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Gloria Rhodes

POSITION: Professor of Conflict Studies

School of Social Sciences and Professions
CJP - Center for Justice & Peacebuilding

LOCATION: Main Campus, Harrisonburg | RLN 228

PHONE: (540) 432-4270

Gloria Rhodes is associate professor of peacebuilding and conflict studies at EMU. As a faculty member at the Center for Justice and Peacebuilding, she teaches conflict and peacebuilding theory, personal formation for peacebuilding practice, and conflict analysis. She also teaches courses in conflict transformation and peacebuilding for the undergraduate program and the Masters of Nursing program.  She has led semester and summer cross cultural programs in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Russia, South Korea and the Navajo Nation. She has served as Department Chair of EMU's Applied Social Science Department, Administrative Director of the Summer Peacebuilding Institute at EMU and as a program assistant for the National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution. She leads trainings in conflict assessment, conflict competency for leaders, practice skills, and the enneagram and conflict.  Her areas of expertise include peacebuilding curriculum development and pedagogy, conflict assessment and situation analysis, practice-related research, group facilitation and mediation, enneagram training, and cross cultural education. She holds a PhD in conflict analysis and resolution from George Mason University.


BA, Eastern Mennonite University (English Literature & Composition with Minor in Business Administration & Journalism)
MS, George Mason University (Conflict Analysis & Resolution)
PHD, George Mason University (Conflict Analysis & Resolution)

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