Spain/Morocco 2

Feels like I have none here…
Anger, confusion, rage
Appears so rapidly
In a split second
My mood can change
Children… they have no hearts
Or so it seems
What happened to the love?
The urge to learn?
To play? To be friends?
NO!!! Instead insults flare
With outstretched hands…All for one Durham…
For what?! Nothing…
All because America is wealthy
Everyone….if they only knew

STOP?!? ???
That would be asking too much
Life is a rush…
Ringing of horns
Lets us know it times to go
Constantly on the move…
Left, right, left right
We sway thru traffic
So many possible casualties
…Sit back and hold on
The only option
For life here is a rush
Stop signs have no value
Nothing but anger, confusion, rage
Lingers around each corner

I have so much to say
But no one understands me
Body language…my only hope
Frequent smiles help ease da tension
And they say ignore what
You don’t wanna hear
But how?!
When it’s directed to me?
Just me as if I were the only woman
So I wonder if hiding myself would help?
Is it the hair?
Am I too exposed?
I don’t know…
So I walk on as if my ears hear NO evil
Smile as if it doesn’t hurt
Look as if I don’t see the gestures
Act as if everything is okay
Yet the anger, confusion, rage…
Lingers around every corner…

My money…..seems to be in the same boat as I
No worth here…A ride… so hard to get
Why? Is my Durham not worthy of pay?
Every step I take closer to a taxi
More and more doors lock
Fingers sway to say NO!!!
But why?!
I did nothing to deserve this…
Or did I?
Is my presence in their space wrong?
Does my camera give the impression that
They’re not human?
I don’t know…
So…what do I do?
Who shall I ask
When no one understands me?
This is a crazy feeling…
But I like the challenge
Kinda enjoy the life I’m living
This experience wasn’t meant
For me to fit in…
I AM different
And I came to learn…
So no matter how hard
Each day is…
And even though
Anger, confusion and rage
Lingers around each corner…
I will continue this ONCE in
A lifetime journey till the end
And somehow enjoy
The little things
And be thankful for what I do have…
Take the good with the bad
And take it ALL in stride!!!


-Ebony Dennis