Guatemala: Introductions

Week 1 Reflections – January 19

Our group flew from Reagan National Airport to Houston International, then on to Guatemala City. We heard about the History and Culture of Guatemala from Isra Ortiz Escobar. We also had some time to explore the community around Semilla/CASAS. The group went to Casa Horeb to experience a Mennonite church in Guatemala. We met our host families. We started Spanish classes at Semilla. We took a tour of Zona 1 and learned about the history of the central plaza. The non-profit group Puerta de Esperanza told us about their mission of educating the children who live in the Terminal market. They gave us a tour of the Terminal market and met with families who live there. We also went to one of the richest parts of the city and saw the contrast between Cayala Mall and the Terminal Market.

One week in Guatemala and we have experienced so much. I will never forget how I felt in the car as my host parents took me home for the first time. Cars were buzzing all around us as motorcycles weaved through traffic. Not only am I in a different country, but I am with two complete strangers that I am going to live with for the next two months. Did I mention that we don’t speak the same language? It was the most bizarre feeling, excitement mixed with fear and confusion. I had so many questions but I struggled to know how to ask them. As the days went on, I continued to feel a lot. Even within a single day, I found myself feeling a whole range of emotions. Some moments I felt capable and like I was learning quickly. Other moments left me feeling frustrated and tired. Our guest speaker on Saturday emphasized the idea of a paradox, and how Guatemala has quite a few. This became evident as we embarked on our contrast tour.

As we walked through the Terminal Market, it felt very chaotic and cramped. Every corner was being used to sell something, and the place was buzzing with people. I noticed children running around and pungent smells. At one point a young girl, 6 or 7 years old, reached for me to pick her up. As I lifted her, I asked her what her name was. She said “Mica” and proceeded to wrap her arms and legs around me tightly. She pressed her cheek against mine. She began pointing out things in our environment such as objects and colors that she knew. We began to name things together and despite our vastly different lives, we were able to connect. She brought so much life and energy with her. She was clinging so tightly.

The next day we had a very different experience visiting Cayala Mall, which was only 6-8 kilometers away from the Terminal market. Compared to the Terminal market, Cayala felt cold and empty. There were really expensive stores around but hardly anyone was in them shopping. Pictures of Margot Robbie on Ads were scattered around the place. It contained stores such as American Eagle, North Face, and Garmin. It felt safe and there was security around. The buildings were modern and clean.  People walked around in fancy clothes and most of them had lighter skin. This was a whole different world than the one we saw at the Terminal market. Less than 10 kilometers apart were two totally different realities. People in the Terminal market would probably never even see Cayala Mall. Seeing these realities leaves us with so many questions. What can I do with what I’ve seen here? What is my role in all of this? What do these people think of us coming here? The feeling of Mica clinging to me will stay with me. I think I can learn a lot from her.

-Zoe Clymer


Casas, Semilla (Rose, Zoe, Claire, Payton)