but a couple of miles away it is scarce.

During the past three and a half weeks, we heard several emotional lectures and visited places affected by occupation every day.  We have gone to places like a refugee camp and a Palestinian farm that is continually faced with demolition threats from the Israeli army.  Sometimes it is hard to listen to emotional stories because of the human rights violations that occurred.  One day we visited a place called Tent of Nations, which is a farm owned by a Palestinian, that grows grapes, Laura Bowman, Hannah Tissue, and Mike Ferguson posing near a newly planted olive tree at the Tent of Nations almond trees and olive trees.  The olive trees are seen as a sign of hope for the Palestinians because they don’t produce olives for seven to ten years, so when you plant it you have to hope that you will see the end product.  A couple of days after we visited it, we found out that the Israeli army issued a warning towards them, saying that they would demolish some of the property unless action was to be taken in court in the next 45 days.  This is frustrating because they have already gone to court several times to prove that the land is legally theirs.

One of the most difficult days was the day we visited Ephrat, a Jewish settlement.  This was the second settler we heard talk about occupation from their perspective.  It was difficult because we tried to ask him objective questions but he would usually respond with an example about America.  One highlight I will take out of Palestine was our second to last day in Beit Sahour.  After our afternoon session, a group of us went to play soccer at a local school.  Some kids saw us with a ball and asked if they could join us.  We started off by playing against the kids as a group but after they started to double us in size, we decided to split up teams and we ended by playing for two hours.  It was so neat to lose all language and situational barriers and just interact with the kids.  It was sad to have to say goodbye to a community that we had been so connected to, but I look forward to sharing all of my experiences there.

-Mike Ferguson


Coban and the K’ekchi

Alyssa McGinnes and John Gullman There are many things I have experienced here in Guatemala that I’ll remember for a long time: picking limes off the tree in my backyard, hearing gunshots at night, learning how to salsa dance, the smell of platanos frying in the kitchen, and the satisfaction after understanding a whole conversation in Spanish. But perhaps one of the experiences I’m going to remember the most is the time we got to spend in Coban  and the K’ekchi town of San Pedro Carcha these past three days.

When arriving after a five hour bus ride from Guatemala City, we quickly realized we were in a very different culture. Women in traditional Mayan dress, one room houses with tin roofs, tortilla stands, stray dogs, and the occasional pig could be seen down every street. The quiet, conservative, and respectful culture was also much different than the loud and affectionate culture we have become accustomed to in the city. The language spoken by most people was K’ekchi, one of the 22 Mayan languages spoken in Guatemala, although most people spoke Spanish as their second language. We learned the word “bontiush”, which means “thank you” in K’ekchi, and used it over and over as we received lots of generosity.

During our time in Coban, we stayed at the Bezaleel Q’eqchi’ Mennonite School, which is a boarding school for students ages 12-22. At the Bezaleel school, EMU students played against the boys in a Sunday afternoon soccer game Our time at the school was spent playing soccer, squeezing 25 people into a 15 passenger van, taking cold showers, eating lots of beans and tortillas, singing, and spending time with the students. We also attended a K’ekchi Mennonite church service, ate a meal with Mayan families, did some painting for the school, visited a coffee plantation, and met with two long term missionaries working in Coban.

Although this has been by far the most primitive living situation we’ve had, it was a blessing to experience another culture that exists here in Guatemala. We were welcomed by strangers into a lifestyle totally new to each of us and got to experience a little taste of their daily lives. We’ll carry these interactions and memories with us as we each are challenged to reshape our own worldviews.

– Louise Babikow


Getting back into the groove of speaking Spanish again was a little challenging for many of us at the beginning of this week, but the relaxation that took place in Tikal was much needed. Just three short days of speaking English and lake swimming and our brains were mush (not to be confused with mosh, a Guatemalan oatmeal drink that is served for breakfast), but our spirits were renewed. There was also quite a difference in temperature between Tikal, which is just above sea level, and the capital city, which is well above sea level.

The theme for our outings and lectures has seemed to revolve around human rights this week; a passionate topic for any human being from the beginning of time, and most especially in places where the inequalities are extreme. A lady came to speak to our group about human rights in Guatemala and we visited a forensic anthropologist. Many of the people in Guatemala have roots that run very deep in a sea of pain from the 46 year-long civil war that ended in 1996 with the signing of peace treaties. The war was caused by inequalities, yet most Guatemalans feel that the human rights that have been enacted today protect mostly the ones who have inflicted pain on another as opposed to assisting the one who is in pain. While it is most natural for us, as humans, to have the most empathy for the victim of a human rights violation, we do sometimes appear to overlook the fact that in God’s eyes we are all equal, and that He forgives even the most grievous of sins; therefore so should we. This reminds me of a scripture from the book of John, “…He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…” (John 8:7).

For the weekend, we traveled about 5 hours by bus to Coban, in the state of Alta Verapaz. We stayed at and served a Q’eqchi’ (pronounced key-che) Mennonite school for middle school and high school age children. This school is located in the heart of many beautiful mountains where calla lilies and bananas grow by the side of the road, and they eat the traditional beans and tortillas with every meal. The people speak their indigenous language, some learn Spanish, and a very few learn English.

Wildflowers On Sunday morning we attended a Mennonite service at a church in one of the small cities nearby Coban. We arrived at the church to find beautiful flowers decorating the altar, curious children staring with bright eyes, and a segregated congregation; men on one side and women and children on the other. They greeted us warmly and requested that we sing a few songs, and we gladly accepted the invitation. Later, we were split into groups to have lunch at local family homes, which we traveled to by foot, where we ate soup with rice and, por supuesto (of course!), tortillas.

You all are in our thoughts and prayers! Love. Love. Love.

-Julie Huffer

Making memories and A sojourner’s prayer

One of my favorite parts about being on Cross-cultural in Guatemala is that I am able to stay with a host family. I absolutely love my host family. They have graciously opened their home to me and the parents even call me “mija” (their daughter) while my little host sister calls me her “hermanita” (even though I am technically the older sister). The weekends that I spend with them usually consist of playing with my host sister in the morning, watching soccer games in the afternoon  since my host dad plays on a team, and going to birthdays to meet the entire family and eat cake (so delicious).

This past weekend, I had the privilege of going to Antigua (one of Guatemala’s old capitals) with my family on Sunday, February 5. It was a special treat as Antigua is one of the sites that is a “must-see” while in Guatemala.  We went out to dinner, saw lots of beautiful churches, rode horses, and took lots of pictures. The horse thing was actually quite hilarious. My little host sister really wanted to ride a horse, but in order to ride one horse you had to pay for two horses because they are roped together. My host parents asked me to ride the second horse so I did. Okay, so I am taller than a lot of people here  – which is so strange since I’m used to being on the shorter end in the U.S. – so sitting on that big horse (although I think mine was more like a mule) I felt even more out of place than normal. Basically I had a good laugh the entire ride around the square. However, when we were about to arrive at the place where we had started, our horses walked too close to another horse connected to a carriage. That horse lunged at my sister’s horse in an effort to bite him, causing our horses to react by jumping and turning to the side. My heart about fell out of my chest. The other horse did not bite my sister’s horse and nobody got hurt, which made it more funny and exciting than scary. Luckily my host mom had not seen us or she probably would have flipped out too. My host dad made sure we were okay but then took a picture of us so we could remember our facial expressions after that wonderful moment. Ha, ha, ha.

While walking down the famous street of the arch, we saw some security guards on motorcycles. My host parents got really excited and told me that it meant that the president or vice president was there. One of the major events that has happened in Guatemala while we have been here has been the change of presidency.  The new president is Otto Perez Molina and his Vice President is Roxana Baldetti. The part about it that is most exciting is that Roxana Baldetti is the first woman vice president.  Sure enough, the Vice President was strolling down one of the sidewalks taking pictures and talking to the people that came up to greet her. My host mom smiled really big and grabbed both me and my little host sister to go and greet the new vice president. Not only did we greet her, but we also took a photo with her. That’s right; I got a picture with the first woman vice president of Guatemala. Now that is history in the making. This trip to Antigua is just one of the wonderful memories that I will cherish forever because of my wonderful host family.

-Kelsey Zook


Hola mis amigos y familia!

I hope that all is well at EMU and wherever you are as you read this. This Thursday will be 5 weeks that we have been living here in Guatemala! I realize that everyone says this in journal entries, therefore it sounds cliché, however it still never ceases to amaze me how time flies by. Our group continues to grow, learn and see more and more every day, constantly experiencing life in the busy city and attempting to learn the Spanish language.

I asked my host brother, sister, and mom in the car the other day whether they thought I had improved at all in my Spanish, and they responded with an enthusiastic yes. However, I then proceeded to tell them they that were all lying to me. Although I do believe I have gotten a lot better at Spanish, there are still days where I stare blankly at my family as they repeat a question to me about 4 times or more, and I still have no idea what I am supposed to be trying to understand. Patience, patience, patience. I don’t know how my family puts up with me sometimes.

The group poses in front of Jaguar Temple on the main plaza in Tikal A little bit more about what we did this past weekend here in Guatemala…We had the opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Tikal and took a short flight early on Friday morning. I must admit I was a little apprehensive about the flight when I walked into the airport “waiting area”, and it was literally the size of my living room at home. Then we proceeded to actually walk out onto the runway to enter the plane. Our group took up all but four of the seats on the plane, making for a cozy time together. Did I mention the part about not having to put any of our carry-on luggage through any kind of security check? It was definitely a different experience from the crowded, insane airports of the United States. However, after 45 minutes (and many prayers from Laura and me in the back of the plane) we arrived safely in Tikal and began our adventures.

The first thing we did was visit the pyramid and temple ruins of the Mayans. These grand and beautiful structures of history provided endless fun and culture as we climbed to high lookouts. We stood in awe of magnificent architecture and knew we would never see anything like this in the USA. The rest of our weekend was spent in complete relaxation and rest as we stayed in bungalows on the shore of Lake Peeten Itza. We were able to swim, kayak, chill in hammocks, and do whatever we pleased on Saturday and Sunday. It was a great time together, and having the opportunity to do NO school work was a perfect escape for us all.

After a restful weekend, we jumped back into our Spanish classes here at CASAS, and we have now all entered into the next level of our courses (somehow we all passed our exams…thank goodness). And so this is where I leave you all! Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers!

Love from the (tan and somewhat burnt) gringos!

-Rachel Kennel


God of the journey,

Of exciting new adventures,

Of tired feet covered in volcanic ash,

It seems like we’ve only just arrived, yet we have changed so much and traveled so far from home that our souls feel as if we’ve been here longer.

We are tired sojourners. We need your strength.

God of diversity,

Of cultures we are immersed in but don’t completely understand,

Of overwhelmed minds, constantly translating from one language to another

Our strangeness in this place is good, yet it is also a burden we carry

We are homesick foreigners. We need your love.

God of the unknown,

Of strange encounters that make us question what we thought we knew

Of eyes longing to connect with others, but afraid to do so,

Many of us have come closer to violence, poverty, and oppression than we have yet in our previous journeys.

We are exhausted with new awareness of our collective brokenness. We need your peace.

God of the journey, the diverse, the unknown,

You are also the God who is with us.

Every day you give us strength in the laughter, smiles, and embraces of the people traveling with us.

You give us love through the continuing patience and good humor of our teachers and our host families.

You give us peace in moments of beauty in this land and with the people who call it home.

God with us, we thank you that we do not journey alone.

-Emily Hedrick

Love and Fear in the shadow of the Wall

Mike Ferguson poses at the Wall

I have often observed cultures from the perspective of a foreigner, either as one or from the mind of one. My life has been characterized by movement, both permanent and temporary. My roots grow not from living in one land but through relationships and experiences. Being removed from homes I love brings sadness and fear, yet also a new energy and exhilaration to pursue novel unknowns. It is difficult for me to imagine fighting or dying for a patch of land. I am on a pursuit for answers, while still understanding the Palestinians’ desire for freedom.

One of the experiences that has impacted me the most so far is our group visit to the Wall. This zigzag Wall protrudes from the street in dark gray cement slabs littered with graffiti professing its injustice and prophesying its demise. It looks so opposite to its surroundings that few can miss the fact that the Wall wasn’t always present. It cuts the road in half and carves around the Palestinian buildings, choosing its path for the purpose of “securing” Israeli interests. I put my hand out to touch the Wall as I walked along it gazing up at the top nine meters above and searching the clouded windows of military towers for a sign of humanity within. I felt the lifeless cold and greed that brought this Wall into being. The hurt and claustrophobia emanated from this town’s eyesore making my heart cry, and wonder how this could have happened or been allowed. It is hard to comprehend what seems like hate, but the ultimate cause, I believe, is Fear. One of my teachers at EMU once said that the opposite of love is not hate but fear. The more I explore the world, the more this becomes true to me. Why would you fight for power if you did not fear losing control or insecurity or even pain?

In Hebron, settlements and Palestinian communities dwell side by side in the center of town, creating an unusual circumstance compared to other cities. Fear exists as a strong psychological barrier that feeds the physical features of the city. It is visible in the automatic guns carried by many settlers walking on a street that forbids Palestinian travel. It is demonstrated in the tension of Palestinians waiting to pass through checkpoints at the mercy of the soldiers’ good will not to harass them. Makeshift ladders and stairs dot the roofs of Palestinian homes beside a wall, as the onlyHebron method of access to the outside world with front doors blocked off. Soldiers patrol a cemetery above a military outpost for suspicious activity as legislation prepares plans for making it a road to ease travel between settlement homes. A settler we talked to avoids any sections of town where Palestinians live because it is considered by soldiers to be too dangerous. Wired mesh serves as protection against the shelling of undesirable missiles in the form of water, eggs, or rocks that settler hands drop on passersby in Palestinian alleys below.

I observe barriers constructed everywhere I go, from years of unresolved stalemate. I have seen so much injustice that I was beginning to become discouraged a few days ago. Two experiences I have spotted involving faith raise my Spirit. It is amazing to view how this situation has strengthened religious commonalities among the Palestinians. The Palestinian Christians also struggle against their denominational divisions but most reach out with “Loving Resistance” under the Kairos document. The next experience, the Tent of Nations, stands up against the suffocating settlements on the mountain tops encircling it. The man who owns the land works on cultivating the land in self-sufficient ways. He must constantly and creatively dodge the restrictions thrown in his path to retain his land. He is inspiring because he must find alternatives to procure water, electricity, and methods of construction for his dwellings that could survive demolition. Every day he lives in faith that he will keep his land. One lecturer told us earlier this week that with reasons surrounding you to break and pursue you, you (Palestinians) stay here by faith believing that God has put you here for a reason.

Our faith and actions of love I believe can demolish any barrier and bring hope to this land of discord. “And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13: 13).

-Crystal Lehman


The Thaw

Sounds dim to a lonely hum of an electric heater

Flashing, blinking lights quiet to a steady white light

Moving objects, moving minds come to a stop


I can feel the place I stand

Flashing, spinning memories ease into a bird chirping in a tree

Warmth tingles my numb fingers and toes

Slowly, ever slowly, the ice begins to soften and drip


The first three weeks of our time in the Middle East reminds me of early morning polar bear swims at camp. You run into the water full speed, flail around, screaming and laughing, then run out of the water and sit on the beach completely numb.

Now that we are in Palestine, in a home, we finally have time to sit and let the sun thaw our numbed souls. The thawing process aches a bit. We can feel the Palestinian hurt of the occupation, humiliation of inequality, and longing for their and our own homeland(s). But regaining feeling means we can also feel the joy of Palestine! The joy of celebrations with family, incredible food, meeting inspiring people working for peace, being able to order falafel in Arabic, or simply listening to a bird chirp in a lemon tree as the sun rises.

The Middle East is a place where pain and peace, sadness and joy, past and present, mourning and celebration all exist at once in an incredible balance that I hope to one day understand and embody.

-Laura Bowman