Guatemala: Faith Expressions

Feb. 17, 2020

Thirty days here
Lots of new experiences
So many questions…
Crowded buses but
The sweetest people you’ll meet.
Greeted with hugs and kisses
Yet divided through language.
Hot weather makes a beautiful day
long walks to and from school.
New people in your life
means long lasting friendships.
Volcán de Pacaya. Antigua.
Cerró de la Cruz. Markets.
Just a few places that encompass
the vast beauty of Guatemala.
Culture shock gets everyone
Sadness of missing home.
But with God’s love and those
around us, we will get through.
Five weeks gone
Eleven more to go
What is coming next?
Time will only show…

Well this is week 5 of 16… Crazy how fast time is flying here in the City of Guatemala! This week we have transitioned into learning more about religious expressions. Sunday we visited a church called Casa de Dios. It seated 11,000 people. Wow. 11,000 people all with the same mindset, to worship God!!

This whole week we were blessed with speakers who took time out of their day to come share their knowledge with us. Monday we learned about Pentecostalism and Neopentecostalism. Tuesday we learned more about Anabaptist Mennonites in Central America. And lastly, Thursday we learned about Liberation Theology in relation to Catholicism. Thursday we also took our final exam for our current Spanish classes!

Now that it is Friday, we are all packing, getting our minds and hearts ready for our trip to the Community Cloud Forest, Flores, and Tikal. This week overall has been one filled with learning new things. I am excited to see what the rest of the trip entails for our group. Despite the hardships, experiences and questions, I remember that “with His love, He will calm all our fears.” -Zephaniah 3:17

-Jodi Jones


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